Stagnation before breakout. How the pandemic pitted countries, peoples and people


The covid epidemic is again breaking records, including in mortality. The Internet is seething with couch wars of "vaccinators" and "anti-vaccinators", but in real life people are absolutely complacent and do not pay attention to the viral danger. Our man, apparently, has something to fear more than a virus: layoffs, rising prices, bills for housing and communal services and the visit of collectors. We begin to be afraid only of death and only after we get sick.

In general, it is easy to see that the global pandemic clearly shows how much unconscious elements are in the behavior of people all over the planet and how little rational, scientific, planned, proportional and even just logical.

For example, our covid already kills a thousand people a day, there are vaccines that seem to help avoid excess mortality, but at the same time the state advocates voluntariness of vaccination, referring to some kind of civil rights and freedoms. The right to what? Freedom from what? The right to die and freedom from life?

Or is the state itself not sure that general vaccination will save you from mortality and in such a cunning way disclaims responsibility for the statements made earlier?

It seems that the whole point is in the "ratings", in the "popularity" of the authorities. The decision on compulsory vaccination seems unpopular to the vaccinated Putin, therefore he is “against coercion”. Is this a sign of a reasonable, mature society and the power that rises above this society?

Everyone can see that the Chinese, North Koreans and Vietnamese are fighting the pandemic with emergency isolation measures. And they effectively prevent epidemic foci or suppress the epidemic foci behind the outbreak. But no country is in a hurry to adopt this experience. Why? Also "unpopular"? Afraid of offending corporations and entrepreneurs that will lose revenues?

When in Russia 5 thousand people fell ill a day, we sat in "self-isolation", and now, when 30 thousand are added, everyone has practically forgotten even about masks. Where is the logic, consistency, rationality? And so in almost all countries, power rushes from side to side, and society gets used to and adapts without any guiding ideology.

They say that our healthcare system has just adapted to covid, so no crackdown is being imposed. For thirty years we have been optimizing medicine, transferring it to paid and semi-paid rails, introducing cost accounting and per capita financing in polyclinics and hospitals, overloading personnel. We firmly decided that the healing and health care of the people are just services, that is, goods. How could this system “adapt” in a year? Only by diverting medical forces from identifying and treating other diseases, which clearly shows the excess mortality in the country. That is, we adapt to one disease, forgetting about others.

Pandemic is to blame

At the same time, the pandemic as a social phenomenon, as it were, has absorbed all other problems: and economic the crisis, and the growth of poverty, and the aggravation of the international situation. Now the pandemic is blamed for everything. Some analysts even see the pandemic as the "cleansing force" of the market economy. The fact is that the laws of the market during a period of economic downturn and recession require the largest possible destruction of assets in order to “improve” balances and proportions. Usually there are stock market crashes, mass destruction of commodity products, the movement of production to countries with cheaper labor. From this, in a relative sense, the most powerful corporations always benefit, while the masses of medium and small companies go bankrupt and the population impoverishes. But the main way to "revitalize" the markets has always been a war using the most destructive weapons possible. Today, a major war has become difficult, since many countries have acquired nuclear weapons. Consequently, lockdowns and lockouts within the framework of a pandemic in this light can be viewed as a kind of way to equalize the imbalances of the market economy, like a controlled and soft crisis fall.

Of course, the above does not mean that the pandemic is man-made and the conspiracy of the world behind the scenes, but the synchronicity and identity of the government measures of many states shows that behind subjective antiquarian decisions, an objective need is breaking through to curb the world economic crisis, which deeply struck many countries even before the pandemic.

It is easy to see that a pandemic, unlike wars, takes the lives of the elderly and sick people. It sounds cynical, but the pandemic is unloading countries' budgets from pension and medical obligations. And if in almost all countries of the world money is at the forefront (not in words, but in deeds), then why be surprised that the intensity of the fight against the pandemic is not impressive?

Disunity and struggle, not rallying and mutual assistance

Let us recall how the European countries in the first wave left Italy and Spain to the mercy of fate. Let us recall how the USA selfishly tried to outbid the first batches of the vaccine, clearly not for free injections of the “white” poor and “colored” people. Is this the civilized approach to life taught by "Euro-Atlantic values"?

