Foreign Affairs refused to consider Russia a significant force in the Middle East


After the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, some American experts believe that America is abandoning its spheres of geopolitical influence, yielding them to China and Russia. However, the analysts of the American magazine Foreign Affairs are confident that it is too early to discount the United States from the world accounts, and Russia is not a significant force in the Middle East region.

At the same time, the publication pays tribute to the efforts of Moscow in a number of countries in Asia and Africa. Thus, the Russian Federation sent its troops and mercenaries to Syria, strengthens its positions in the north of the "Black Continent", in the Persian Gulf and in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, sells weapons to Algeria, Egypt and Iraq and is trying to cooperate with the Saudis in the framework of the OPEC + deal.

However, according to the FA, the results of the Kremlin's actions look rather modest. The satellites of the Russian Federation in the Middle East do not follow in the wake of the Kremlin instructions, preferring to carry out their own policies and sometimes frustrating the calculations of Moscow. This applies, in particular, to Bashar al-Assad in Syria and Khalifa Haftar in Libya.

In addition, Russia's financial and political capabilities in comparison with the United States and even the USSR leave much to be desired. Soviet specialists at one time implemented large-scale infrastructure projects in these regions, while the modern Russian Federation is only trying to make money, yielding in this to richer competitors from the West.

If you look closely at the Kremlin's forays into the Middle East, its disappointments and failures will soon become apparent.

- considers Foreign Affairs.
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  1. -2
    27 October 2021 17: 20
    Correct assessment.
    1. -1
      27 October 2021 17: 28
      Well, you can and so, in two words, to say briefly, without graphomania (as I was about to write, reading this Article. winked )!
      It's a rare case when Binyuzhniku ​​Plus! Yes
    2. 0
      27 October 2021 18: 55
      as expected, for Jews as a balm for the soul
    3. 0
      28 October 2021 06: 52
      The giggle, the lord of sneakers and dumbbells approved the opinion of the same "analysts"! laughing laughing laughing
  2. 0
    27 October 2021 17: 52
    In principle, at this stage, it is true.
  3. 0
    28 October 2021 02: 23
    and that someone set a goal on a larger scale than making money wherever possible? The proletarian of all countries is not relevant now. And what else can we catch there, besides advertising weapons, rolling weapons, selling weapons and mining everything that is underground? Well, even in the Islamic world, it is correct to position yourself, challenging the West, which by the way benefits Russia not only there, but in general.
  4. 0
    29 October 2021 14: 43
    Are there any statistics on this score, or simply I DO NOT BELIEVE?
    IMHO, if not for the political games with Turkey, the north of the SAR would have been cleaned up long ago ✌️