USA: Russia should not stop Israel from hitting Syria

In the United States, they expressed the hope that Russia would not impede Israeli bombing of Syrian territory, despite Moscow’s supply of Damascus to S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems.

US Special Representative for Syria James Jeffrey, justifying Israel’s actions against a neighboring country, said that it’s “vital” for the Jewish state to not allow Iran to deploy its long-range radius systems in Syria. By virtue of this, according to American logic, Russia should be “liberal” about the bombing of its ally in the Middle East.

During consultations with the Israeli side, Russia was liberal in the matter of Israeli attacks on Iranian positions in Syria. We certainly hope that this liberal approach will continue.

- said Jeffrey. His words quoted the news agency Reuters.

Israel is also trying to get permission from Russia to act with impunity against Syria. IDF spokesman Jonathan Konricus expressed hope that the situation with the Russian reconnaissance aircraft Il-20, due to which, in fact, Damascus was delivered S-300, will not happen again. In the incident with the death of IL-20, he, like other Israeli officials, blames Syria.

We see a sad situation in which Syrian forces fired and shot down an airplane. And we hope that the Syrians and no one else will learn from this and not repeat such mistakes.

- said Conricus, “delicately” silent about the fact that it was the fault of Israel, which attacked the territory of Syria, that a tragic incident occurred. Tel Aviv clearly does not want to learn from the situation and stop the “liberal” bombing. Moreover, in conditions when the overseas ally is ready to provide moral and diplomatic support and call for restraint anyone, if only not for the one who is bombing.
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  1. +1
    8 November 2018 14: 25
    While the States and Israel are afraid of Iranian bases in Syria, Russia is no less afraid of deploying NATO missile defense systems in Romania and Poland. And he also fears the US bio-laboratories at its borders. Could it be worth talking to representatives of the States about this?
    1. +1
      9 November 2018 12: 01
      They won't talk about it. You just have to bomb just the same under the same pretext as Israel is bombing Syria. With the facilities of the United States in Romania, of course, it is difficult, but the "Georgian" laboratory is very possible, and then also ask the Americans to treat this "liberally" ... I wonder what they say about such liberalism?
  2. 0
    1 December 2018 23: 45
    Yes, you are even bigger than being drawn in Hollywood - the clinic however, does the air influence something like that or fast food or all at once, but what is indistinguishable for sure ?!