If you read the charter and documents of the UN, it may seem that all countries were simply obliged to rally in the face of global danger. After all, Covid does not understand either citizenship, or races, or nations, and for decades rich countries have sworn loyalty to the ideals of humanitarian aid to poor countries. But in reality, the pandemic has demonstrated that "every man for himself." At least in the Western world.

WHO, as the UN logical unit, was supposed to play the role of the scientific and organizational center for coordinating the fight against the pandemic. What is in reality? She collects statistics, publishes confusing training manuals and essentially plays the role of an outside observer, a chronicler of the epidemic.

Even friendly countries are in no hurry to mutually officially recognize each other's vaccines, protecting not human health, but sales markets for pharmaceutical corporations. The world in the era of a pandemic, amid the sweet speeches of world leaders about the need for rallying and mutual assistance, is polarized and fragmented. The pandemic, by the way, has become the next stage in the destruction of unipolarity.

There are also reverse examples of healthy relationships. Russia helped Italy and other countries. China, by the way, not only injected its citizens with 2,3 billion doses of vaccine, but also provided poor countries with more than 1 billion ampoules for free, and by the end of the year guarantees the supply of another 1 billion. In this sense, the PRC is, of course, a locomotive of adequacy and sanity ...

But nevertheless, the global pandemic has revealed that mankind is too arrogant in considering itself reasonable and civilized. The economies of almost all countries are obviously “sharpened” for enrichment, as V.V. Putin, one percent of the population. Political the sphere is very far from perfect and is torn apart by the contradictions of opposing interests of various groups and strata. Culture has long been in decline, if not in degradation. The peoples are immersed in national, racial squabbles and prejudices monstrous in stupidity.

But it is not all that bad. If there were more stupidity and meanness in people in terms of total potential than rationality and kindness, then humanity would have perished long ago. This means that we are witnessing stagnation before the breakout. The world is on the verge of a new Renaissance era, a reassessment of values ​​and approaches. And science must become the central link in the breakthrough. It is science that allows you to adequately look at things.

To raise the scientific level of society management, the scientific level of the state - this is what we are objectively pushed to by difficult living conditions and social contradictions. The main thing is that the rationalization of humanity should prevent a third world war, and not become its only positive consequence.
21 comment
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  1. +3
    21 October 2021 10: 25
    The article is good, correct, everything seems to be correctly described about the world. But only one question arises - and if our, the Russian authorities announce the compulsory vaccination of all residents of the country, will they write angry articles about the infringement of their rights, that the constitution prohibits forcing medical procedures without the patient's desire? I think so, and therefore the author also puts money at the head. Then why be surprised.
  2. +1
    21 October 2021 10: 56
    An article in the style of Leopold the cat "Let's live together." I don't mind, but it hasn't been like this for the last 2 or 3 thousand years.
    Specifically for covid. To assert

    And science must become the central link in the breakthrough. It is science that allows you to adequately look at things.

    We must first scientifically prove that vaccination helps to defeat the disease. I am referring specifically to anticoid vaccines. And this is precisely the biggest question.
    1. 0
      21 October 2021 11: 02
      We must first scientifically prove that vaccination helps to defeat the disease.

      there are statistics on those who are on mechanical ventilation - with the vaccine and without - or is it not that? Need to plead and convince in a different way?

      I would deny free corona treatment to anti-vaccines. Didn't want a shot? 200 re bed + the cost of medicines - that's when each such person unfastens 000 re from the survivors and tells other obscurantists of the same kind, understanding will come - I am convinced.

      PS How much taxpayers' money goes to fight for the life of these anti-Axers? Bills must be presented. There is where to invest, these degrades hinder the development of the state
      1. -2
        21 October 2021 12: 17
        At first, together with the same people, you sat down at home on self-isolation, did everything to preserve the virus and give it the opportunity to mutate, and now we are to blame for not wanting to be vaccinated with your rotten vaccine, the second time with which even Putin is in no hurry to inject?
        And you, having done this, still want to heal us for our money?
        1. 0
          21 October 2021 12: 35
          your rancid vaccine

          Here I also wrote about such. The same Papuans are harnessing 5J towers - so that their blood does not thicken and the coronavirus does not penetrate or that the chip is not implanted

          It's a pity there is no punitive psychiatry

          Should we treat us for our money?

          I suggest not to treat you at all and write you a refusal of mechanical ventilation, although what am I talking about? You won't write) You are a typical anti-waxer

          Kashchenko is crying for you, obscurantists.

