Is a new Anglo-Japanese military alliance against China and Russia possible?


Nowadays, not the Balkans, but Southeast Asia can be called a new "powder keg". All countries in the region are actively re-equipping, building navies, and aiming missiles at each other. There is also China and Taiwan. And the conflict between Beijing and Tokyo over the disputed islands. And the claims of the Japanese to Russia because of the Kuriles. And there are a lot of long-standing territorial disputes between countries. At any moment the wick on this "powder keg" can be burned, and then a new redistribution of spheres of influence will begin. In this regard, the closest attention should be paid to the "dormant predator", Japan, which is rapidly militarizing.

The Land of the Rising Sun already possesses a powerful navy that can be used against Russia with its Kuril Islands and the islands contested by China. But Moscow and Beijing have nuclear arsenals, which are believed to make them untouchable. The United States is considered the regional guarantor of Japan's security. But what if everything changes, and Tokyo itself acquires nuclear weapons? How then will the balance of power change?

The question is very controversial. WITH technical From the point of view, the Japanese may well create nuclear weapons on their own. On the practical side, all experts and political scientists speak out in unison against it. They say that the United States itself will not allow Tokyo, since then Japan will be able to get out of American control and remember who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is also believed that the "nuclearization" of this island state will lead to the start of a nuclear arms race throughout Southeast Asia.

These arguments are quite sound, but they do not take into account some alternative options. What if Tokyo got another powerful and influential ally instead of the United States? For example, what if Great Britain takes the place of Uncle Sam as a partner, guarantor of security and ally?

Anglo-Japanese Union

The most interesting thing is that there is no need to invent anything, sucking hypotheses from the finger. The Anglo-Japanese military alliance did exist, and more recently, by historical standards, from 1902 to 1921.

Two predatory island powers, located in opposite parts of the world, united for joint actions against common enemies - China and the Russian Empire, and then against the German Empire. In total, three union treaties were signed: in 1902, in 1905 and in 1911, respectively. The inglorious defeat of Russia in the 1905 war with Japan was a direct consequence of military-technical cooperation between the two island states. At the Paris Peace Conference, Tokyo was able to lay its hands on the already former German colonies in the Pacific.

Only the United States was able to upset this dangerous alliance in 1921, which put enormous pressure on Great Britain. A new "hegemon" entered the scene, which skillfully began to push aside the "mistress of the seas", who had been worn out during the First World War and had accumulated multibillion-dollar debts. Interestingly, the British continued to sympathize with the Japanese even during World War II. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill asked President Truman to let Tokyo save face after imminent defeat:

I wondered what terrible human toll America would suffer if it forced Japan to "surrender unconditionally", as well as Britain's losses, albeit much smaller. I wondered if, having received everything necessary for the future of peace and security, I could create for Japan some kind of preservation of military honor and somehow guarantee Japan the preservation of statehood, resorting to some other formulation.

To this Truman snapped that after Pearl Harbor the Japanese no longer had military honor. Can not argue.

But is a new Anglo-Japanese alliance possible today?

British-Japanese alliance?

As a matter of fact, why not? For such an alliance, there is everything you need:

At first, there are common enemies - again, China and Russia. Plus there is an unnamed enemy - the United States, which dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese, of course, do not say out loud who did it, but they remember. London has its own interest: the British, to put it mildly, do not mind pushing their "cousins" by promoting the revanchist concept of "Global Britain". Taking Japan out from under the Americans' noses would be a powerful geopolitical victory.

Secondly, Great Britain defiantly "left Europe for Asia", betting on Japan and Australia as a counterbalance to the increased regional power of China. The United Kingdom applied to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership in 2021, from which the United States exited just as defiantly in 2017. A holy place, as they say, is never empty.

Thirdly, in 2021, the flagship of the British Navy, the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, visited Tokyo for the first time. The British climbed a bit far from Portsmouth, you won’t say anything. British and Japanese warships conducted joint exercises near the island of Okinawa, where a US military base is located.

If you look at the Japanese press on this issue, you can find a lot of positive responses, welcoming the revival of the Anglo-Japanese alliance. But really, such a militarypolitical the alliance is able to knock the soil out from under the feet of Uncle Sam, who in every possible way sought to destroy it, having succeeded only in 1921. Great Britain is building a modern navy and is displaying unprecedented anti-Russian activity in Ukraine.

Japan is actively militarizing, but for complete independence from the United States and confrontation with China, the DPRK and the Russian Federation, the samurai need their own nuclear weapons. It is believed that all nuclear powers will strongly oppose the expansion of their closed club. But what if the Japanese are de facto supported by the British, who seek to oust the "hegemon"? The combined British-Japanese fleet will represent a real global force. Yes, it is still far from the American one, but it will still be. Even the United States will have to reckon with such an alliance.
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  1. 123
    14 January 2022 15: 09
    Why won't AUKUS take the Japanese? Didn't you come out with a snout? Need a separate one?
  2. +2
    14 January 2022 15: 16
    Quote: 123
    Why won't AUKUS take the Japanese? Didn't you come out with a snout? Need a separate one?

    Didn't come out. Anglo-Saxon snouts are needed there.
    The Britons also have their own separate interests, behind the back of the United States. "Cousins", they are.
  3. +2
    14 January 2022 15: 22
    But what if everything changes, and Tokyo itself acquires nuclear weapons? How then will the balance of power change?

    Then the Japanese will not get off with Hiroshima. Burn down completely.
    Where is that England? Until it comes to Japan, fear will endure. Now naval guns do not solve much if there are anti-ship installations on the coast, and fighters with a cruising range of 3-4 thousand km without refueling at airfields.
    The time of empires is also passing. England is Spain after sunset and it will never get out of oblivion.
    1. +1
      14 January 2022 15: 56
      Then the Japanese will not get off with Hiroshima. Burn down completely.

