The hour of reckoning for anti-Russian sanctions is coming for the Western oil market


There is a lot of uncertainty in the oil markets at the moment, especially about the timing of a demand recovery in China as it moves away from its policy zero spread of Covid. Regardless of the situation, oil prices were pushed up by promising US inflation data (even though consumer prices fell for the first time in more than two years). Benchmark brand WTI is now back at $80 a barrel, while Brent is approaching $85.

Such a development of the situation was predicted only by a few experts around the world, in particular, it was Pierre Andurand, the manager of one of the hedge funds, and another analyst from Goldman Sacks, the rest of the industry community insisted that the strategic oil reserve devastated by America and the embargo with the restriction of Russian oil prices will force raw materials to become cheaper or completely collapse the market against the backdrop of News from China.

But all these mass forecasts were not destined to come true, and Washington's measures did not work. In fact, the hour of recklessness and insane anti-Russian sanctions is coming for Western oil markets. Europe will soon lose not only oil, but also a by-product - diesel fuel, and the United States could not wait for the reduction in the cost of raw materials to make up for SPR. All February applications of traders were rejected.

At the same time, the West has exhausted all possible and conceivable forms of influence on the export energy industry of Russia, having introduced almost all sanctions available in practice. Thus, the coalition of countries, led by members of the G7, lost the opportunity to reduce the price of important raw materials, but programmed the markets only to increase it. It was this outcome that was predicted by those few experts who did not share the groundless joy of the “commendable extreme determination of the West” (or, more precisely, Russophobia). In the meantime, oil is rising in price, as is the cost of gas, having fallen for a short period of time.
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  1. -5
    14 January 2023 09: 49
    And, oil has fallen in price against 22 years, and against 14, and against 08, and the media will not calm down, everyone is talking about the collapse ....
  2. 0
    14 January 2023 10: 13
    The next Epiphany fortune-telling on the "oil thick".
    Oil has risen in price ..... oil has fallen in price ....
  3. -1
    14 January 2023 12: 34
    The result of the Western State Planning Committee's setting the maximum price for Russian oil at $60 was a reduction in crude oil exports by 12%, a decrease in selling prices by 23% and a drop in income from its sale by 32% in December, and, accordingly, tax revenues to the budget, which was drawn up for 23 years. with a deficit of over 2 trillion rubles.
    The Western State Planning Committee has far from exhausted its possibilities to undermine the Russian economy. There is talk of lowering the price ceiling to $25-30, which will be equal to the cost of its production, and then what kind of income? Can install a ceiling on fuel oil and other petroleum products, any goods and semi-finished products, and then how to compensate for them? There is only one option - to raise taxes and duties, and this is an increase in prices for literally everything and the population will pay for it all.
    1. +3
      15 January 2023 02: 19
      All this is true, but Russia is a conditionally self-sufficient country. So it is necessary to work so that the country is unconditionally self-sufficient. It is necessary to develop those industries that were buried with the collapse of the Union, and first of all electronics and machine tool building.