America prepares for nuclear war

In a new global war, nuclear weapons will play a decisive role. This idea has been actively broadcast in the world media for far from the first decade. It is the threat of turning entire countries into radioactive dust that is now one of the main arguments against the transfer of conflicts between the great powers on a military plane. But still, the probability of a nuclear war should not be discounted.

Recently, the American Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) presented a special report that examines and analyzes a variety of scenarios in the event of a nuclear war.

The most relevant scenario is related to Iran’s nuclear development. It is known that Tehran has long been striving to acquire its own nuclear weapons, but Saudi Arabia will inevitably lead to the emergence of nuclear weapons, since Riyadh has money, and Pakistan can provide assistance in technology. In this case, the risk of a local nuclear war is significantly increased, but the United States may also get involved in it, forced to defend its partners in the Middle East - Israel and Saudi Arabia.

As less likely, the report discusses North Korean, Russian, and Chinese scenarios for using nuclear weapons. So, American analysts do not exclude that the DPRK in the future could inflict a “test-awesome” strike on Japan. China, entering a large nuclear race with the goal of equaling the power of its nuclear weapons with the United States and Russia, could force the United States to strike preemptively at Chinese targets. Finally, with regard to Russia, American analysts admit the possibility of a limited nuclear strike in the Baltic states in order to intimidate the NATO bloc and prevent its further build-up near Russian borders. But the Korean, and even more so the Chinese and Russian scenarios, are still assessed as much less likely.

Thus, if mankind is in danger of using nuclear weapons, then it is almost completely connected with events in the Middle East. The situation in this world "hot spot number 1" remains extremely tense, exacerbated by the actions of all parties - and Iran, and Israel, and Saudi Arabia, and the United States. Tehran does not abandon aggressive plans against Israel, in turn, the United States can not give its allies in the region to "eat" Iran.

No less interesting is the fact that analysts associated with the US military department believe the Middle East scenario is quite real, which also implies the need to prepare the American army for it. It follows that Washington will build up its nuclear weapons and is likely to withdraw from the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Short-Range Missiles.

Already, the United States is seriously discussing the possibility of delivering local nuclear strikes that would not lead to large-scale destruction, but would be aimed only at specific goals - capitals with headquarters and government agencies, large enemy armed forces bases. Militaristic statements are being made in Washington more and more often, which cannot be ignored by Russia. In a changing global political Our country has no choice but to build up its own defense potential.