In the United States, for the first time, artificial intelligence will take over the protection of the accused


At one of the next court hearings in the United States, the defendant will be protected by artificial intelligence. A specially created smartphone application will prompt the necessary arguments based on the charges, and in case of a loss, it will help to draw up and file an appeal.

According to the developers, the use of digital of technologies ensure the impartiality of the judiciary and replace lawyers in many trials in the near future.

Robot lawyer starts his first court case. Soon there will be no judges, no prosecutors, no lawyers - they will all be replaced by artificial intelligence

says developer Joshua Browder.

In his opinion, many lawyers charge too much money for their services and are subject to corrupt temptations. The robot lawyer DoNotPay, developed by Browder, will provide defense of the accused in court absolutely free of charge.

It is worth noting that the announced meeting with the participation of artificial intelligence will be the first in the United States, but for the first time modern technologies in legal proceedings began to be used in China. Since 2016, China has been developing a “smart court” system integrated with the databases of the police and credit organizations of the country.

According to the decision of the Beijing Supreme Court, judges are required to consult with AI on each case, and in case of discrepancies in the final decisions, explain in writing the reasons for their verdicts. Chief Justice Qiang Zhou believes that the use of digital technology improves fairness in adjudication and provides more credibility to the country's judiciary, as it reduces the chance of human error in handling cases.
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  1. 1_2
    6 January 2023 20: 06
    it's high time to start with lawyers and end with the robot president of the United States. and blame all the troubles of Americans on robots with AI
  2. 0
    7 January 2023 13: 15
    What can you say? Shameless protection. Lawyers conscience only hinders.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. 0
    7 January 2023 19: 37
    And vapche etta pleases. In terms of status revision. Obviously: the dumber the occupation, the easier it is for the robot to give. Therefore. The robot has been throwing a chess champion for a long time. For occupation of the applicant in champieny the most stupid. Quickly watch the games played for days and remember. It looks like they are getting ready.
  5. 0
    7 January 2023 22: 16
    And what will the poor fellow be judged for? If for stealing a bicycle from a supermarket, then success is guaranteed to justice. And if this is the Kennedy assassination case, then everything is more complicated ...
  6. 0
    29 January 2023 04: 00
    Yes, humanity is deteriorating. For the sake of momentary success, it is ready to sell or pretend that it agrees or disagrees with someone else's arguments. And so, dry intellect, like it - don't like it, please ...