Why do Americans need their own Afghan?

For seventeen years, the US military has been in Afghanistan. This period is almost twice as long as the presence of Soviet troops in this country in the 1980s. Of course, the intensity of the war is lower and the militants are deprived of such a massive military support, which at one time received the Mujahideen, who fought against the USSR. But 2,3 thousand dead and 20 thousand wounded - this is the price that the States pay for their presence in Afghanistan. Time flies, people die, and the goal has not been achieved.

Over time, historians will assess the American army's war in Afghanistan as one of the most ambitious militarypolitical failures of Washington along with the Vietnam War. But the events of the 1960s - 1970s were inscribed in the context of the Cold War, and what now? No, of course, the United States overthrew the Taliban regime that ruled in Kabul and battered the Taliban very seriously, but then everything came down to ideology, philosophy, worldview - to civilizational values ​​and differences.

After the defeat of the Taliban, the goal of the American army in Afghanistan was to assist the new government in state building. And it is here that the Americans are faced with major problems. They help, but they still hate. The implanted "democratic values" cannot take root in Afghanistan in any way - other peoples, a different mentality. And the Taliban were not defeated to the end, but safely retreated to neighboring Pakistan, which, incidentally, is one of the key US military and political partners in the East.

But the Americans stubbornly do not want to leave Afghanistan. What is the reason? After all, Afghanistan is not Iraq and not Libya. There is no oil here, it has not borders with Russia for a long time, and between our country and Afghanistan there are vast territories of the Central Asian republics.

The fact is that, despite the general poverty of Afghanistan, it is a rich country. Her wealth is natural resources hidden in the mountains of the country. Copper, lithium, iron, and even gold - their deposits in Afghan soil are quite impressive, although the deposits are practically not exploited - the warring country did not have the time, nor the means, nor the resources to do this.

Now President Donald Trump, who is very upset by the lack of military success of the American army in Afghanistan, has taken care of the development of the mining industry in this country far from the United States. What is Washington for? The answer is obvious - to pump the national wealth of Afghanistan in the interests of American companies.

It is said that when Trump found out that the Chinese were mining Afghan copper, he literally tore metal. And the president had nothing to resent - Washington is investing tremendous amounts of money in the war and in support of the Kabul government, while neighbors from the Middle Kingdom are starting to extract the country's natural resources. But what if American companies themselves do not want to work in a dangerous Afghanistan with many risks?

On October 3, 2018, Trump signed into law on the effective use of investments, which involves the creation of a new structure - the United States International Development Finance Corporation (IDFC). Its goal will be to attract investment and create stability and jobs in the "hot spots" of the planet, where American troops are present, and this is Africa, the Middle East, and, of course, Afghanistan.

But will this project succeed? So far, it is hardly possible to answer such a question in the affirmative, especially since Afghanistan, the point of intersection of the interests of various states and the United States, will somehow have to face China and Russia.