Why did Netanyahu suddenly fall in love with Assad?

Recently, we can observe another amazing transformation political layouts in the Middle East. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has become noticeably kinder towards Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. This seems very strange, given that relations between Syria and Israel have always been very tense.

From the very beginning of the existence of Israel, Syria was among those Arab countries that became the most active opponents of the Jewish state. Syria fought several times with Israel, and Syria’s special services have always supported the Palestinian movement, including groups using terrorist methods of struggle. Syria has many reasons for hating Israel - and this is not only pan-Arab solidarity with the Palestinians, but also because the Israel Defense Forces back in the 1960s. managed to establish control over most of the province of Western Kuneitra, which belonged to Syria.

Syria and Israel do not have diplomatic relations. Even with Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Tel Aviv communicates much more tolerably than with Syria. This is due to the fact that Syria is the closest regional ally and partner of Iran, which has long threatened to "dump the State of Israel" into the sea. Israel has always been afraid that the Iranians would deploy their missiles in Syrian territory, which would directly threaten a small state. Therefore, when a civil war broke out in Syria, Israel was one of the first to intervene in it, wishing in reality only one thing - to prevent Iranians from reaching its borders. The latter, meanwhile, play a very important role in the Syrian events, since the success of Assad’s government troops is largely due to the direct support of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps of Iran, whose ground units are fighting in Syria.

However, Israel now has a hope for a change in the situation. Damascus is forced to maneuver between Moscow and Tehran, being dependent on both Russian and Iranian support. Tel Aviv also hopes for Russia - it is no coincidence that on May 9, 2018, Benjamin Netanyahu spent the whole day next to President Vladimir Putin. And Russia justifies Israeli hopes - not so long ago, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that a centralized power is being restored in Syria, with which dialogue can be conducted. This is about Assad, the very one who seems to be mortally hated in Tel Aviv.

Apparently, with the help of Russia, Israel is now trying to get Syria to abandon the further presence of numerous Iranian troops on its territory. If Bashar al-Assad takes such a step and takes away his patrons in Tehran, then Benjamin Netanyahu, in turn, can influence the change in Israeli policy towards Syria. The IDF may stop striking Syrian territory if Iranian soldiers and fighters of Tehran-controlled Shiite armed formations, staffed by Lebanese, Iraqis, Afghans and Pakistanis, disappear from it. Of course, there will not be much warming in relations between Syria and Israel, but the countries will at least be able to move to a policy of relative neutrality.
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  1. 0
    5 August 2018 14: 17
    Maneuvering between the US and Russia, he has nothing left
    1. +2
      5 August 2018 15: 40
      Well, here his interest is to prevent the strengthening of Iranian influence in Syria. By the way, this is also beneficial for Russia - Iran is an ally, but situational, for the time being - for the time being, and there everyone has their own interests.