Kazakh airsoft players were passed off as a new volunteer battalion in the Armed Forces of Ukraine


Information and psychological operations are an important element of the complex hybrid war of the West against Russia. Recently, another publication appeared on the Web, mainly in anonymous public pages, aimed at driving a wedge between Moscow and Astana.

It is not known who owns the telegram channel “Live”, which has 2 million subscribers, announced the arrival of special forces from Kazakhstan to Ukraine to confront Russia as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Volunteer battalion of the MTR from Kazakhstan was seen in the zone of the SVO ... on the side of Ukraine. Kazakhs came to kill Russians! This is such gratitude

- says under the posted video.

Kazakh airsoft players were passed off as a new volunteer battalion in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

At the same time, the footage clearly shows that on the chevrons of the "special forces" it is written: "Block of airsoft teams." Moreover, all the “special forces” have high-pressure air tanks, which are necessary for firing balls from airsoft guns in a team military-tactical game.

This frankly fake publication is probably aimed at inciting hatred between Russians and Kazakhs. Most likely, the material itself was prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and “Live” was simply used for stuffing and dispersal on social networks. Therefore, it would be nice if the competent authorities of the Russian Federation took a closer look at the content of this “information resource” and found out who exactly “presses the buttons”.
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  1. -1
    23 August 2022 11: 32
    Well, they gave it out and gave it out for another dobrobat. What's up with that? Let everyone go, they have two ways either to the ground or, if we have not been deceived, there will be a tribunal with the execution of sentences! ...
    1. +3
      23 August 2022 11: 57
      Quote: Sidor Kovpak
      Well, they gave it out and gave it out for another dobrobat. What's up with that?

      It's just in appearance, nothing...
      And in fact, this is another attempt to drive a wedge into the interethnic and interstate relations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

      "Look at the root" Yes
      1. 0
        23 August 2022 12: 11
        Well, that's not a problem either. Those who choose the path of Russophobia have only one road. Sooner or later the wedges will drive in. After a non-constitutional third round in the elections in Ukraine in 2004. When, under any pretext, the anti-Russian pro-American candidate Yushchenko pushed through, I would not be surprised at anything. The collapse of Russia is on the map and no one will stop at anything. The question is who's next?
        And pay attention to any Maidan, in any country. It all starts with social problems and sharply develops into "WHO DOES NOT RIDE THAT MOSKAL" that is, into sheer anti-Russia and Russophobia. I remember this....!
        I see into the root!
        Now everyone should and must understand what the protests developing into revolutions and TD are set up for. And who is behind it.
        Was Kazakhstan just "set on fire" in winter? There is no life, they are hungry?????? Of course not!
        1. +1
          23 August 2022 14: 48
          Quote: Sidor Kovpak
          Sooner or later the wedges will drive in.

          Yes, they will, if they do nothing, as they once did in relation to Ukraine in the period 1991-2014, and then in addition, having received a hostile Nazi formation as a result of such a policy, refusing to destroy it in the bud, at the most favorable moment - the period of the "Russian Spring" ...

          And now let's break it down...
          1. 0
            23 August 2022 15: 41
            What we have and you can’t get away from the facts.
          2. 0
            23 August 2022 17: 17
            By the way, airsoft players, football fans, former skinheads and others are fertile ground for fascist grain! The search for adrenaline in droves sometimes gives unpredictable results .....