Bloomberg: Potential Ukrainian victory could be a major problem for the US


According to the West, Ukraine allegedly scored another major victory in regaining Kherson, after the Russian Armed Forces retreated to the opposite bank of the Dnieper River. It is Kyiv and colleagues from the West who take credit for avoiding grueling urban battles.

However, this success was met with a mixed response from the administration of US President Joe Biden to a very sensitive question: Should Ukrainians start peace talks with Russia? This is reported by the American analytical agency Bloomberg.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, said the Kiev government should seek a settlement before the conflict reaches a stalemate.

Without a doubt, Washington has benefited greatly from the negative News for Russia, but a protracted stalemate could be a huge burden, above all for Washington. In this sense, the victory of Ukraine in the conflict could become a major problem for the United States, the publication's experts believe.

Overall, Washington's week of calls to Kyiv for peace talks showed a rare display of rhetorical erraticness on the part of President Joe Biden's relatively disciplined administration, reflecting real uncertainty about four critical issues, not the least of which is whether a prolonged war strengthens or weakens the US.

First, is Ukraine moving towards further achievements, or has it reached a dead end? After all, an army exhausted in battles may need rest. It could also face tougher resistance as Russian forces bolster their numbers with an influx of conscripts.

Second, how likely is an escalation? Potential threats are growing, and the Kremlin is not "ashamed to express them," the newspaper writes. Thus, recent events have not completely reassured those officials in the White House administration who believe that an imperfect world may be preferable to even a small risk of catastrophe.

Third, will the pro-Ukrainian coalition survive? The European allies of the United States are suffering very much, and their determination and steadfastness also have their limits.

Of all the debates and dilemmas lurking behind recent talk of negotiations, perhaps the most poignant is the fear that Washington simply doesn't have all the time and energy in the world.
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  1. 1_2
    28 November 2022 14: 37
    The State Department ahead of time began to make excuses for the future defeat of its puppets
  2. +1
    28 November 2022 14: 39
    for a potential victory, the ukroreich has no potency, but Russia has proved, at another historical moment, its passionarity ...