In Poland, told about the "trauma" from the meeting between Putin and Biden


Not only the Ukrainian ruling elite and the "patriots" who serve it saw I am "happy" following a recent personal meeting in Geneva between the presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, respectively. Polish Russophobes also reported on the received severe psychological "trauma".

The editor-in-chief of the Polish newspaper Myśl Polska, Jan Engelgard, told the readers that he had analyzed the statements, publications and behavior of local officials, politicians and “opinion leaders”. The authoritative journalist noted that immediately after the aforementioned summit, many in Poland were at a loss, but later a real hysteria began. As a result, Biden's communication with Putin was considered a "betrayal" of Polish interests by the West.

Many recalled that the West had already given Poland to be "torn apart" by Moscow in the late 30s. After that, they moved on to direct intimidation of the country's inhabitants with the invasion of the sovereign Polish land of the "Moscow hordes". In their opinion, this will become inevitable as soon as Moscow and Washington establish relations.

Engelgard noted that at present this information bacchanalia continues, "turning into a psychosis, combined with the progressive Ukrainianization of Poland's foreign policy." He stressed that those who spread Russophobia themselves may not believe it, but they continue to whip up hysteria so that they are not considered “patriots” anymore.

The media representative drew attention to the accusations and reproaches pouring in Washington. They boil down to the fact that the White House demonstrated "childish naivety" when it made contact with the Kremlin.
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  1. +3
    19 June 2021 19: 43
    Colleagues who do not plow in their dachas, but have the opportunity to communicate, with Saturday!
    Impressions about Poland of the year like 2004.
    Lodz killed to death. Wroclaw is better.
    The "Autostrada" between them is a single-track highway. I have to SNT from Naro-Fominsk, no worse for sure ...
    And colleagues from the plant, which at that time belonged to Italians, will now join the EU, will give money for roads and agriculture ...
    With great pleasure I will talk to my opponents ... wink
  2. +3
    19 June 2021 23: 49
    Immediately after the conclusion of the Munich Agreement on September 30, the Polish government sent an ultimatum to the Czech government, which was to be answered within 24 hours. The Polish government demanded the immediate transfer of the Cieszyn border area to him. There was no way to resist this rude demand.

    And now Polish jackals are talking about the fact that the West gave her at the mercy of the USSR.
  3. +2
    20 June 2021 00: 03
    ... demonstrated "childish naivety ...

    You can't get overwhelmed by pshek, they will say how they will cut it off ... laughing
  4. 0
    20 June 2021 13: 34
    Poles feel that the end of the great freebie will soon be over and everyone will be "for himself." The bazaar will have to be filtered, because there will be no bulls with a cudgel around the corner in order to protect the presumptuous shpanish spitting at the high school student, because the high school student has a club that has grown and the whole herd of bulls can rattle - "once or twice." Therefore, he hums because of the puddle that he needs to talk.
  5. 0
    20 June 2021 18: 50
    You have only one injury in life
  6. 0
    22 June 2021 06: 23
    The second stage of accepting the inevitable (there will be no Western freebies) is the anger of awareness (with a transition to hysteria).
    PS: Poor people, how are they scared to live now.