Why is Medvedev not being fired?

Now in Russia it is very fashionable to demand the resignation of the government. Under this slogan, the opposition takes to the streets, you constantly hear criticism of Dmitry Medvedev and his team in everyday conversations. The main urgent reason for such a position of the people regarding the Cabinet of Ministers was the upcoming pension reform - a measure, to put it mildly, not popular among the population. People are dissatisfied with the worsening socio-economic situation, they are afraid to remain without income in old age in case of raising the retirement age.

However, there are certain nuances that make us relate to the slogans of the resignation of the government with a certain amount of skepticism. To begin with, without some major change in the economic course of the country, a change in the composition of the cabinet will not produce anything. You can remove Dmitry Medvedev and put in his place another person from the government, presidential administration or legislative authorities, but the situation will not change.

The paradigm of the current government will remain the same, respectively, and the country will move in the same direction. Until now, our country has not come to an optimal model of economic development for itself, and this is a very serious problem, which largely explains the rest of the tangle of problems and contradictions that arise after it. Changing the government makes sense only if the whole economic policy of the Russian state, other goals will appear and ways to achieve them will be outlined. Otherwise, personnel leapfrog will not lead to anything.

In addition, now in Russia there is virtually no normal opposition that would have real political influence and would advocate a patriotic, rather than a liberal-Westernist program. The “street” critics of Putin and Medvedev are even more fierce liberals, from whose actions the people will not get anything good. The experience of many countries of the world teaches us that after pro-Western transformations, the life of the people has not improved in any way. An example of neighboring Ukraine is the best confirmation of this. In order to change the government, a real alternative must be present - patriotically oriented political elites capable of thinking and acting in the interests of Russia, and not of the Western powers interested in destroying it.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the dismissal of the current government due to opposition protests will look like a defeat for the authorities and President Putin in particular. But now the political situation is far from being formed in the world in order to destabilize the domestic political situation in the country against its background. In fact, in a difficult global environment, most countries are tightening control methods, transferring greater powers to the executive branch. We see this both in China, and in Turkey, and in the USA, and even in the countries of the European Union. In such a situation, the resignation of the government will be beneficial to those forces that dream of further deterioration of the situation in our country, its internal and external weakening.
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  1. +1
    6 August 2018 12: 16
    ... destabilize the domestic political situation in the country

    But isn’t the authorities doing this with such zeal ??? Instead of some convulsive exercises in trying to manage the economy (in the form of changes in the pension system and VAT) - explain to us mere mortals what this ECONOMY represents at the moment! This is a serious work, there is no strength - give in to others. Or wait for a riot ...
    1. +3
      6 August 2018 19: 47
      The issue is not in the economy! The question is completely different.
      He wrote several times about the economy and all near-economic relations (including social ones). In this case, the author also points to this.
      We have strange people! (no offense) They want to earn money (without paying taxes), BUT after that they want to receive pensions. Those. - to be "businessmen" (as TYPE under capitalism), but then receive pensions (besides, GOOD pensions) - as under socialism !!!!
      Interesting, really ???
      ....................... This does not happen! Citizens !!!!! You already decide! Or you live in socialism - but then you pay to the state, the state pays you salaries, sick leave, holidays, VISITS to the sanatorium (not completely, but up to 75% - it was like that) and you DO NOT do business (combining state and private .. . And the first to the detriment of the second), all sorts of business (and other swindles of others).
      Or you are FULLY in capitalism - but then do not demand from the state neither salaries, pensions, nor sick leave, holidays and other SOCIAL security. What you earned is yours. If you don’t want to work, you can even die of hunger, but the state won't lift a finger to help you — everyone is for himself! The ONLY tax is the opportunity to live under the protection of this very state and engage in entrepreneurship and all kinds of business (up to the criminal one - the Yankees are very close to it, except for absolutely monstrous crime such as murders, but that ...) ...
      This is just the basic. but that’s enough to decide. It is not possible to be with one foot on the ground, and the other to lean on emptiness - there will be no balance.
      1. 0
        6 August 2018 19: 48
        PS ... small-property ownership under Stalin was ...
      2. +2
        8 August 2018 16: 57
        The issue is not in the economy!

