The star-striped underside of the "Great October"

Next week, we will have the anniversary of one of the most significant events for Russia - the October Revolution of 1917. Someone will remember her with awe and enthusiasm, as the greatest event, and someone, on the contrary, as a terrible mistake and tragedy of our country. The most remarkable thing is that a certain amount of truth exists in both points of view. Despite the fact that one hundred and one year has passed since those terrible events, not only some of their details, but even fundamental moments remain secrets behind seven seals that generate a lot of speculation and debate. With the "Great October" much is far from clear to this day.

One of these “white spots” in the history of the 1917 revolution is the question of its foreign financing. The Bolsheviks who came to power have always denied this in the most decisive way, however, there are too many real testimonies and evidence compelling us to take this version seriously. The “sealed wagon”, the revelations of Ludendorff and other prominent representatives of the military and political establishment of Kaiser Germany, who explicitly said that Lenin and the Bolsheviks “lived up to their expectations” and that the revolutionary movement in Russia “would never have reached such huge scale "without German help ... All this, you know, makes you think.

On the other hand ... And what else remained for the German government and the General Staff, how not to look for ways to remove at least one of the most dangerous opponents from the war? And after all, in whom only Germans did not invest money for this purpose! And in the Irish revolutionaries, and in the Indian rebels, and even in the Mexicans - just to annoy Britain and the United States. Another question is what came of the real sense - a little. As, incidentally, in the case of Russia. The Bolsheviks came out of the war, and even the Brest "obscene world" waved ... And what, in the end, ended? The defeat of Germany and the revolution that destroyed the empire - exactly like in Russia. The German “gain” from financing the October Revolution (if any) took place in this connection more than doubtful. In any case, in the long run.

At the same time, there is a completely different state that clearly won from October, and how! True, for some reason in Russia to this day they prefer not to mention him, a story of tales about Parvus and the “German gold of Lenin”. And the point here, I think, is that the vast majority of both ardent adherents and admirers of the October Revolution and the most seasoned anti-communists of our day studied Russian history, alas, from the same books - crappy Soviet textbooks, from which many personalities were extinct and facts. In particular, the name of Leon Trotsky and its role in the preparation and implementation of the revolution. Thus, enormous services to the “Great October Revolution” of his best friends — the bankers and the government of the United States of America — ended up in the shadows.

Before proceeding to a detailed discussion on this topic, let us dwell on the main point, which is what their motive is invariably in any actions. Someone might try to object - Germany’s revolution in Russia and the collapse of its monarchy were clearly on hand. America, why was this? It seems like the allies of the Entente ... The answer to these doubts is simple and consists of one word: economy. The USA has always, at all ages and times, been extremely profitable for any unrest, conflict and war in Europe. The larger and more destructive the better. The 17 multi-million dollar fortunes built there during the years of the First World War are the best evidence of this. But it's not only that.

On the eve of war and revolution, Russia was experiencing an unprecedented economic recovery. At the same time, the industrial growth rates of the Empire, multiplied by raw materials that were completely incomparable with any European country, caused quiet horror on the foreign “sharks of capitalism”. Leading economists predicted that in the very near future all the economies of the world would be "on the lap of the Russian giant." Such prospects categorically contradicted the interests of Britain, France, and Germany. But for the United States, Russia was the most serious threat. Why? This question can also be answered with just one short word - oil.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world enters the era of motors. The most far-sighted and enterprising people already understand that the future lies with those countries and corporations that will be able to "saddle" the market for fuel and raw materials for its production, which in the coming years and decades will simply be guaranteed rapid growth. But here Russia holds the world championship! At the end of the 45th century, while the first oil rigs were just rising in the USA, our country is already producing millions tons of oil per year and controls 94% of its world market. And, the worst thing for America is that pre-revolutionary Russia practically did not export oil as a raw material! XNUMX% of "black gold" was processed in the country. Not so long ago, importing kerosene from the United States, the Empire became one of its main exporters. That was a danger!

The first American billionaire, John Rockefeller, became one thanks to oil. The monster “Standard Oil” created by him had such power that it frightened the US government, which demanded its separation in 1911. However, the impact on policies America and Rothschild, and his other followers - oil millionaires, had a huge. That's just what they did not need Russia as a competitor at all.

Leon Trotsky arrived in Russia from the USA in 1917 - this is a well-known fact. However, there is a ton of extremely intriguing details. For example - how did he get to America? It should be noted that the very verbose Lev Davidovich, as soon as someone touched on the topic of his American odyssey, as if he was gaining water in his mouth. For some reason, he bypassed this period in his autobiographical book My Life. But he mentioned in it that, being in front of this in Spain, he almost struggled - "there were 40 pesetas in my pocket." And suddenly - the whole Trotsky family leaves for the United States in the first class of the transatlantic liner and settles in one of the most luxurious New York hotels in Times Square. It seems that someone invited Lev Davidovich there. Someone very wealthy and powerful ...

