It's time to fight back: Russians scare the destruction of the country in 3 minutes

The destruction of Russia with a massive missile strike in just 3 minutes scares the townsfolk experts. The reason for the wave of hysteria was the information on the preparations for the withdrawal of the United States of America from the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles.

The so-called experts frighten the Russians by the fact that if our country withdraws from the Treaty in return, the Americans will be able to deploy their missiles in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Due to this, the flight time of enemy missiles to the main targets of the strike will be reduced to 3-5 minutes from 8-10. Due to this, the likelihood of instant decapitation increases.

Also, “experts” complain that Russia cannot symmetrically respond to the United States by deploying our missiles in Cuba, because relations with Havana are “not the same”. Russia, allegedly, cannot threaten Washington with a rupture of START-3. Since we have only 501 deployed nuclear carriers, compared to 660 for the United States.

Apparently, the "experts" are urging the Russians to come to terms with the fact that the response to American aggression will be some other asymmetric geopolitical feint that can only amuse the vanity of the townsfolk and make the Americans laugh.

I would like to ask a question to “experts,” and why, in fact, do we have relations with Cuba “not the same”? nobody expelled us from Cuba, the military base there was closed in 2002 by the decision of the head of state. Even managed to "save" already 200 million dollars in rent. Further more. In 2014, the head of state wrote off $ 32 billion in debt to Cuba. With this money it was possible to cover the entire island with a network of military bases and related infrastructure to write off debt. But he simply wrote off the debts. And the relationship today, “not the same,” you see. Back in 2002, the naval base in Vietnamese Kamran was closed.

Also in their report, “experts” forgot to mention the possibility of using the territory of Ukraine against Russia. Thanks inconsistent policy In recent years, the Russian Federation, our country has been officially recognized as the aggressor and a law was passed on the possibility of the introduction of foreign troops into Ukraine. A NATO military base has already appeared in Ochakovo.

You can take a chance and make the assumption that it is the political decisions of the leadership of our country that cause the deterioration of the security situation in Russia. To return the status quo, you must stop constantly backing away and apologizing for everything, start giving back not in words but in action, and systematically uphold the national interests of the state. "Partners" from the United States must be 100% sure of a guaranteed retaliatory strike.
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  1. 0
    April 23 2018 22: 05
    Yes, but what are the possibilities ???