A growing number of countries wishing to share "Leopards" with Ukraine


More and more European countries are ready to share heavy tanks from their arsenals with the Ukrainian army. But loud statements by the leadership of some NATO members about the desire to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine are still unfulfilled due to German resistance. Without the permission of Berlin, Poland, Finland and others who wish can not fulfill their promises.

The issue of including German tanks in the new weapons package is expected to be discussed on Friday at Ramstein Air Base. On the eve of a large meeting of NATO military officials, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace plans to influence the decision of the German side to transfer Leopard to Ukraine.

The British newspaper The Guarduian reports that London has made the final decision to supply 2 Challenger 14 tanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, for a breakthrough, according to Ben Wallace, Kyiv needs at least 100 heavy tanks. The minister promised to urge German colleagues to give permission to Poland and other countries to re-export the Leopard 2.

NATO countries currently have 2300 Leopard tanks in service, but a large part of them are inoperative. The inability to share the requested tanks due to their unavailability has already been announced in Spain. The publication notes that the change of the head of the defense department on the eve of an important meeting may complicate decision-making on the formation of a new aid package for Kyiv.

A decision is expected from Germany at a meeting in Ramstein on Friday. But divisions in Berlin and the resignation of defense minister Christine Lambrecht could complicate a final decision.

writes The Guardian.

The possibility of providing Ukraine with Leopard tanks began to be discussed in Denmark. According to the country's military officials, Kyiv needs these machines much more than Copenhagen. However, there are a number of factors that do not allow a final decision on this issue. The Danish Ministry of Defense noted that the versions of German tanks for different countries are different, which can cause difficulties with their subsequent maintenance in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The tank, which is at the disposal of the Danish Ministry of Defense, is one of the best tanks in the world and has long been on the wish list of Ukraine. But will the Ukrainian military be able to maintain and repair versions of the Leopard from a dozen different countries, each with its own idiosyncrasies?

writes the Danish media DR.
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  1. +2
    17 January 2023 13: 00
    If the number of countries wishing to transfer Leopards to Kyiv is growing, then the list of countries hostile to Russia should also grow,
    with the introduction of appropriate sanctions against them:
    - rupture of diplomatic relations;
    - diplomats to Siberia, and it is better to go straight to the soap;
    - rupture of trade relations;
    - the capitals of hostile states - under the sight of missiles with nuclear warheads.
    1. +1
      17 January 2023 17: 35
      Not all at once. But it is imperative to take it under the gun, and to announce what exactly and with what. Announce loudly, through local papers too.
  2. 0
    17 January 2023 14: 00
    I can’t understand. What is the gesheft of those who want to part with their tanks? They can't get new ones anyway.
    1. +1
      17 January 2023 17: 31
      Well, why not. Abrams will be ordered from the states.
      1. 0
        17 January 2023 19: 08
        Abrams are not produced ... the Leopard-2 assembly line remained only in Greece ..
        1. 0
          18 January 2023 15: 12
          The current Abrams assembly line also remained, in Egypt
  3. 0
    19 January 2023 00: 52
    It seems that the NATO members doubted the victory of Ukraine and political games began. Possibly Poland will supply the Leopard tanks, as previously 260 units of the T-72 Pl of the Polish improvement, but here Russia starts a separate account with Poland, and it would be necessary that it doesn’t seem a little further. It's time to think strategically about how to put Poland "in a puddle" economically and technically. "Bashirov and Petro" are waiting for instructions, and the banking and financial system would be tightened with "hacker" and other exchange affairs. The hybrid war is in full swing...