The bravest peoples of Russia

Russia is a multinational country. On its vast territory for centuries, many peoples live, not like one another. They entered into conflicts between themselves and with foreign conquerors, strengthening their fighting spirit. Despite the differences in appearance, clothing and customs, they are united by the fact that they are all courageous and worthy people.


The harsh climate, hard peasant labor and the constant need to fight foreign invaders made the Russian people resistant to adversity, bold, decisive and stubborn. A Russian soldier is able to endure any hardships and win against all odds.

The writer Nikolai Shefov in the book “Battles of Russia” cites statistics according to which Russia won 34 out of 31 wars. In many respects, these victories were won thanks to the Russian soldier. But do not forget about other peoples who fought together with the Russians for the glory of Russia.

Ostsee Germans

First, German merchants settled on the eastern coast of the Baltic, and after them the German crusader knights came to this land. They settled on the lands of the present Baltic republics, created castles and cities there.

The Livonian Order, founded by them, has long been considered one of the main threats from the west for the Moscow state. When the lands of the Baltic knightly orders fell into decay, and they themselves ceased to exist, a considerable part of the Baltic, or, as they were called, Ostsee, Germans entered the service of the Russian tsars.

Many of them proved themselves brilliantly and reached high ranks. During the reign of Nicholas II, every fifth Russian general was a German. Among the famous Russian military leaders of German origin, one can recall Karl von Tol, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, as well as Baron Ungern, one of the best commanders of the White Guard during the Civil War.


One of the names of the Circassian tribes sounds like "Adyghe", which in translation into Russian means a warrior. This people has a blood war. Every Circassian was raised as a warrior from childhood. To conquer this people, Russia took more than a dozen years and about a million lives of Russian soldiers.

Even Russian generals noted that they were dealing with a worthy adversary. The Military Code of the Circassians Work Habze implies a noble attitude towards the enemy. Adyghs, attacking enemy villages or villages, did not burn houses, did not trample fields, did not destroy vineyards. They always preferred to converge with the enemy in open battle. They always took the wounded and killed comrades from the battlefield, even with a risk to their lives.


The only people in Europe professing Buddhism are Kalmyks. In their appearance, customs, and character, they sharply differ from their neighbors. The endless steppes of Kalmykia made them unsurpassed riders and "grunts".

The centuries-old military traditions of the Kalmyks have made them one of the best warriors in Russia. Kalmyk horsemen have terrified the enemies of our country for many centuries. Kalmyk before the fight, by willpower, introduced himself into a special state in which he did not feel fatigue and pain.


Representatives of this people, despite their small numbers, were known and feared by the enemies of Russia. Riders in national clothes and short shaggy horses terrified the brave soldiers of the Wehrmacht. They called the Tuvans "black death." These warriors did not take prisoners and never retreated, boldly getting involved in a battle with a superior enemy.

Sons of Russia

It is impossible to list all the peoples of Russia and tell a little about each. And if any of them was not mentioned, this does not mean that its representatives are not as brave and courageous as others. Not at all. Every nation has a heroic past. During the Great Patriotic War, the inhabitants of our vast country came out to defend their homeland. After all, each of these people, regardless of nationality, is a worthy son of Russia.