Mass transfer of US troops through Greece to Eastern Europe


The United States is seriously strengthening its military contingent in Eastern Europe. In particular, sources report the arrival of American transport ships in the Greek ports of Alexandroupolis and Thessaloniki from November 22 to December 7.

The ships will carry the military machinery: Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Abrams tanks and many other weapons, as well as field kitchens to support NATO units.

After arriving in Greek ports, the equipment will go by rail to the US Eastern European allies in the Western bloc. In total, it is planned to carry out 29 flights, 22 of them are intended for sending to Poland, 6 - to Bulgaria and one - to Romania.

Mass transfer of US troops through Greece to Eastern Europe

According to unconfirmed information, it is in Romania that a serious build-up of US troops is planned. At the moment, the 2nd battle group of the 101st airborne division of the United States is based in this country.

Thus, Greece is actually turning into a major transshipment point for NATO weapons - a large role in this is played by the proximity of Greek ports to NATO transshipment bases in Bulgaria, as well as to the Bosporus and Dardanelles. Now, along with Alexandroupolis, the port of Thessaloniki is being used for these purposes, the main shareholder of which is a Russian businessman of Greek origin, Ivan Savvidi.

The purpose of the large-scale deployment of NATO units to Eastern Europe is still unknown.
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  1. +3
    11 November 2022 09: 10
    The purpose of the large-scale deployment of NATO units to Eastern Europe is not yet known

    Strange conclusion, isn't it. They all know.
    Surround Kaliningrad.
    And then Shoigu and Surovikin will declare that they are taking civilians out of the soldiers to save their lives ....
    1. 0
      11 November 2022 21: 43
      In Kaliningrad, there is a plant of JSC OKB Fakel, a leader in the development of electric rocket engines for spacecraft. Yesterday we wrote about this plant
      But, probably, it's not in Kaliningrad.
  2. +1
    11 November 2022 12: 46
    Whoever chooses between shame and war gets both war and shame.
  3. +1
    11 November 2022 16: 49
    Mass transfer of US troops through Greece to Eastern Europe

    Is this also a response to the "ultimatum" about the non-expansion of NATO???
    1. 0
      13 November 2022 00: 26
      There is no longer any talk of not expanding NATO. We fought. Now don't talk about patriotism - no one will believe you.
  4. The comment was deleted.