        A.Lex, you are setting forth correctly.
        We all need to decide. Capitalism or socialism?
        And there is no capitalism "with a human face". These are all fairy tales and noodles from the Gaidar times.
      3. Qaz
        12 August 2018 03: 57
        A.Lex is all of course good, but only in accordance with our current Constitution of the Russian Federation:
        "Article 7
         1. The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person.
        2. The Russian Federation protects the work and health of people, establishes a guaranteed minimum wage, provides state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, disabled people and the elderly, develops a system of social services, establishes state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection. .. "
        It’s another matter that those in power somehow forgot about it, or rather, they sacredly believe that these provisions are written exclusively about them, and have nothing to do with the ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation. That's it....
  2. +5
    6 August 2018 13: 30
    It is not the government that needs to be changed, but socio-economic relations. The whole question is in ownership of the means of production, which until 1991 were nationwide or collective-farm cooperative, and since 1991, thanks to the shifters from the top of the CPSU, the Komsomol and the KGB of the USSR, have become mostly private. In Russia, unfortunately, the truth of the law and the law of truth are not the same thing. You can change the government of Medvedev to the government of Volkov or Kabanov, but these are technical executors, like Sam, and the real defective managers will remain in power at their factories, newspapers and parades, skillfully seized at the time.
    1. +1
      6 August 2018 13: 34
      The same shifters became the main beneficiaries ...
  3. +1
    6 August 2018 13: 36
    Why is Medvedev not being fired? And because more than one Medvedev needs resignation ...
  4. +3
    6 August 2018 14: 08
    "The paradigm remains the same" .... Don't you, Ilya, notice that the Russian government has switched to Gaidar's "Shock Therapy" under the leadership of Kudrin? These are all his "innovations" put into effect for the "worthy and happy future of our people" - they increased the prices for gasoline, and, accordingly, the prices for food and consumer goods jumped up, prices for housing and communal services increased, which is also a "joy" for us, increased the VAT tax to 20%, which means that again the prices for food and consumer goods will rise accordingly next year, and we have a lot of "craftsmen" from trade, who will raise these prices even before the New Year, and so the "thousandth" increase to a pension on the occasion of raising her age will turn out to be just zilch ..... So, Ilya, Yeltsin's "young reformers" came again, and again "Gaidar is marching ahead ...." And yet, Ilya, I want to ask you a question - why ministers, people's deputies, judges, prosecutors, mayors, governors have salaries ranging from 500 thousand rubles to 2 million rubles, while teachers, doctors and skilled workers have only 15-35 thousand rubles each. I asked the same question to your colleague Yuri Selivanov, but he did not honor me with his answer.
    1. 0
      6 August 2018 19: 45
    2. +2
      6 August 2018 20: 18
      I will try to answer you. I agree about shock therapy, and therefore I think that it would be necessary to change not Medvedev to Ivanov or Petrov, but the country's economic development course, which, incidentally, does not depend much on specific performers. As for the salaries of ministers and workers, one must still understand that the level of responsibility and influence of the judge, who makes court decisions, and the locksmith, on whom the installation of the mixer in apartment No. N depends, is still different. The plumber is responsible for the faucet, the judge - for human destinies, for the huge money that is awarded for payment and so on. If the judge and the janitor in court receive the same or comparable money, people will no longer have the incentive to study, strive for something more, and so on.
      1. +6
        6 August 2018 21: 24
        The fact that we do not have a clear economic policy in our country, Ilya, is not even discussed, but you are not right about salaries, very, very.: I talked with many people about their salaries and pensions from different regions, what their salary depends on, in Norilsk, in the domestic sector-35-45
        thousand rubles, at the plant itself it is 70-145 thousand rubles, but this is the most harmful production and the whole shift with a pacifier + the North. I lived there for almost 40 years, so I know. In the oil and gas industry, salaries are also up to 150 thousand rubles, and in the rest of Russia, miners and metallurgists, builders and auto and aircraft factories have a salary of no more than 60 thousand per month, and this is for people who give the country the entire GDP, and there is nothing to say about teachers and doctors beggarly salaries - 25-35 thousand a month, but again it depends on the regions, but our "celestial" officials receive their salaries from the state budget, as I wrote here, from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles a month. What is so useful for the people and the state they do with their own hands, go down into the mine, earning silicosis there, or stand by the open-hearth furnace, receiving fibroids of the lungs in order to row salaries 50-80 TIMES higher than our common people earn? At first we were told that I would raise their salaries so that they would not steal, they would raise everything, and they would continue to steal, and after all, a miner would not take with him a bag of coal from lava, and a metallurgist would not bring home some cast iron cast from blast furnaces, in a milk can. And you, Ilya, have some very strange and slippery explanation of the priorities of salaries of officials and ordinary people, well, even if there are 5-10 times more or less, but not 80 times, this is incomprehensible to the mind. The people only recently got rid of the Yeltsin years, they thought that it would be better, but it is getting worse and worse - again to steer the beginning of the "Gaidar tribe", the one that plundered everything that used to belong to the people in the 80s-2000s.
        1. +1
          8 August 2018 16: 50
          ... the "celestial" officials receive their salaries from the state budget, as I wrote here, from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles a month

