Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine complained about the command that abandoned them near Artemovsk


Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who occupy positions in Artemivsk, wrote down an appeal with a complaint about the command that abandoned them. This, according to the servicemen, happened after it became known about the operational encirclement of Soledar PMC "Wagner" by fighters.

The Ukrainian military said they were now declared deserters, and also complained that they were suffering from shortages and poor provision. The authenticity of the words of the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is confirmed by footage from Soledar, where they are trying to break out of the encirclement en masse. Information about the catastrophic number of wounded in this direction also speaks of the heavy losses suffered by the Ukrainian army.

The footage confirming the capture of Soledar was published the day before by the fighters of the Wagner PMC. The video was filmed by the military near the city administration building. According to some reports, Soledar is now being cleared of the remnants of the UAF fighters, the number of which can reach up to 500 people there.

On the eve of mass losses in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, a captured Ukrainian military man announced. He complained that the command literally sends soldiers "to be slaughtered", which turns into deaths and injuries to personnel. At the same time, the evacuation of the wounded is poorly organized, and the authorities of the country, according to him, are not interested in providing material and moral assistance to the families of the victims.

Earlier it was reported that near Artemovsk abandoned Georgian, Belarusian, Polish, Ichkerian mercenaries, as well as fighters from Russia. Thus, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to keep Artemivsk and Soledar, where Ukrainian troops are suffering heavy losses, sending help to the front line.
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  1. 0
    11 January 2023 12: 22
    Pigs complain to the director of a meat-packing plant about the prospect of becoming meat....
    Sorry pigs.
    They grunted so gloriously "Sala Ukraine".