Named the condition under which there will not be enough gas in UGS facilities in Europe until the end of the year


Europe is preparing for the winter without pipeline gas supplies from Russia. A complete cessation of the pumping of raw materials is the biggest fear for the EU leadership, despite the fact that it is caused solely by the actions of the European officials themselves. Underground gas storages are filling up on schedule, but only because gas from Russia is still being pumped and lowered into underground storage facilities. But what will the EU do if the energy-intensive economy The old world will be completely on the "balance" of reserve tanks without live fuel supplies fueling consumption from reserves?

There is a simple forecast in this regard: all the reserves that European gas operators have accumulated with such difficulty will be exhausted before the end of the year if Gazprom stops supplying raw materials in the near future. The European Commission also has to take into account and prepare for such a scenario.

We concluded that a complete shutdown of Russian gas will lead to a strict rationing of its consumption at the end of 2022, as well as a recession in the euro area

- says the report of a special fund called the European Stability Mechanism.

From the report, it becomes clear that rationing (reduction) with a base “rate” of 15% can no longer be avoided in any case - this will become a new norm for the existence of all consumers of heat and fuel in winter, whether it be a private trader or an industrial facility. But the EU authorities are still trying to prevent a catastrophic development of events, when it is necessary to completely turn off gas consumers in order of “importance”, value and necessity.

However, the positive statement of the representative of the European Stabilization Fund that the consequences of shutting off the gas valve by Russia will be uneven, which is why the crisis will affect Austria, Germany and Italy the most, did not arouse enthusiasm among the Europeans, since the economic "fall" of only one Berlin will entail the collapse of the entire system European Union.

Thus, the only condition that will leave the Europeans without fuel this winter is the most damaged relations with Russia, which will be forced to resort to an extreme argument that sobers the heads of the Western "hawks" of the war. If this is considered as a "weapon", then it is clearly intended for defense, but not for attack.