Will a new weapon make bankrupt of Russia?

Recently, Russia is increasingly announcing new developments in the arms industry. Sometimes the President himself speaks about the advantages of the latest types of Russian weapons, which indicates the priority of the defense sector in our country.

What causes fear?

Many during such presentations have a disturbing feeling. Some, mostly residents of Western countries, suspect Russia of aggressive plans and see it as a threat to their security. Others, mostly Russians and friendly foreigners, fear for the economy Russia, which may not withstand the growing military spending.

In fact, you should not be afraid of either one or the other.

Russia has no aggressive intentions. Actually, the aggressor usually behaves differently. He secretly prepares and suddenly attacks, and does not demonstrate his military power. Rather, it can be seen as a deterrent, showing the country's ability to repel any attack from the outside.

As for exorbitant military spending that could lead to an economic collapse, our country has already experienced a similar situation. It is no secret that one of the reasons for the destruction of the USSR was the arms race. The country spent more on weapons production than it could afford. Is there any reason to think that history is repeating today?

Features of national rearmament

Those who believe that the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation are one and the same country, which just once changed its name, are deeply mistaken. And today's rivalry between Russia and the United States supports this misconception in them.

In fact, the Russian Federation, unlike the USSR, is not even trying to keep up with America. We are not trying to spend as much on the production of weapons as the United States.

According to the current GPV-2027 ten-year State Arms Program, designed for the period until 2027, Russia plans to spend 19 trillion rubles on military needs, which will be approximately 300 billion in terms of dollars. This is an impressive amount, but Russia is able to afford it. It can not be compared with the US military budget, which in 2017 amounted to 524 billion dollars. There is no typo - Americans spend more on weapons per year than the Russians planned for 10 years.

And these data are not a secret, they were published in their analytical report by the Royal Chatham House Institute of International Relations from Great Britain. Specialists of this organization note that the Russian leadership is soberly evaluating its financial capabilities. Even with a minimum 2 percent growth in the Russian economy, these 19 trillion rubles will amount to 4 percent of GDP over these 10 years. The military expenditures of the Russian Federation accounted for approximately the same share in the 90s, but then this money was not used efficiently enough.

The British believe that starting in the 2010s, Russia got rid of the Soviet system of building the armed forces. Our country is gradually abandoning the content of a large number of inefficient weapons and focuses on high-tech weapons. In other words, Russia is successfully moving from quantity to quality. For example, in the new state program, special attention is paid to means of increasing troop mobility, the development of communication, command and intelligence systems.

Russia does not set global control as its goal, and therefore does not need such a military budget as in the United States. The tasks of our armed forces include ensuring the security and territorial integrity of our country. The budgetary funds allocated for this make it possible to provide the military with everything necessary, without prejudice to the economy and social sphere.
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  1. +1
    9 August 2018 10: 55
    real, and not imaginary, new weapons make their owners richer. because really new weapons are new discoveries and new technologies. Of course, if they say about eternal reactors without understanding the algorithms for transforming nuclear processes, then this is already a bluff.
  2. +1
    14 August 2018 07: 20
    In fact, it is a myth that "the arms race destroyed the USSR." A myth spread by the American intelligence services.
    According to the UN, the economy of the USSR was equal to 14,2% of the world GDP by PPP, at the end of the 80s. The USSR was the second economy in the world. And he could afford a large and strong army.
    The USSR was destroyed by traitors in the highest echelons of power. Led by Gorbachev. And the crisis in the economy was artificial.