Alas, very little is known about that period of his life, as already mentioned above. Trotsky himself, contrary to tradition, kept quiet about him, and those with whom he conducted business in the USA did not suffer from excessive talkativeness either. As such, various sources refer to the same Rockefeller, and Jacob Schiff, the owner of the Coon, Loeb & Company bank, known for its strong Russophobic views, and even the then President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, from whose hands Lev Davidovich allegedly got the real US citizen passport! It is difficult to say that this is true, and that fiction, there are no official documents (the period of Trotsky’s stay in America inexplicably “fell out” even from the puffy dossier of the British MI-5 collected on him). It remains only to build versions based on indirect evidence. Fortunately, we have enough of them at our disposal.

The New York Attorney General, who was conducting a financial investigation into Lev Davidovich’s stay in the United States, was forced to admit that his expenses were absolutely inconsistent with the officially received income (fees for journalistic, literary activities and giving public lectures). This was especially pronounced at the time Trotsky left for Russia. For the freight of first and second class cabins on the Kristianiafiord steamer, which not only Trotsky and his children and households departed from the American coast, but also a huge team of his associates, they were given about one and a half thousand dollars, which he simply could not have. However, these are mere trifles in comparison with 10 thousand dollars (the amount corresponding to about 200 thousand modern "green"), which he later discovered! Trotsky’s travel adventures are, in general, the most remarkable part of history.

The fact is that upon arrival of the ship in the Canadian port of Halifax, which was then under the jurisdiction of Great Britain, Trotsky was immediately arrested and sent to an internment camp in Amherst. Here is someone, but the British at that time did not need a revolution in Russia. Knowing full well that the birds were following to the Old World aboard the Christianiafiord, the British were determined to firmly spoil their voyage. I must say that Trotsky himself contributed a lot to his own arrest, because when British border guards appeared on board, he began to be rude to them in the most arrogant way. And in the process of detention - he screamed with good obscenities, kicked and even bite. It was literally dragged ashore ...

Be that as it may, Lev Davidovich’s stay in, as he himself wrote later, “British-Canadian dungeons” did not drag out for a long time. Some force, so influential, intervened that even hard-headed Britons had to “bend” before it. Some sources (including the all-knowing Wikipedia) indicate that his rapid release Lev Davidovich owed "the participation of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin." I will allow myself to doubt - at that time, the British government was in a coffin, the "leader of the world proletariat", sorry, I saw! It is highly unlikely that his “influence” could play a decisive role in this case. Much more likely is the version that the “Release!” Command sounded from Washington. And almost from the White House directly. But quarreling with their own former colony, where multimillion-dollar military orders were placed, London was definitely not handy. They spat - and let go.

And then October ... And a lot of other interesting things, which, each in itself, are only small details, but when put together, form a very interesting picture. The USSR managed to restore the pre-war volumes of oil export only by 1923. And it was just crude oil. Do you want to know in whose hands a significant part of the shares taken from foreign capitalists after the nationalization of the oil fields turned out to be? Well, you guessed it, probably ... Standard Oil, who else. American tractors poured into the fields of Soviet Russia, and cars from Henry Ford conveyors poured onto the roads. “Kuhn, Loeb & Company” did its best at the international branch of the USSR State Bank, and there is nothing to say about American concessions in the Soviet economy.

Amounts for which only the “red millionaire” Armand Hammer exported Russian furs, caviar, and, most importantly, artistic and cultural values ​​to the United States, are hardly accountable. What can I say, if this bastard, having managed to get hold of the hallmarks of Faberge himself in the USSR, flooded America with fakes, pushing the Romanov’s treasures wholesale and retail, right down to American department stores. Cooperation with the Soviet Union, in fact, saved the United States from a complete economic collapse and the collapse of the country during the years of the Great Depression. And how America profited from the Lend-Lease! So who won from the Great October Revolution, and won big? Certainly not Kaiser Wilhelm and his country.

The only thing that the US failed to foresee was Stalin. It was he who brought from our country all sorts of "concessionaires" and other American crooks who clung to her, as it seemed to them, tightly. And with the best friend of the United States Trotsky (completely, in my opinion, it was no coincidence that he was in exile closer to the old masters), he also figured out. It was Stalin who made the plans and had a real prospect of putting an end to the emerging US world hegemony. However, this is a completely different story ...
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  1. +2
    4 November 2018 04: 06
    The author did not mention one thing. About the fact that at THAT TIME the financial "igloo" in Russia was planted with ALL the leadership - from the tsarist to the "temporary workers". And also the fact that the Kaiser asked Nicholas not to get involved in the colonial redistribution of the world - he offered a loan from Germany on very good terms to pay off the debt to the French and insolent.
  2. +3
    4 November 2018 11: 58
    Russia was at the peak of development

    Putin told you this? and that most of the economy was foreign, that most of the high-tech was bought abroad, that Britain and France would NEVER be allowed to seize the straits. divorced nicholas, and he was glad to lay down the Russians for the interests of the arrogant Saxons. 1917 is the result of stupid actions of the tsar and his entourage .
    1. 0
      4 November 2018 21: 06
      And where did the profit from the greater part of the Russian economy, which was foreign, go this way? To these foreign states. And not to Russia. Capital was withdrawn abroad.