Lavrov: We are ready for war

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made an important statement yesterday regarding the security of our country. The United States Nuclear Weapons Program is a matter of serious concern to the Russian Federation.

A quarter of a century after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the situation with the American threat passed the Rubicon: the country was surrounded by NATO and American bases from all sides, the American military-industrial complex non-stop stamping the latest weapons, and the U.S. army has the largest military budget in the world.

What are the most serious challenges to our state from the machinations of the American imperialists? The greatest danger, of course, comes from the possibility of using nuclear weapons by the strength of their impact and the long-term consequences of use.

Sergei Lavrov laments that real nuclear disarmament is hindered by the preservation of American tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. According to the minister, the practice of so-called “joint nuclear missions” destabilizes the security situation on the continent. In fact, non-nuclear NATO members are involved in planning the use of US non-strategic nuclear weapons against a potential adversary and receive appropriate training, which is a gross violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (Nuclear Weapons). The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs concludes:

It should be clear to everyone that in doing so, the US military is preparing the armed forces of Europe for the use of tactical nuclear weapons against Russia

This report draws attention to the fact that in the event of a theoretical nuclear conflict, the United States is obviously going to cynically stand behind the backs of European women and children.

The second danger comes from American biological weapons. While deadly experiments can take place in closed laboratories of the US military, at the interstate level, the United States legally blocks the development of a mechanism for practical monitoring of the implementation of the biological weapons convention. Bypassing international mechanisms, the United States is creating a biosafety framework in countries that are not subject to a convention controlled by Americans alone.

A third mortal danger comes from the plans of the United States to militarize near-Earth space and the moon. Not only Russia, but also China and many other countries who want to prevent a space arms race are opposed to turning a peaceful sky into a source of the American threat.

After the collapse of the USSR, young Russia tried to build friendly relations with yesterday’s adversary on its ruins. The military bases in Cuba and Vietnam were unilaterally closed, Moscow for a long time turned a blind eye to the expansion of NATO to the East, to our borders. As a gesture of goodwill, it was allowed to use the Ulyanovsk airfield for NATO transit from Afghanistan. Minister Lavrov himself notes that the available nuclear ammunition is stored at central bases on the territory of the Russian Federation, which does not currently have deployed tactical nuclear weapons and does not work out the possibility of its practical use. Sergey Lavrov draws a disappointing conclusion:

The availability of US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe ready for use is not just a vestige of the Cold War, but a clearly aggressive stance

The bottom line is that after a quarter of a century it’s time to get rid of the illusions about the possibility of “friendship” with the United States of America. The USA sees in us only a potential adversary and encircles our country in all directions.
It is necessary to draw the right conclusions and make the right decisions. It's time to start building a powerful industry and a self-sufficient the economywhich will not be afraid of any sanctions. The time has come to build a country in which you want to live. It is time to start defending national interests by all available means, including military force. Let the West not love us, but respect and really be considered.
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  1. +1
    1 March 2018 18: 55
    Lavrov killed me. It is time to start defending national interests by all available means, including military force. Let the West not love us, but respect and really be considered. It was time to finish already and not to polite and sag.
    1. +1
      2 March 2018 08: 21
      it's time, comrade!
    2. 0
      6 March 2018 12: 58
      Lavrov killed me. It is time to start defending national interests by all available means, including military force. Let the West not love us, but respect and really be considered. It was time to finish already and not to polite and sag.

      Elections however on the nose
    3. 0
      7 March 2018 03: 49
      Elizar, you said:
      “It's time to start defending national interests in all available ways ...”
      To defend “in all available ways” you must first get out of the trench (recall - surrounded) in which you are sitting. There was no “get out" command, so sit quietly and remind your wife of the "little girl" in time to bring!
  2. 0
    6 March 2018 15: 55
    Lavrov has long lost confidence as a reliable diplomat. And even if NATO is trained in the tactical use of nuclear weapons, then this is included in training in any army of the states that are registered in the nuclear club. And if the Russian troops do not know how to do this, then this is an obvious miscalculation of the Minister of Defense and the General Staff of the Russian Federation, and NATO is not to blame!
  3. +2
    7 March 2018 03: 09
    Lavrov is a respected literate, worthy person. He even drank 30 grams at least. He doesn’t even remember me, I quietly guarded him. And Shevarnadze is a traitor, definitely.
  4. 0
    7 March 2018 19: 04
    Quote: Albert Chamez
    Lavrov has long lost confidence as a reliable diplomat. And even if NATO is trained in the tactical use of nuclear weapons, then this is included in training in any army of the states that are registered in the nuclear club. And if the Russian troops do not know how to do this, then this is an obvious miscalculation of the Minister of Defense and the General Staff of the Russian Federation, and NATO is not to blame!

    Whose trust has he lost? No need to speak for everyone! Russia trusts, that’s enough. Well, for you, NATA is not to blame!
    I had to edit ... I wrote, and then I looked at the profile ... Exactly, a polygonal judgment!
    1. 0
      9 March 2018 06: 24
      I read your phrase “polygonal judgment” and I can say that the creator 39-45 would be very happy with you!
      Serebryakov is right, oh right!
  5. +1
    8 March 2018 15: 13
    At this level. Such "bzz" is not casual. These statements are made after a decent job. The fact that we "dared" say our fii. An indicator that we probably have a skeleton on which we can rest. Remaining meat of growth. But I think it's already in the works. And the fact that in the stairwell the light is off, or someone shit in the elevator. Here, yes. Putin did not finish watching :)
  6. +1
    11 March 2018 09: 15
    Quote: Vladycat
    At this level. Such "bzz" is not casual. These statements are made after a decent job.

    There Putin himself complains that he can’t keep track of anyone and everyone chats what he wants. The vertical of power, however.