          A Muscovite died of coronavirus, deliberately infecting herself and her relatives. Pavel Brand, the medical director of the Semeynaya clinic, told about this on his Facebook.

          He posted screenshots of the correspondence in which his friend was called to the funeral of a woman who died at the age of 42. She was sure that if she contracted the virus from a person with a mild form of COVID-19, then she herself would get sick in a mild form. A Russian woman with two daughters went to a sick friend. Subsequently, her husband also became infected from her.

          However, then her condition deteriorated sharply, but the woman refused the help of doctors. She later died in hospital. One of her daughters also required hospitalization, a nine-year-old girl was even admitted to intensive care, but she recovered. The second daughter and husband suffered mild covid.
      2. 0
        21 October 2021 12: 58
        Well, what are the statistics? For example, in Israel and Great Britain - 80% in hospitals are those who have been vaccinated. I would deny vaccinators a free corona treatment. Grafted -

        200 re bed + cost of medicines - that's when each such person unfastens 000 re from the survivors and tells other obscurantists of the same kind, understanding will come - I am convinced.
  3. 0
    21 October 2021 12: 09
    There is only one known way to defeat such viruses - to create COLLECTIVE IMMUNITY
    And it can only be created after 80% of the population has been ill, and the vaccinated do not count
    For two years we have been stubbornly and persistently fighting herd immunity, have already received dozens of different strains, one cooler and more deadly than the other, but I feel that we are determined to fight herd immunity to the last person on the planet
    1. 0
      21 October 2021 13: 00
      Collective immunity (I call herd immunity) cannot be developed by definition.
      1. 0
        21 October 2021 13: 29
        Thousands of medical professionals declare COVID policies “Crimes Against Humanity”

        WHEREAS, this is not medicine. This is not caring. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.
        1. 0
          22 October 2021 07: 10
          The search engine did not find the "desert revue"
          Which country is this resource from?
          1. +1
            22 October 2021 07: 47
            I gave in English because there is no official translation into Russian. But the fact that doctors (at least some of the doctors) consider vaccination a crime is a fact. I went through this on my own experience. And I am treated only by old doctors with 25-30 years of experience. The doctor who treated me for the "crown" says that out of more than a hundred patients, only one died. For a year and a half. Because it doesn't recognize the WHO protocol. Unfortunately, he cannot resist pressure from the authorities.
            1. 0
              22 October 2021 08: 56
              And there will be no translation, obviously a blog that is not even found by search engines, thousands of experts believe ...
              On medical issues, it is better to publish the type. Lancet
              1. +2
                22 October 2021 08: 59
                Labcet - will not give anything against vaccination.
                I looked - the site is located in Southern California. Published in English and Spanish. This is not a blog, but a website. The problem is not who posted it. And in the essence of the question. The WHO coronavirus protocol is a crime. Medicines that are prescribed have not been proven to be effective and are often hazardous to health. If a person is not treated, then he will die. And at present, doctors do not treat patients, but follow a specific protocol.
                1. 0
                  22 October 2021 09: 22
                  Well, if the world's most authoritative medical publication is not a decree, but a blog from southern California, on the contrary, then for God's sake.
                  I was ill in a mild form, I did not even lie down on the ivl, I did not die, well, glory to the Almighty.
                  1. +2
                    22 October 2021 09: 40
                    I'm just giving information.
                    Good. Let's take a specific example. Recommendation of the Ministry of Health of Russia - if there are G antibodies, then vaccination is not necessary. The recommendation of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan - the test for antibodies does not matter and vaccination is necessary. If two reputable organizations give different recommendations, which one is correct?
                    I did both vaccines. As I said - in the fall. But before the first vaccination, I passed an immunoglobulin test. Antibodies - 12,7. 15 days after the second vaccination, I did a second test. Didn't regret 40 bucks. The result is the same - 12,7. Showed to the doctor and asked: "If the vaccine should increase my resistance to covid, then why are the results the same"? There was no answer.
                    I was not sick with covid. Although the epicrisis says - "laboratory confirmed covid". Three PCR tests were negative. All three were done at the hospital. But the diagnosis is covid. Because I have, you see, a high level of antibodies. And they persistently offered mechanical ventilation at a saturation of 94%. I refused. MRI showed 20% lung lesion. After a week - absolutely clean lungs. Diagnostics was carried out in different clinics. When asked whether the lungs can recover in a week, they answered me - categorically not.

