Russian gas pipeline interferes with the implementation of the Polish-Ukrainian energy project


On the eve of the launch of Nord Stream 2, Ukraine and Poland have announced their own gas ambitions. According to representatives of the Polish and Ukrainian sides, the Russian gas project will interfere with the implementation of plans to create a single gas distribution center for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

According to Sergey Makogon, General Director of GTS Operator of Ukraine, Kiev and Warsaw have great potential for the development of their own gas capacities. The markets of both countries are designed for 50 billion cubic meters of "blue fuel" per year. Poland is planning the supply of Norwegian liquefied gas and the construction of connectors with neighboring countries, Ukraine has a developed GTS and energy ties with seven neighboring states.

With access to the Trans-Balkan gas route, our countries can create a powerful south-northern gas corridor that will ensure energy security for all of South-Eastern Europe

- Makogon emphasized during the Gazterm conference.

In this case, according to Head of the National Energy Security Fund (NESF) Alexei Grivach, the Russian pipeline could hinder the implementation of these plans. Gas supplied to Germany and other European countries via the new pipeline will be cheaper than in Poland and Ukraine. Thus, opposing the SP-2, Warsaw and Kiev neglect economic the interests of the European Union.

In any case, a common Polish-Ukrainian hub is difficult to implement for technical reasons. Dmitry Marunich, co-chairman of the Energy Strategies Fund, noted that Ukraine is not able to receive more than 2 billion cubic meters of gas a year from Polish partners. The problem is aggravated by the aggravation of Polish-Ukrainian relations against this background - each of the parties is trying to "pull the blanket over itself" in the issue of gas supplies.
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  1. 0
    1 September 2021 10: 49
    Should we be ashamed?
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +2
    1 September 2021 10: 59
    Toad made friends with a viper
  4. GRF
    1 September 2021 11: 15
    "Europeans" do not need cheap gas, but gas should be cheap in the Russian Federation and everything that hinders this should be excluded ...