          What do you poke ministerial salaries for everyone?
          An ordinary civil servant (an official in the common people) receives the same 25-35 thousand. The limit of dreams is 40-45, for some regions. And there have been no increases in salaries in the civil service since the Olympics in Sochi. More precisely, from the beginning of the construction of the Olympic facilities. And in the near future it is not planned. But inflation, as they say, will not wait.
          Therefore, speaking of "fattening idlers" officials, it is not necessary to extend the examples of ministers to the entire multi-million army of civil servants.
          1. +1
            8 August 2018 18: 13
            Do not take out of context only one words about ministerial salaries, in the post above I named almost all of them by name, but ordinary civil servants are not "inhabitants of heaven", they were not even discussed in my commentary. If you have already addressed this topic, then read carefully all comments in a row to this article.
      2. +1
        7 August 2018 10: 05
        Ilya, what do you mean by "the country's economic development course"?
        This is a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION !!! By answering this question you will make it clear how to relate to both you and your articles. After all, we still have an incomprehensible state in our country ...
        1. +1
          7 August 2018 11: 28
          He, Alex, “smoothes” everything, he, as a public person, cannot express otherwise, and even his opinion, which is at odds with the “party line”. For myself, I will say frankly, before the presidential election, as they say, I believed in my soul and body to VV Putin, right up to rudeness and threats from my opponents on other resources, but ... after the elections, when fuel prices soared "unexpectedly" , then they announced a pension reform to raise the pension age, immediately we were happily informed about an imminent increase in prices for housing and communal services, and then an increase in VAT, I realized that we had already gone through this, and then the default of 1998 came .. ..Well, and then the second "coming" of the hated by the people LADY, and the appearance of Kudrin, as the savior of the domestic economy, whose main silent slogan is urgently for every pensioner to grave. And so the majority of our people thinks, only someone is more or less calm about this, and some react very viciously to such a situation in the country. And I am somehow temporarily, at a crossroads, in some kind of "confusion" about what to do next. ... I often read the articles of the economist Mikhail Delyagin - everything is simple and clear there - to return almost all enterprises and main sectors of the economy to state ownership, return all social benefits to the people, stop subsidizing the "fraternal" countries and live according to the socialist development of the country, as China also began. - and here everything is written simply and clearly, well, but the Kudrinsky "theses" of building capitalism in today's Russia are a dark forest and a tightening noose around the neck of the people - and this is in my understanding. I write about this frankly, without fear, I’m not those years, and the times are not the same. In Ukraine, since 2005, after the Yushchenko coup d'etat with his third round of presidential elections, and until 2016 I was threatened many times on the Internet, promised to kill, cut off my head, or set fire, so that I'm already used to such attacks .... Well, we will wait for an imminent loud call from the president, he will not be able to keep silent about "household chores" for a long time, and then we will understand who is who, and whether we have our own modern Alexandra Nevsky and Joseph Stalins.
          1. +2
            7 August 2018 15: 07
            Valentin, I will tell you the "Punchinel's secret" - VVP was chosen for "bezrybe", there was no sane candidate in opposition to the current one. That's why they chose ... And so ... In Russia, we have one big problem - the failed personnel policy in the government. Just as after Stalin no one became the successor of the line of removing the party from the economy in the country (it is quite possible that he was poisoned precisely for this), so to this day ... The authorities cannot understand one thing - it is impossible to turn the stuffing back. If private ownership of the means of production was destroyed, then it is impossible to do it again WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE LAW - a priori is impossible. All we see now is a wild bacchanalia with a criminal smell. Of course, I do not want to say about everyone (there are honest entrepreneurs), but there are so few honest ones that they can simply be taken out of the brackets. In the end, even under Stalin there were private traders - shoemakers, tailors, televisions, too, private workshops began to collect ... with his death they covered all this ...
            But socialism - there is still the opportunity to build (the people, for the most part, will support). True, our population will need to be brought to life in almost all respects of man-state relations. For example, the ban and prosecution under the law on false, untested information posted in the media and on the Internet ... But you have to start somewhere!
            1. +1
              7 August 2018 16: 26
              We, Alex, should not live according to old templates and clichés, the time is like this. In addition to "Within the framework of the law", there is also the prevailing slogan "Economic and political expediency in connection with a clear threat to Russia's state security" - everything should fade before With these words, oligarchs with their property, and people's deputies cover their mouths with a handkerchief, and Moskalkovs with their children's sandboxes. But this is the first slogan, after the US anthem, with which America is spreading its "democracy" around the world, and it is sacred for the Yankees, like "Our Father." So it's time for us to get rid of past stereotypes, and start living in a new way, taking from our past life all the good that was accumulated during the USSR, and I still think that our president will understand the aspiration of our people to "dignified and happy life", and everything will be fine, if not, then everything will be very, very bad .... But, nevertheless, let's hope for the best.
              1. +1
                7 August 2018 21: 13
                Valentine ... You have forgotten the most important thing - who we are and where we are! And this is ideology! For example, now: there is an ideology "Absence of ideology" (this is also an ideology, albeit turned inside out). In this ideology, everyone can do whatever they want, just not engage in murder. And the sects dismissed their nets (otherwise where did the barmaley have so many recruits from Russia as well) and stealing everything and everyone under various pretexts and tricks ...
                You see, it is on ideology that the state, economy and foreign policy are built. After all, what do we see today? And everything is very simple - the slogan of Yeltsinism - ENCOUNTER! - He is still in trend. And hence crime and disorder (I wanted to say in sexuality ( lol ), but no) in the economy and with the politics of internal-external disagreement .....
                Until we decide on ideology for the country, all attempts will be meaningless.
            2. +1
              8 August 2018 17: 02
              True, our population will need to be brought to life in almost all respects of man-state relations.

