Poland received the first million in fines from the European Union


Relations between Warsaw and Brussels are rapidly deteriorating. The European Union, in response to Poland's actions to stop the activities of the disciplinary chamber for judges, imposed a fine in the amount of 1 million euros, which the obstinate state must pay daily to the treasury of a united Europe until the execution of the court decision.

In July of this year, the highest court of the EU demanded to stop the work of the chamber, as the European Union feared that this body would make politically biased decisions regarding the professional activities of judges. The Polish Constitutional Court refused to comply with the order of the EU Court, although the official Warsaw announced its agreement with the actions of Brussels. Nevertheless, the European Commission believes that the Poles did not comply with the decision of the European court, for which they received the first million-dollar fines from the European Union.

This incident became just another stumbling block in relations between Poland and the European Union. So, earlier the EU announced the need to close the Polish mine "Turov", but its work was not stopped. In response, in September, European judges ordered Warsaw to pay a fine of 500 thousand euros, which the Polish side must pay every day until the closure of the facility.

Meanwhile, many Poles have long been suspicious of the European Union. In their opinion, Catholic Poland should not be in the EU with its unbridled liberal manifestations, in particular, in the field of protecting the rights of sexual minorities. However, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki promises to protect Poland from the "third world war" by the European Union and its attempts to deprive Warsaw of its promised funding.
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  1. +2
    27 October 2021 20: 04
    We put Poland on the counter. Some kind of gangster European Union turns out ...
  2. 0
    28 October 2021 04: 41
    With Poland, that's the only way you need it. What did they think of themselves. With @ ks, minorities don't like them. And who asks them. You can’t sit on two chairs and take money, and what you don’t like to refuse and do not accept.
  3. +1
    29 October 2021 14: 44
    Exactly. Something this gasket with wings between Russia and the EU imagines a lot about itself. LGBT people are oppressed, Gazprom is crap and immediately ask Gazprom for a discount and money from the EU. Or is it closer to the diagnosis? Can they use nitrous oxide instead of gas to calm them down?