To hell with Ukraine! "Independent" loses its most important asset

The most important asset of any state is people. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin said that at least 100 thousand people leave the country every month. It would seem that there are no special reasons for pride in this, but Klimkin found them - he emphasized that the outflow of the population is connected with the introduction of a visa-free regime with the countries of the European Union.

In 2017, according to the main Ukrainian diplomat, more than 1 million people left the country. And this indicates, as Klimkin says, a new understanding and quality of life. Apparently, Klimkin means “quality of life” that more and more Ukrainians simply cannot realize themselves at home. Here for them there is no work, no decent salaries, and life is becoming less and less safe.

It is interesting that most Ukrainians today seek to leave for Poland. In the cities of Western Ukraine, schools with the study of the Polish language are growing in popularity. Many ethnic Ukrainians try to look for Polish roots in order to get a “Pole card”, which gives them the right to permanent work in Poland and to receive higher or secondary vocational education in Poland.

The fact that even seventy-odd years ago Bandera slaughtered the Polish population of Volhynia, today in Ukraine they prefer not to recall. But this is well remembered in Poland, where Ukrainian migrants are not so happy. So, now, after the ban on Bandera ideology in Poland, Ukrainian citizens entering the country must answer questions about their attitude to Stepan Bandera, the ideas of Ukrainian nationalism, the activities of Bandera during the Second World War. If they give rise to the Polish authorities for suspicions of hidden sympathies for Bandera, then entry into Poland is closed. The Polish authorities repeatedly criticized the Ukrainians working in the country, which made even some representatives of the Kiev regime react insulted, stating that their compatriots were honest workers who almost kept the Poles, doing all the dirty work.

Mass emigration to the West is the fate of many countries of Eastern Europe. So, for Latvia and Lithuania, the departure of citizens of these countries to the UK, Poland, Germany has become a real national problem. Instead of Latvians and Lithuanians, refugees from the Middle East and Africa come to the Baltic states, but in Riga and Vilnius they prefer to turn a blind eye to the migration problem. For example, in Lithuania since 1991, the population has declined by a million people. This is due not only to low birth rates, but also to the mass departure of Lithuanians to EU countries. According to opinion polls, at least 90% of young Lithuanians would like to go to the West. The same situation has developed in Ukraine.

In fact, a visa-free regime is beneficial for Ukrainians as individuals who could find work in the West, but it is completely not beneficial for Ukraine as a state. After all, she receives only a regular reduction in the population. But, on the other hand, this allows the Ukrainian authorities not to think much about the problem of unemployment, the growth of salaries and pensions. A country can turn into a state similar to some republics of Central Asia, half of all income of which comes from transfers of citizens working abroad. If Ukrainians who came out in 2013-2014 dreamed about it. to the central squares of Kiev, then they can be congratulated - everything conceived was realized.