              The population must be "put at the desk" and by words, by letters, explain what socialism is. Most have a perverse understanding of this.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +1
    7 August 2018 15: 56
    GDP: “There will be no revision of the results of privatization” - it will not change course. It is either bound by obligations to the authors of the unipolar world, or separation from the roots and loss of creative potentials is characteristic of the intelligentsia. And many of us are happy to bask in our tanned house. The “elite” is parasitic (30), but at the same time its positive social function is to maintain any existing order. As soon as a creatively wealthy force ripens, we will definitely make a jerk forward to our lifestyle and away from cannibals.
    1. +2
      7 August 2018 17: 42
      There will be, and still how will there be a revision of the thieves' and fraudulent privatization of the 90s due to "An obvious threat to the state security of Russia in connection with the withdrawal from Russia of huge financial resources to offshore and foreign banks." Remember the "inmate" Khodorkovsky, through whose fault three of our correspondents died in CAR. He did not pay the obligatory taxes of his Yukos company to the state treasury in the amount of several tens of billions of dollars, took them to offshore companies, and now, having served his term, not to the end, from England he is trying to raise a mutiny in Russia, paying for it money stolen from the people of Russia, and such a figure with huge stolen money is not alone, there is a sea of ​​them abroad, but they will soon get to them, I hope.
      1. +1
        7 August 2018 21: 21
        Valentine, I don’t hope for anything ... If the GDP, after its re-election, has deceived so many people's expectations ... I don’t know what needs to happen in order to regain confidence in it ... A war if only ... an external attack ...I do not know...
        1. +2
          8 August 2018 00: 01
          And you don’t feel any ringing silence in the Russian space, it’s like waiting for something ...... incomprehensible and terrible, like the calm before the storm that something is about to explode ....
          1. 0
            8 August 2018 17: 07
            ... about to explode ....