                    Let's go back to Russia. There are no official statistics. But according to surveys of several organizations, up to 20% of Russian doctors do not recommend vaccination. For different reasons. Some of the luminaries of medicine have already called these doctors "incompetent." Not understanding what he says. If every fifth doctor in Russia is “unfit”, what does this mean for the country's health care? Maybe the "luminaries" are not suitable for professional use?

                    Again. I’m not a doctor and I don’t want to get into the jungle. But I see what I see. My "covid" was cured by a pulmanologist with 30 years of experience in his specialty. His diagnosis was pneumonia. And in the hospital I was treated with remdisivir and faripiravir. The hardest drugs that have a lot of side effects. Even according to the WHO, they are not recommended for long-term treatment. But for some reason they were introduced into the WHO protocol.
                    Over the past year, I have had either 10 or 15 PCR tests. All negative. But I had to make a vaccine, because you can't get anywhere without Ausweis.

                    I am not agitating anyone and I am not calling for anything. I was forced to administer vaccinations. And since childhood, I did not like the collective farm. And I know that most are usually wrong. As the saying goes, "there are few of us, not because we are wrong. It's just that ours have not yet approached."

                    Let everyone decide for himself. This is none of my business. I got two vaccinations. Forced. I will not do the third categorically.
              2. +1
                22 October 2021 09: 02

                The Desert Review is an award winning, locally owned, and independent online news source and weekly printed publication that covers the events, sports, and people of the Imperial Valley in southern California and the stories that matter to the community.

                I took the very first site I came across on which this message was published. You can search for others. But the meaning? If there is such an appeal by doctors, it does not matter who published it?
  4. 0
    21 October 2021 12: 41
    The world is on the verge of a new Renaissance era, a reassessment of values ​​and approaches.

    Some kind of idealism.

    After the 2008 crisis, the capitalists decided - something with little profit, and launched a new arms race.
    First, they asked each other to draw cartoons, and then they began to master real super-hyper-systems. New tanks, (barrels on old), planes, UAVs, missiles, submarines, ships ... and all exactly after 8-14 years ...
    One has only to look at how military budgets gradually surged up after 2008 and everyone began to rattle their weapons ...
  5. 0
    21 October 2021 12: 47
    The assumption about the man-made origin of Covid-19 has a basis, the question is who benefits from it and what global consequences will have in different spheres of social life.
    Thanks to the scientific potential of the Russian Federation, it repulsed this attack, but the battle continues.
    Collective immunity is compulsorily formed in the sphere of active labor activity of the population, including children's and educational institutions, and the right to choose remains with the disabled population due to the lesser value of this category of the population.
    The real victims turned out to be billions of people in the underdeveloped state institutions of different continents, who have neither scientific or industrial potential and are not capable of creating their own vaccines, and there is no doubt that this will be in demand in the future.
  6. -3
    21 October 2021 13: 10
    It is easy to see that a pandemic unlike wars, takes the lives of old people and sick people. It sounds cynical, but the pandemic is unloading countries' budgets from pension and medical obligations.

    Does the war not claim the lives of the elderly and sick people? Which pink universe is this?

    Let us recall how the European countries in the first wave left Italy and Spain to the mercy of fate. Let us recall how the USA selfishly tried to outbid the first batches of the vaccine, clearly not for free injections of the “white” poor and “colored” people. Is this the civilized approach to life taught by "Euro-Atlantic values"?

    The same USA sent consignments of millions of vaccines to at least Bolivia, Mongolia, Georgia, Tajikistan. There are corresponding programs of assistance to poor countries and Europeans.
  7. -1
    21 October 2021 21: 32
    The economies of almost all countries are obviously “sharpened” for enrichment, as V.V. Putin, one percent of the population.

    I do not particularly follow the statements of this gentleman, but I cannot even remotely recall such a pearl of his.
    1. 0
      22 October 2021 08: 24
      I understood: at the time of 40 years ago, from where the author of this opus came out, it was obligatory in any annotation, preface, review, written work or oral report about and without reason to write (say) a quote from the speech of "dear and beloved Leonid Ilyich "at the last Plenum of the Central Committee or the Congress of the CPSU.
      If the adored Leonid Ilyich did not say anything on this topic, then it was necessary to quote from the speeches of someone from the members of the Politburo of the Central Committee. "Ashes of the USSR" and knocks in the hearts of local writers.