Why liberals in power punish Russia

Now, many Russians are dissatisfied with the socio-economic situation in the country and the course pursued by the Russian government. One often hears that the root of the problems of modern Russia is that it economic development is determined by liberals. Like, under Boris Yeltsin, and now at the helm of the government are all the same representatives of the Gaidar school. However, few people think that the current situation in the economy has become possible precisely thanks to the people themselves. Weren't they enthusiastically saying at the very beginning of the 1990s that they wanted to work for the owner, that the property should be private and the free market needed to be developed?

Even now, the vast majority of the country's population, including those who vote for the Communists, do not really want a rejection of capitalism and private property. You can shout as much as you like about social justice, but at the same time successfully rent out the "extra" apartment, engage in some small business, often not even completely legal, at least from the point of view of paying taxes.

It turns out that for the most part modern Russians agree with the capitalist model of the country's development, but at the same time they want capitalism to be “with a human face” in Russia. But this “human face” is understood by people in a very strange way - we will make money, do business, avoid taxes and social contributions, but we want decent pensions from 55-60 years old, numerous social guarantees, free medicine and healthcare.

Many talk about banks - moneylenders, predatory interest on loans, but rarely who wants to abandon the possibility of acquiring a mortgage apartment or a foreign car. Indeed, in your own apartment with two or three rooms you want to live now, and not when you give birth to two or three children and work for ten or twenty years at the enterprise. Does anyone want to abandon a privatized apartment or two apartments today, from the possibility of passing them by inheritance to their children or other relatives?

Thus, the current liberal course of the Russian government is only a reflection of the values ​​and aspirations of most modern Russians, even if they themselves do not understand this. The fact that the country has virtually no strong left-wing opposition, which would be staffed not with nostalgic elderly people, but with the younger generation, also speaks volumes.

Is there an alternative to the existing liberal government? Who supports this alternative? Each system has its own costs - both socialism and capitalism. Therefore, if the majority of the population is not ready to make a choice in favor of the socialist paradigm, then we will live in a capitalist system, with all the attendant negative features in the form of oligarchs and money-lender banks, growing social stratification and the gradual folding of social benefits.
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  1. +2
    7 August 2018 17: 31
    Even that late USSR with all its shoals and deficits is much more "humane" and "more developed" of our state-feudal-raw capitalism, restored by shape-shifters from the top of the CPSU, Komsomol, KGB of the USSR in 1991. So it is in vain that the author actually "equates" socialism and capitalism. Capitalism is a step backward, and socialism is a step forward.
  2. +2
    7 August 2018 18: 12
    Liberals do not punish Russia, they destroy it, on the direct orders of the State Department. The "Collective West" and the United States zealously declare all sorts of sanctions to us in order to undermine and destroy Russia, but homegrown liberals from our government have already announced sanctions to their own people, raised the prices of gasoline, and, accordingly, raised prices for services on all products and goods Housing and communal services, raised VAT, raised the retirement age, apparently, they are waiting for a popular revolt, "Senseless and merciless", to destroy Russia from the inside.
    1. +1
      8 August 2018 10: 14
      it is unlikely that the West is such a fool not to understand that there will be no popular revolt in Russia. As it was not even in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, and neither the "knights of the cloak and dagger", the valiant Soviet security officers, nor the huge Soviet Army with generals and admirals of the old school, nor numerous party and trade union organizations could organize its defense. factories. What can we say about the current situation.
      1. +2
        8 August 2018 10: 54
        Here you, Ilya, are very mistaken - in Russia there were a lot of popular riots - salt, copper, strelets, plague, bloody Sundays, the revolution of the 17th year, and this one will be pension, or tax, and maybe Medvedev-Kudrin-is needed only a tiny spark, from which the flame of the people's anger will "kindle".