Ukraine denied the state

A striking discovery was made by former President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma. It turns out that Nezalezhnaya has never been a state “in the full sense of the word,” the second president of Ukraine is lamented, and the position of its citizens, who believed in the European choice of the country, is terrible.

Indeed, in just four years after the coup in Ukraine, state and guaranteed debt has grown from 40 percent of GDP in 2013 more than 2 times, and today is more than 80 percent of GDP. From the blessed Domaida of 2013 to 2016, the volume of GDP per capita fell from 4 to 2,2 thousand dollars. After the start of the reforms required by the Agreement on Euro-integration, the average monthly salary and pension fell from $ 408 and 112, respectively, to deplorable ones - $ 267 and 48. Leonid Kuchma asks:

75 percent of the gross product is our debt. That's horrible. And who will pay for them? If the International Monetary Fund does not give it now, what - default?

The position of the Square is unenviable. The absorption of the country by the European Union guaranteed means the complete elimination of its industry inherited from the Soviet Union and the crowding out of the majority of the population from the country to neighboring countries in search of work. This is not to say that Ukrainians were not warned in advance about the consequences of the so-called “European way”. But, slandered by propaganda, in the pursuit of "lace panties", the citizens of Ukraine made their choice in favor of Europe. However, in this very Europe, no one is waiting for Ukraine especially, as the former president of Independence laments:

We all looked forward to the Munich Conference. However, Ukraine was generally on the outskirts. Supposedly we do not exist there. If the president had not gone there and did not remind us that we are on the European map, so surely we would have forgotten. That's what scary. And we need to think about it

Obviously, no one except the Russian Federation is no longer interested in the economic well-being of Ukraine. Only Russia and the Eurasian Union can give this country a mutually beneficial economic integration on an equal footing, ensuring a decent standard of living for citizens of Ukraine. However, the pro-Russian path is hindered, as noted by Kuchma himself, the local "political Beau monde ”and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada.

It can be assumed that only when the majority of Ukrainians realize the fallacy and fatality of the so-called “European way” for their country and can bring sensible political forces to power, can we hope for Ukraine to turn in the only right direction of development and rebuild together what collapses so easily Today.
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  1. +1
    24 February 2018 13: 37
    flawed product of the Bialowieza Forest