Denmark has blocked the construction of the Polish gas pipeline


Warsaw, wishing to abandon Russian gas and switching to "blue fuel" from Norwegian fields and LNG, is building the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline. However, Denmark has blocked operations in its waters for environmental reasons.

The building permit was received by the Poles two years ago. Marian Krag, deputy director of the Danish transport system operator Energinet, noted that the construction of the Baltic Pipe was allowed, taking into account the need to take appropriate environmental measures. But the Board of Appeal on May 31, 2021 blocked the construction of the Danish section of the gas route due to a lack of information about what damage to wildlife the construction could cause - a decision was made to carry out appropriate environmental measures.

The laying of the gas pipeline has already begun, but now it must be suspended. The timing of the continuation of the construction of the Balitc Pipe in the Danish zone is not yet known.

The suspension by Denmark of work on the gas pipeline was reacted, in particular, in Poland and Russia. For example, Polish Foreign Minister Marcin Przyach said on the air of Polish Radio that the ban applies only to a section of the pipeline in Danish waters, while work continues on the other two sections.

According to Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov, due to delays in the construction of the Baltic Pipe, the Poles will weaken their attention to Nord Stream 2.
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  2. 123
    4 June 2021 11: 39
    What are you saying belay
    And they told so much ...
    Tomorrow will be completed fellow
    Russian gas will be rejected from Monday stop
    Gas hub of Europe, we will live, we will pan drinks
    And also to coordinate the intersection with the Nord Streams feel
    Good luck to our Polish partners, they will need it laughing