Published satellite images of the deployment of the first Avangard regiment


Satellite images of the deployment of the first Avangard regiment, a Russian missile system equipped with a guided warhead, a glider, have been posted on social media. The hypersonic unit is launched to the target using the UR-100N UTTH intercontinental ballistic missile, which develops speeds up to Mach 28.

The pictures show 4 mines under the UR-100N UTTKh ICBM with hypersonic gliders in the Dombarovsky district of the Orenburg region.

The new command post of the 621st regiment, coordinates of which: 51.061746 ° N. 59.608252 ° E

Test shaft for the missile complex, coordinates: 51.030858 ° N 59.690055 ° E.

Two silos for launches of the carrier rocket "Dnepr", coordinates of which: 51.065594 ° N 59.693777 ° E and 50.972775 ° N 59.551231 ° E Objects remain unchanged. The last missile launch took place on March 26, 2015.

Meanwhile, in an incomplete composition, the first Avangard regiment began combat duty in December 2019. The second regiment, equipped with Vanguards, will take over watch in the Russian army in two years. This was announced in early August by the commander of the 13th missile division, Major General Andrei Cherevko, during the state acceptance of new weapons systems.

The Russian missile forces will also soon be replenished with the first regiment of new Sarmat intercontinental missiles. By the end of this year, missile tests will be carried out - they will be completed in 2022. In the same year, according to Sergei Shoigu, "Sarmatians" will enter the Russian army.
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  1. +1
    30 August 2021 22: 40
    The planet is very small. On the one hand, the mines were moved as far as they could to the center of the mainland. Almost to the border with Kazakhstan, and in fact - the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, Barents, Kara - all within 2,5 thousand km. For trident 2 about 6 minutes in my opinion. Noticeably less reaction time.
  2. +3
    31 August 2021 02: 09
    In November 1966, Colonel Epifanov, the commander of the regiment, IK fronts, took up combat duty. In Yasnoye, the club celebrated the New Year and was put on duty. I was leading the concert. Proud for the country, for the 621 regiment, junior sergeant of the reserve dmb621.