      Straight straight away? Or in the event of a war? Nuclear weapons are still a deterrent so that the conflict remains conventional.

      Where is that England? Until it comes to Japan, fear will endure. Now naval guns do not solve much if there are anti-ship installations on the coast, and fighters with a cruising range of 3-4 thousand km without refueling at airfields.

      The Britons have their own naval bases in the Pacific Ocean. It is a powerful global financial center. A bunch of allies around the world - the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
      And why are you talking about cannons? The British already have 2 AUGs, strategic nuclear submarines with Trident-2 ICBMs. The Japanese have 2 light aircraft carriers and several UDCs on the way, plus dozens of destroyers and URO frigates, modern diesel-electric submarines. Powerful fighter and anti-submarine aircraft. Huge military-industrial potential.

      The time of empires is also passing. England is Spain after sunset and it will never get out of oblivion.

      In my opinion, the Britons are just beginning the process of rebirth. And this is not good.
      The Turks are trying, we are dreaming.
  4. -1
    14 January 2022 15: 52
    because then Japan will be able to get out of American control and remember who asked for atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    No serious person in Japan would bill the United States for Hiroshima. All normal Japanese are well aware that their ancestors twisted in Asia as much as the Nazis in Europe; that Japan itself started the war with the United States, and she has nothing to complain about; and that the only alternative to Hiroshima would be the destruction of Japan in general to zero; and that the losses would then amount to many millions.
    But they may well have nuclear weapons. It is strange that they still do not have it, while China, Russia and even the DPRK have it. The United States may not want this, but it will not interfere.
    1. -3
      14 January 2022 16: 22
      Quote: baltika3
      they may well have nuclear weapons. It is strange that they still do not have it, while China, Russia and even the DPRK have it. The United States may not want this, but it will not interfere.

      1. Nonproliferation Treaty ...? The violating country becomes the first priority for a preemptive strike.
      2. If Japan has at least tactical nuclear weapons, it automatically becomes a target. True, the Anglo-Saxons will not worry about this.
      3. The Japanese do not have their own scientific and industrial base for the development of nuclear weapons.
      1. +1
        14 January 2022 17: 21
        Non-Proliferation Treaty ...?

        It has long been disregarded by the nuclear powers themselves. All of them, albeit to varying degrees. Neither Iran nor, moreover, the DPRK themselves would never have created nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles. The case when "everyone understands everything."

        she automatically becomes the target

        She is already a goal. Both China and Russia have already made more or less transparent hints to Japan. Yes, not even hints, but threats.

        does not have its own scientific and industrial base

        Are you serious? A country with a developed nuclear power industry is able to do almost everything, and better than others. I would bet a hundred yuan that Japan has long been a threshold state and can assemble the first warhead within a few days.
        1. -1
          15 January 2022 13: 21
          Quote: baltika3
          Both China and Russia have already made more or less transparent hints to Japan. Yes, not even hints, but threats.

          On the preventive strike of nuclear weapons on Japan?
          Where and when?

          Quote: baltika3
          Neither Iran, nor, moreover, the DPRK would have ever created nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles on their own.

          They did most of it themselves, investing in their programs for decades.

          Quote: baltika3
          A country with a developed nuclear power industry, it can do almost everything

          Nuclear power plants, in fact, are purchased. So Turkey can be called ....
          And where is "everything" in yours: jet engines, the whole range of aviation, weapons .... They even buy large ships from Korea.

          Quote: baltika3
          I'm willing to bet a hundred yuan

          Is it more or less than one ruble?

          Quote: baltika3
          Japan has long been a threshold state and can assemble the first warhead within a few days.

          I wonder where she will get the materials? Buy? Where do they sell?
      2. 0
        16 January 2022 11: 56
        1. Nonproliferation Treaty ...? The violating country becomes the first priority for a preemptive strike.

        Come on? Tell that to Israel. They are funny.
        And in Iran they laugh too.
        1. -1
          16 January 2022 16: 24
          Quote: Marzhetsky
          Come on? Tell that to Israel.

          The perpetrators of the transfer of components are known to everyone. There seems to be no production.
          And Israel did not distribute anything.

          Quote: Marzhetsky
          And in Iran they laugh too.

          Whose way to get materials? Americans do not use centrifuges, but the USSR kept everything terribly secret.
          And to whom did Iran hand over? By the way, did he sign contracts if he had not yet become the owner of nuclear weapons?

          Why was totalitarian Korea not mentioned?
          And any half-educated physicist can draw a diagram of a nuclear or thermonuclear bomb.
  5. +1
    15 January 2022 10: 16
    In fact, Britain is the 51st state of the US, "watching" in Europe.
    Japan is the second imperialist state formation in the world after the United States in terms of economic potential, the potential of which is entirely dependent on sea communications, which are undividedly controlled by the United States, and therefore Japan will always have a subordinate position and coordinate its actions in the field of military development with the United States.
    Let the US have Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, nuclear weapons - they will have them. If they don't, then so be it. In the event of a conflict with the PRC, they will come under the operational control of the United States and will provide the conflict with their “meat”. The population of Japan alone is comparable to the population of the Russian Federation, and there is also Indonesia, India, Colombia - an associate member of NATO, and other state formations of the Asia-Pacific region.
    1. -1
      15 January 2022 13: 39
      Quote: Jacques Sekavar
      In fact, Britain is the 51st state of the US, "watching" in Europe.

      A little different. The question would not arise, who appoints presidents in the United States and what is the "deep government".