What documents will Russia never dare to declassify

Although the Russian Federation is the successor of the Soviet Union, it is a completely different state. It has other boundaries, a different ideology, different principles of organization. But at the same time, a huge array of documents of the Soviet era is still closed to ordinary citizens. It is believed that the declassification of many of them can harm modern Russia.

What is hidden in the archives?

It is impossible to say anything with complete confidence about the content of classified papers, one can only speculate on the basis of indirect evidence and eyewitness accounts. Even if there is reliable information on documents drawn up in the past, they may well be subsequently destroyed.

It can be assumed that it is hiding from people.

These may be documents on foreign financing of the Bolshevik revolution. It is possible that there is information about the "Red Terror." A lot of facts are also known about peasant uprisings during the surplus-surplus period, and then collectivization, but the full picture and scale of this movement are hidden.

There are also many scattered documents from local and central archives about the artificial nature of hunger in the early 30s of the last century in the Volga region, Kazakhstan, the Don, Ukraine and the North Caucasus.

Some facts are known, but the full picture of the military-technical cooperation of the German armed forces and the Red Army in the pre-war time is not visible.

It’s even scary to imagine the size of Soviet aid to developing countries. Information about this is far from complete.

The mass of data is hidden from view and about the Great Patriotic War, especially about its initial period.

Secret pages of the Great Patriotic War

I have a strong belief that the lack of information gives rise to monstrous speculation among the people. And these fantasies often do more harm than discovering true facts.

An example is the documents of the beginning of World War II. They were stored for several decades under the heading "Secret." Society was aware of their existence, so it came up with the missing information and looked for the reasons for this mystery. Many versions surfaced, one ridiculous of the other.

And finally, a miracle happened. After several decades, the Russian Ministry of Defense opened up access to classified information. After reviewing some of the documents, I completely did not understand why they were hiding. Only the amazing slowness of the bureaucratic apparatus and the desire of officials always and always reinsure themselves comes to mind.

The revealed facts did not contain anything fundamentally new, there was nothing there that could somehow discredit the memory of the soldiers and commanders who withstood the first blow of the terrible Nazi machine.

Unpleasant is the fact that the archives hid the names of people who heroically fell in battle in those days. Their relatives may not have known anything about their fate. And after so many decades that have passed since the war, many of the children, parents, wives, brothers of the deceased are already dead. These people stole their blessed memory.

What awaits secret archives

It is impossible to predict what fate awaits one or another classified document. For example, documents related to mass repressions will be fully opened only in 2044. By this time, not only all participants in the events, but also their descendants, will be dead.

Other papers will remain forever hidden from the uninitiated in state secrets. Something will be discovered, something may be destroyed.

And no matter what facts are revealed, this should not affect the attitude of Russians to their homeland. We can only admire or resent the actions of people who lived in the past. But they don’t choose their homeland. She is like a mother. They just love her, no matter what.
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  1. +2
    16 July 2018 10: 48
    Or maybe we shouldn't delve into that "linen" about our past, what we sort of "need to know", we already know from school history lessons, and those who are older, and from the lessons of their lives, but start "fermenting minds "on the occasion of unknown to us" facts "from our past life is very fraught with our, wandering like a braga, momentarily changing worldview. Each state union, each political elite of its power, makes history for itself, in its own interests - what hard but glorious times we had, with our heroes and enemies, with our big victories and small defeats, and everything else is documented, what contradicted the "party line" was simply destroyed and reached the archives in scanty quantities, so the declassification of some documents there will not benefit our people, but will only bring another confusion and confusion, like the Khrushchev 20th party congress on February 25, 1956, where slander the entire policy of our country, together with its leader, whom Nikita Sergeevich gave the name "Stalin's personality cult" ..... So until the time has come to stir up old documents, after all, some of them can "shoot" so much will not seem, but our country is already full of problems, so when we arrange Russia and ourselves so as not to envy Europe, and not to run there, then it will be possible to read what we have "heaped up" in St. our past.
    1. +2
      16 July 2018 22: 13
      And why immediately "heaped up"? The fact of the matter is that even the glorious pages of our history are hidden, so, just in case, "if nothing happened." But here, as is customary, if we do not know something, then we will come up with it. And we will always come up with worse than it really was.

      Here, the Ministry of Defense opened the documents of the war, and some people found out, for example, that his grandfather heroically died near Przemysl in 1941. Who got worse from this? On the contrary, a man is now proud of his great-grandfather, he knows that he did not become a policeman or a deserter.

      And Europe - what is Europe? I didn’t run there, and you, apparently, are not going to. There is another, incomprehensible life, where they are not particularly waiting for us.
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +1
    21 July 2018 11: 40
    These may be documents on foreign financing of the Bolshevik revolution. It is possible that there is information about the "Red Terror." ,,
    or about white? The current government has something to hide, because it sculpts from them ,, white and fluffy ,,.
    funding say? yes if it were, it would have come up at 20-30. already, the Bolsheviks in the West did not like him any longer.