Humanity "eats up" the Earth: where our planet is rolling

Last week, the World Wildlife Fund published a report, which, alas, did not cause wide resonance in the world. Well, still - wars and elections, terrorist attacks and rallies, upheavals political and financial ... But only if people do not heed the warnings once again sounded, it may turn out that in the foreseeable future, there will simply be nowhere to carry out all this fuss. Yes, and no one.

The process of destruction by human civilization of its own habitat is not something that is not slowing down - in recent years it has accelerated with alarming intensity. As a matter of fact, it is already possible to speak only relatively arbitrarily about the wildlife, as such, on planet Earth - according to environmentalists, homo sapiens has already managed to “bless” at least three quarters of the earth’s firmament with its indefatigable activity. And this is including mountain peaks, deserts and Arctic ice. We continue in the same spirit - and very soon we will remain on the dead ashes.

During the period from 1970 to 2014, people have exhausted 60% of all life on the planet! Fish, birds, animals, mollusks, reptiles - all of them disappear in the bottomless womb of our "civilization". What is characteristic, until recently, this terrible figure was 52%. Moving to the edge of the abyss, humanity is moving from step to run. In some regions of the Earth, the situation is even worse - in Central and South America 89% of vertebrates have died, and in the Amazon for half a century, one fifth of the famous rainforests has been reduced. In Africa, the situation is also catastrophic - every couple of months there is erased from the face of the Earth a piece of tropical savannah with the size of the British capital.
60% of elephants in Tanzania are exterminated by poachers only in the last five years.

Of course, most living creatures die as a result of the transformation of their habitat into something unsuitable for life - barbaric deforestation, thoughtless and wasteful "agricultural activity", massive emissions of a wide variety of chemical rubbish into water, air and soil, and their pollution (and especially Oceans) unprocessed plastic and its waste. However, 300 species of animals disappeared from our world precisely as a result of targeted hunting for them. Mankind, in the most literal sense, is eating up its own planet, ruthlessly destroying the "smaller brothers" and catching fish in tens of billions of tons.

The fact that our descendants are likely to be able to see the vast majority of representatives of the fauna except in the zoos, and, in the end, rats, cockroaches and sloppy crows will remain their neighbors on the planet, is only part of the problem. The Paris Climate Agreement, signed in 2015, set the task of trying to keep the global temperature increase on the planet at around one and a half degrees (compared to what it was before the era of total industrialization). But today, global warming is already approaching 3 degrees Celsius! It will go on and on - and, according to scientists, already in 2030 a critical mark will be crossed, beyond which changes on a planetary scale will become simply irreversible. Melting Arctic ice, changing currents and winds ... And then, who knows - the new World Flood?

Unfortunately, warnings and, based not at all on vague forebodings, but on quite realistic calculations, the apocalyptic forecasts of environmentalists remain the voice of one crying in the desert. And, first of all, just for those countries that have the greatest negative impact on the nature of the Earth. This is primarily about the United States of America. Climate agreement ?! Yes, you go ... The United States does not intend to abide by it - in any case, their current leader adheres to just such a point of view. In general, if Donald Trump can claim any international award, then perhaps only an award in the field of global environmental destruction.

He once again confirmed such a reputation with one of his recent decisions - in an effort to fill the world with American oil, the US president intends to open for drilling such a formerly reserved region, the American shelf of the Alaskan coast, the so-called North Aleutian Basin. The U.S. government (at the suggestion of Trump) has already approved the proposal of one of the energy corporations that an artificial island be cut off in the Beaufort Sea, almost right next to the territory of the Arctic National Reserve, on which 70 thousand barrels of oil a day will be pumped from the shelf.

Scientists do not just categorically object to this idea - they literally cry out about its inadmissibility, that even such a large-scale construction itself will destroy the fragile natural balance of the region. And if the rigs turn on there - in general, write is gone! But who will listen to some “eggheads” there when such money is at stake! Certainly not Trump and his team. You can only sympathize with polar bears and other Arctic animals.

Man has already corrupted the earth, almost irreparably. Scientists who sound the alarm today have calculated that in order to correct the consequences of his greed, stupidity and irresponsibility, to return to a normal state, the planet would need at least five or even seven million years! However, with such "world leaders" as Trump, this term may not be enough.
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  1. 0
    4 November 2018 10: 58
    It is always surprising that under the articles there is only an opportunity to click on "like" ...
    What do you like? The material itself? How can he like him?
    The work of the author? Well, here where else it went ...
    In general, the system of "likes" for such materials is not well thought out, and I myself do not know what is NON-cumbersome to offer ... request
  2. 0
    4 November 2018 17: 26
  3. +1
    6 November 2018 04: 51
    Here is the USA, there is the USA, when this cancerous tumor already disappears from the face of the planet.