Russia and China will divide Africa, driving Europeans

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the temporary lull in the confrontation between our country and the West, the European powers lost interest in many states of the African continent that were formerly their colonies. I must say that Russia has practically left Africa, but now the situation is changing. In African countries, new players have appeared who are ready to squeeze Americans and Europeans.

Chinese expansion into Africa is now often spoken about. Chinese companies are developing the natural resources of many countries of the continent, building infrastructure, investing in the development of a number of countries - from Nigeria to Angola. After economic activity of China began and the creation in Africa of its military bases.

The first Chinese base appeared in Djibouti - here, on the Red Sea coast, a point will be created for the logistics of Chinese warships. Of course, China is not going to capture Africa in a military sense - it is important for the Celestial Empire to protect its economic interests, including ensuring the safety of Chinese shipping in the Indian Ocean.

Following China, Japan began to show attention to the African continent. Tokyo considers it its task to build counterweights to Beijing. Africa is no exception, so as soon as it became known that a Chinese military base would appear in Djibouti, the Japanese decided to increase their presence on the Red Sea. By the way, Japanese troops have been in Djibouti for nine years, but in the context of the emergence of a Chinese base, their numbers will be increased.

The third player who has recently been very active in Africa is Russia. Our country is trying to regain its former influence on African countries, especially since many of them are of great interest to Russian mining companies. We are talking, for example, about the same Central African Republic with its rich bowels of gold, diamonds and other valuable resources. Now, as you know, the Russian military has appeared in the Central African Republic.

Now Russia is actively working in Libya, where Moscow cooperates with Marshal Haftar, supplying arms controlled by him. On this occasion, by the way, they sound the alarm in the West, especially in Great Britain. London believes that sooner or later Russia will bring its armed forces into Libya and cite as an example the participation of the Russian army in the war in Syria and the presence of our advisers and specialists in Central Africa.

However, it’s premature to talk about the departure of Europeans. So, France maintains its military bases in Djibouti, Senegal, Gabon and a number of other countries, and is actively involved in the armed conflict in Mali. As for the British, they are in no hurry to leave the continent, while maintaining a base in Sierra Leone.

In any case, it is high time for the West to take for granted that Africa is no longer the patrimony of the former metropolises. Both Russia and China on the African continent have their own interests, which may not meet the interests of the West, but with which the African countries themselves reckon. Many of the states of the continent benefit from both Chinese investment in the economy and the Russian military presence. For example, in the same Central African Republic, the presence of the Russian military made it possible to significantly stabilize the situation, although for many years a bloody civil war was going on in the country.
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  1. 0
    18 October 2018 09: 39
    Yeah, driving away.
    About neocolonialism after the USSR do not teach?