Americans presented a unique spacesuit

At NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), the United States has taken care of creating a new unique spacesuit equipped with a special dry closet. Now astronauts put on one spacesuit at launch and landing, and work in open space in another spacesuit. Both suits are designed for 10 hours.

Thatcher Cardon, a US Air Force physician, presented his own project, according to which special inflatable systems of an air mini-gateway will collect waste. Medical knowledge allowed Cardon to apply the scheme of laparoscopic operations, allowing to perform complex actions through the smallest holes. The system will allow the astronaut to function calmly for six days.

The advantages over the spacesuits that astronauts are currently using are obvious. Astronauts will not only be able to work quietly, but also change underwear using the air lock system.

They are going to check the new spacesuit during flights on the Orion spaceship, on which the Americans plan to fly to the moon.
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  1. +1
    7 March 2018 12: 58
    That's where the United States is at its best: the creation of dry closets for their use in space! And on Earth from the United States, the sheer evil of the colonization of hundreds of countries by military occupation bases, sabotage by political and economic sanctions and total terrorism and genocide on all continents!