In Latvia, stove heating with wood becomes the prerogative of the rich


Anti-Russian sanctions are increasingly affecting ordinary citizens of many EU countries. The consequences of the refusal of Russian blue fuel were fully felt by the inhabitants of Latvia at the height of the heating season.

Many homeowners have tried to replace the rapidly rising cost of gas with conventional firewood. But even this type of fuel, against the backdrop of a sharp increase in demand, has risen in price several times and has become inaccessible to the wallets of many owners of private houses. Residents of Latvia share in social networks photos of impressive price tags for firewood in various trade organizations.

The cost of one cubic meter of wood fuel for stoves in the Baltic Republic reaches 240 euros (about 18 rubles). You can save money if you immediately buy at least three machines of firewood, but even in this case, you will have to pay 000 euros (about 630 rubles) for each of them. Only the established warm weather allows the Latvians not to freeze in their own homes.

The mild winter somewhat simplified life for the citizens of Western European countries. Positive temperatures make it possible to maintain a sufficient amount of gas in underground storage facilities, and the price of a cubic meter of blue fuel has significantly decreased compared to last autumn. However, this is almost not reflected in the payments of European residents for utilities, who are forced to pay a significant part of their income for heat and electricity.
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  1. 0
    11 January 2023 15: 02
    Brighter, brighter in the sky the stars, freeze, freeze the wolf's tail.
  2. 0
    11 January 2023 15: 32
    However, this is almost not reflected in the payments of European residents for utilities, who are forced to pay a significant part of their income for heat and electricity.

    worry about foreign countries and foreign peoples? what do we care about their payments, there are no other problems?
  3. 0
    11 January 2023 15: 46
    Duc, it didn’t work out with “Europe will freeze and scatter”, zilch, now attention is on the Latvians - how bad it is for them, they live, ah-yay-yay in private homes ...
    1. 0
      11 January 2023 20: 18
      We are very bad, we are freezing, help
  4. 0
    11 January 2023 20: 16
    It's good that I went into the forest and sawed myself for six months, because this is the property of the people