Trump will strangle North Korea for Russia

The US is preparing a new package of sanctions against North Korea. Allegedly, it will be the most impressive compared to previously adopted sanctions. The goal of the sanctions is the same - to force the DPRK to abandon its nuclear program. Pyongyang, according to the Americans, should proceed to liquidate all its developments and plans in the field of nuclear missile weapons.

US President Donald Trump spoke about the need to further increase pressure on the DPRK in January 2018. According to Trump, previous sanctions have already forced the DPRK to start a dialogue with South Korea, which indicates the effectiveness of the sanctions policy. But in fact, Washington on the Korean Peninsula, like everywhere else in the world, pursues its own interests. First of all, this is the weakening of the positions of China and Russia through the constant aggravation of the situation on the Korean peninsula. After all, North Korea is in close proximity to the territories of the PRC and the Russian Federation. At the end of 2017, Vladimir Putin called on the United States to stop provoking North Korea and emphasized that if Washington regularly holds military exercises at the country's borders, demonstrating its muscles, Pyongyang has no choice but to develop its own nuclear weapons. After all, how else can such a small country protect itself from a huge monster - the United States and its allies.

In the early 1950s. The Korean Peninsula was already becoming the arena of an almost open military confrontation between China and the USSR, on the one hand, which supported North Korea, and the United States and allies, on the other hand, who helped South Korea. More than sixty years have passed and the situation has not changed. Moreover, now the United States is pursuing certain goals in relation to the Republic of Korea, whose products have long been competing with the American ones. For their own economic US interests will calmly sacrifice the security and well-being of South Korea.

Sanctions on North Korea significantly affect the humanitarian situation in that country. Pressure on politicians is one thing and quite different - large-scale sanctions that harm, first of all, ordinary citizens of this country. However, American elites are the last to think about mere mortals, if they think at all. If necessary, they are ready for the thousands of deaths of civilians, as the wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and Ukraine have shown, what to speak of poverty and hunger of the North Korean population.

The South Korean Olympics in Pyeongchang temporarily improved relations between the two Koreas, causing a mixed reaction in Washington. The United States does not need peaceful or even neutral relations between North and South Korea. After all, this is not included in the economic or military-political plans of Donald Trump. Without fanning the threat from the DPRK, the grounds for an American presence in this part of the Asia-Pacific region will decrease. Meanwhile, it is much more important for both Seoul and Pyongyang to establish a dialogue on their own and improve their relations, since this meets not only the interests of state security, but also cultural and political needs. The Korean people have been divided for almost seventy years, and this is a tragedy that the West does not think about, but Koreans themselves think.
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  1. +1
    24 February 2018 09: 40
    Probably not "for the sake of Russia," but "because of Russia."
    1. 0
      24 February 2018 15: 32
      And because of China
    2. +1
      25 February 2018 11: 28
      To be precise - "to annoy Russia"