            But this is just not necessary. Doesn't history teach? Nothing good comes out of the "explosions".
            1. +1
              8 August 2018 18: 20
              Yes, Vlad, many of us would very much like to hope for this, we did it in the 17th, but we are only extras, and the directors and cameramen are beyond the "hill".
    2. +2
      7 August 2018 21: 19
      Sasha, and I’ll tell you, all the problems in our country in Russia stem from a disgusting personnel policy and inability to calculate our steps (with their reflection in the future).
      Even under the tsars, the cadres were such that sometimes one wonders how Russia still exists ... It seems that the Union began to solve issues with the cadres, but again after Stalin the country was headed by a man who was unable to predict what his teams would turn out to be ... And so - to the current state ...
      1. +2
        8 August 2018 06: 17
        Personnel policy is a serious tool. More important is the concept - who is the author of the lifestyle and, accordingly, how he arranges this life for himself. For 1000 years, the people have been ruled by a separately existing superstructure, nourished by an alien mentality. We need our dispensation, which comes from a healthy people.
        1. +1
          8 August 2018 07: 49
          Apparently, from your reasoning, Alexander, our place is in the dustbin of history? Maybe it is so, because of the complete degradation of our political "elite", and its aspiration is not to equip Russia as a powerful social state, but only to self-enrichment at the expense of our resources and the impoverished people. Now, after the presidential elections, they came to power again the same ones that mocked our people in the "dashing 90s" headed by Kudrin, and we immediately "felt this on ourselves by the way they announced sanctions to us, in the form of higher prices for gasoline, housing services, VAT, and an increase in PV., and they are already announcing another increase in housing and communal services since January 1, 2019. And where is Putin's "Decent life for the common people and their welfare" ?????
          1. +3
            8 August 2018 08: 23
            There is no reason for a strange conclusion about the garbage dump of history. Everything teaches us to give up expectations - someone - the government, the official, the president - will come new and arrange everything for us well. Everyone's responsibility for their own and collective people's life should wake up. In life, oddly enough, one must give more than take. This was often the case in the last century, when we were not yet infected by consumerism, the main motivator as it is today. To a large extent, today's well-being is from that labor and responsible behavior of the people in the past. And today we have a slack - tourism, renovations, cars for everyone ... - this is not deserved, dangerous, it is a betrayal of the work of ancestors and irresponsibility to their own children and grandchildren. We are disfigured by deceitful humanism. We are not each on our own, but we are responsible both to the past and to the future of our people. Not everyone needs to be an object of control; one must stop trusting his life to uncles and begin to set the rules of life for himself.
            1. 0
              8 August 2018 17: 12
              Everyone's responsibility for their own and collective people's life should wake up.

              Alas, alas ...
              And so then you correctly state everything.
            2. +1
              8 August 2018 19: 13
              They said it very well, Alexander, but it will be very difficult to return to the origins of what was good in our past life in the USSR, the "upper classes" will not let them, but "to put the population at their desks," as Dudnik said here, to teach him "the lessons of socialism" it is not at all necessary, it remembers everything perfectly, and free apartments, and free kindergartens, and free education and medicine, and much more, and even the younger generation is aware of this ... Russia is a huge country, with huge earth and human resources , but, for some reason, there was not one single honest and decent person in it, whom the Russian people would follow, although the president has not yet specifically expressed himself about all that the former Yeltsin-Gaidar "young reformers" have "piled up" over the past month , but he also began to lose the confidence of the Russians that he had before the elections. And we need to "repeat what we have passed" - to walk the "road of goodness" and socialism again, and the Chinese are not fools in this.