Sneak Up Unnoticed: How Israeli F-35s Will Work Against S-300s

History tends to repeat itself. In the eighties, the USSR and the United States of America already indirectly participated in the confrontation with each other in the war of Syria and Israel over Lebanon. Moscow, as now, then supported Damascus. Washington and Paris, which joined it, supported Tel Aviv. At first, the success was accompanied by Jewish pilots: one Syrian was shot down by four Syrian aircraft. The then Kremlin handed over to the allies the S-200 anti-aircraft systems and the Mig-23 fighters. And everything has changed. Not only Israeli aircraft began to fall, but also American and French ones. And the Third World Nuclear War did not happen because of this.

Today, the situation is similar. Due to the provocation caused by Israeli aviation boundless in the Syrian sky, fifteen Russian troops were killed aboard the IL-20. The Kremlin also decided to hand over S-300 anti-aircraft systems to Damascus. Will the Russian “Favorites” start to “land” the enemy’s aircraft today?

Israel intends to continue to bomb the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic and believes that it will get away with it with impunity:

The operational capabilities of our Air Force are such that these batteries do not really limit their effectiveness.

The IDF has placed its main hopes on 35 pieces of F-12 stealth fighters purchased from the USA, against which Russian anti-aircraft systems will supposedly be powerless. Tel Aviv also reassures itself by the fact that it has a few more months before the actual placement of the S-300 on combat duty. And after stealth fighters can easily destroy launchers from the air, they say in Israel.

Alexander Luzan, ex-deputy commander of the air defense forces, has a different opinion:

F-35s cannot be unattainable targets for the S-300, which are quite effective at hitting air targets. They use a very interesting way of pointing missiles. Therefore, F-35, F-22 - this is not the limit for them. They can easily work on these aircraft.

Anti-aircraft gunner believes that the fight against ground targets is not the main for a light fighter. However, Major General Vladimir Popov, a first-class military pilot, advises Syrian S-300 operators not to relax too much:

The task of the F-35 is to sneak up, suddenly strike and immediately leave without getting involved in a contact battle.

The combat pilot believes that the attacks on the “Favorites” will be complex, and it will not be like a one-on-one duel. At the same time, cruise missiles and drones will fly, electronic warfare systems will begin to work. And in this turmoil, the "invisibility" will be able to sneak up and launch a missile strike at an unexpected angle. Such tactics increase the chances of the F-35 to perform a combat mission.

But this does not mean that the S-300 will be completely helpless against fifth-generation aircraft. Russian anti-aircraft systems have the ability to quickly retarget even after launch, choosing a new, higher priority target. Also a big advantage of the “Favorites” is a powerful charge of ammunition. During its explosion, the fragments will get not only the target itself, but also everything that will inadvertently fly nearby. In order for an Israeli plane to be shot down, it is not necessary that the rocket hit directly into it. A lot will depend on the skill of the S-300 calculations.

Summarizing, we can admit that the S-300 and F-35 are worthy rivals, the outcome of a direct collision of which is not obvious in advance. Whose opinion is correct, only practice will show.
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  1. +1
    8 October 2018 17: 25
    For the S-300, the rivals will not be the F-35. Aircraft will not even have to enter the affected area of ​​Syrian air defense. There are tons of weapons, including air-to-ground missiles, to destroy large-sized targets.
  2. +2
    8 October 2018 18: 39
    - Yes, where does the F-35 ..? -And F-15 and F-16 ... -also very dangerous ...
    - Yes, and the reflecting side is always more vulnerable than the attackers ...

    - But the Israelis ... - as always ... - "They entered without knocking ... almost without a sound ... they used a bamboo baton" and so on ...
    -And then a whole Israeli government delegation will fly to Russia with some kind of visit ... or even for the opening of some memorial ... based on "the victims of the Holocaust" ... -And ... when everyone will utter solemn tragic words. .. -that's at this moment ... -Israel will strike at our S-300 ... -Just this way and not otherwise ... -And before that, massive cyber attacks against our air defense will be worked out ... (they already they know a lot ... -the Greek S-300 ...) ...- And the Syrians themselves will sell something to them for dollars-shekels ...
    - Personally, I do not believe that the S-300 calculations will consist of Syrians ... but TTX and other detailed data will also be available to the Syrians ... -And the location of our S-300s, the Americans from outer space, can be easily determined with very high accuracy. .. -So, brother of the case ...
    -So ... -S-300 ...- this is not a panacea ...
    - Now, if in the event of an Israeli air force strike on the territory of Syria ..., a massive retaliatory strike would be inflicted on their airfields ... - then all the "unpunished heroism" of the Israeli flyers would have evaporated like a stone ...
    -And so ...- to sit and wait for the weather from the sea ... -All the same, they will "look for" us ...- or they will send saboteurs, and then they will hit ... -because the territory of Syria is uncontrolled ... -And the Israelis not in the first ...
  3. +2
    8 October 2018 19: 17
    Yes, there will be no such confrontation. Israel will bomb Hezbollah with the Persians, as it did before, and the Syrians will report about 90% of the destroyed enemy missiles))
    1. 0
      9 October 2018 09: 33
      Well, we’ll see what and how it will be.