Berlin demanded not to close the most expensive route of Russian gas transit to the EU


Russia is completing the construction of Nord Stream 2, and Ukraine, in this regard, fears the termination of the transit of Russian gas through its territory. Berlin, while calming the Ukrainians, demanded the continuation of gas transportation from Russia through Ukraine, although this route is considered the most expensive way of Russian gas supplies to European markets.

German government spokesman Steffen Seibert noted that the German authorities are in favor of maintaining the transit of "blue fuel" through Ukraine.

For the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, it was and is of central importance that Ukraine should retain its status as a gas transit country even with the launch of Nord Stream 2.

- Seibert emphasized in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

An agreement on transit gas supplies for a period of five years was signed two years ago by representatives of Kiev and Moscow with the mediation of the European Union and the German government. According to Seibert, compliance with this agreement is of great importance for the energy security of Europe.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian transit is very expensive for Russian suppliers - for the transportation of the volumes included in the contract, Gazprom pays $ 31,75 per thousand cubic meters of "blue fuel", while additional orders are 20 percent more expensive. This is twice as expensive as gas supplies via Nord Stream, and three times more expensive than transit through Poland.

Earlier, Vladimir Putin noted that the preservation of the Ukrainian transit route after the end of the five-year contract depends on the goodwill of the Kiev authorities.
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  1. +3
    7 June 2021 14: 03
    Not news, it has been talked about for a long time. Commercial relations in politics - none of the Ukrainian "friends" is not only not going to support it at their own expense, but they also think, as it were, to have it on their own, of course - at the expense of the Russian Federation.
  2. 123
    7 June 2021 14: 09
    Hasn't Ukraine signed the energy charter and shouldn't, like Poland, go to auctions? European norms and legislation do not matter for the citizen of Seibert? And this man still holds an official post in the German government? Why hasn't he been fired yet? Double standarts? IS THIS OTHER? Does this mean that the current legislation does not meet the interests of Europe? Does it need to be changed? Charter into the furnace together with energy packages? Seibert won't say anything like that. They are again trying to hang the content of Ukraine around our neck, oh, these clever politicians.
    Since this is of great importance for Europe's energy security, let Europe pay for it. Who else is obliged to take care of Europe's security besides the Europeans?
    1. +1
      8 June 2021 06: 45
      and shouldn't Poland go to auctions?

      She moved on! And I hoped that after the cold winter, Gazprom would buy back the volumes put up for auction and would still beg for additional ones, but it did not participate and mechanically fulfills the contract. The recipients of this gas to Ukraine do not sell “reverse” - it loses transit money and gas for itself cannot buy.
      1. 123
        8 June 2021 11: 16
        You are absolutely right. How else? Long-term contracts do not suit them, they do not like monopolists. Did they want a market? They got it. But there is no one to bargain with.
  3. +4
    7 June 2021 16: 27
    Well, let them take on part of the cost of transportation through the skakuasiya ... they need gas.
  4. GRF
    8 June 2021 05: 41
    every whim for your money

    If you do not provide inventory, infrastructure, compensation for losses, then you have no right to demand anything, well, unless you are, of course, a tyrant ...
  5. 0
    8 June 2021 06: 41
    Berlin, while calming the Ukrainians, demanded the continuation of gas transportation from Russia through Ukraine, although this route is considered the most expensive way of Russian gas supplies to European markets.

    Still, there are six drops of Jewish blood in every German - have they not abandoned the construction of SP2 for the sake of cheap gas, and now Russia should feel sorry for Ukraine? Is it because she is poor? Does Berlin feel sorry for Ukraine? Keep it yourself - you will save sooooo much now on SP2. Do they even understand how ridiculous and tragic Russia looks in this situation? She is overwhelmed by a wretched state that depends on her for at least 50 percent and she should feel sorry for her, paying for transit a little less than the cost of the gas itself?!? Theater of the absurd!
  6. +1
    9 June 2021 12: 49
    Strange demand! Why, then, the Germans do not take upon themselves the costs of transportation through the to / on the Great
    Ukraine and thus not make them feel good ?! And most importantly: to take gas at the border of Russia and Ukraine so that the Germans mourn the stolen gas!
  7. +1
    9 June 2021 15: 00
    what do you mean, demanded? a market?
  8. +1
    11 June 2021 17: 59
    To preserve transit through Ukraine, in what form and in what volumes - this, sorry, is not up to Europe, and certainly not to Ukraine and the United States. Russia will decide for itself what to do with its gas.