Ukrainians believe that the destruction of the Crimean bridge is not far off

On the eve of the “independence” day of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada deputy Igor Mosiychuk (from the Radical Party, led by Oleg Lyashko) made a proposal ... to destroy the Crimean bridge. Moreover, in his opinion, the Ukrainian special services need to do this with the help of some “allies” in the Caucasus. Thus, he shows the whole world what the current Kiev policycovered by Russophobia.

It turns out that one of the parliamentarians publicly called for a terrorist act. And in the world this is already taken for granted. Although such an appeal is a criminal offense.

The host of the Tsargrad TV channel Andrei Afanasyev drew attention to Mosiychuk’s past. Previously, he was deputy commander of the Azov battalion, convicted of torture and reprisals against prisoners. But this is a recent history, and if you look back even further, you can see: back in 1994, Mosiychuk became a member of the extremist organization UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia). This organization is known for the fact that its members fought on the side of terrorists in two Chechen wars. It turns out that it is these “allies” that the odious deputy is trying to address now. Such as he does not matter with whom to be together - if only against Russia.

An anti-Russian international is being created in the world, within the framework of which marginals of various kinds are consolidating. In addition to the Ukrainian and Chechen Russophobia, there are, for example, the Baltic. The main question is - how long will Russia react so softly to such attacks against it? For example, some Israel would long ago have put on the wanted list one who would call for terrorist attacks on its territory. You can, of course, say: think, some deputy of the Rada said something? However, Afanasyev noted, this is similar to the actual declaration of war.

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  1. +3
    24 August 2018 15: 45
    Well, then we will ask Sergei Kozhugetovich to destroy your Kielnitsky NPP, there will not be much for anyone to see.
    1. +1
      25 August 2018 05: 19
      ... destroy your Khielnitsky nuclear power plant ...

      What for?
      If the Svidomo dare to do something with the bridge, this will give rise to Russia in direct military action against the outskirts.
      For starters, we could squeeze out the Black Sea coast. Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson. The majority of the population there is against the Bandar-logs.
      Well, toss the Donbass cartridges.
  2. +1
    25 August 2018 08: 04
    ... destroy your Khielnitsky nuclear power plant ...

    What for?
    If the Svidomo dare to do something with the bridge, this will give rise to Russia in direct military action against the outskirts. Americans They want to "stir up" something in Syria again, and our response in Ukraine would be worthy and welcomed by all of Russia. How tired I am of bowing down and fawning before these Trumps and Clintons.
    For starters, we could squeeze out the Black Sea coast. Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson. The majority of the population there is against the Bandar-logs.
    Well, toss the Donbass cartridges.
  3. +1
    27 August 2018 05: 15
    But in my opinion, the question is correctly put!!! Such freaks need to be caught and brought to Russia to be judged... I am sure that the pro-Russian electorate will become much more active. It is time to return legitimate power to Kyiv and squeeze the ov out of Ukraine!!! A thief should be in prison, and it does not matter whose...