The government spread its hands: only cards will help!

News The socioeconomic life of Russia, which has "risen from its knees," continues to be unpleasantly surprising. It turns out that the “modernization” ongoing since 2008 economics and the “import substitution” that picked up the baton turned out to be so “successful” that they are seriously preparing to introduce grocery cards for the population of the Russian Federation.

Obviously, in the conditions of a market economy, the average Russian may well be bent from hunger, the Ministry of Industry and Trade suspected something already in 2015, when the idea was first voiced. But then there was no money for it in the treasury, and this amount amounted to about 240 billion rubles for 2015. It is not clear where, in truth, the money came from now, taking into account the realities of our economic reality. One can reasonably assume that the money will be taken from someone else. It is clear that the “boys” from the leadership of Rosneft, for example, who at the end of 2017 drank nearly four billion premium rubles for eleven elected, can be calm. Sequestration will affect someone else.

What can the poor Russians get from the bounty of the Ministry of Industry and Trade? Citizens of Russia, through the efforts of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other structural units of the Government of the Russian Federation who have become poor, will be able to purchase certain categories of food products produced in Russia, including bread, pasta, vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, fish, milk and dairy products. Alcohol, tobacco and other “relaxers” that could distract Russians from thinking about their difficult share were not included in this list. 10000 rubles - the Ministry of Industry and Trade estimated the monthly need for food products of a poor Russian.

It is noteworthy that grocery cards, streamlined referred to as “electronic certificates”, will be introduced only after the fateful Presidential elections in the second half of 2018. The Government is reassuring that a similar program of assistance to the poor called Food Stamp is also in place in the United States of America advanced in terms of democracy, obviously, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, this should make Russian citizens feel solidarity with the poor of North America and feel proud that at least then we are approaching the United States, proudly rejecting the socialist achievements of the “damned scoop” in 1991.
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  1. +1
    22 February 2018 11: 48
    Well, yes, elections are coming, why not promise? And there he will introduce new taxes, and tariffs will increase, so the wolves (oligarchs) and are full.
    1. 0
      22 February 2018 13: 16
      say right, comrade
  2. 0
    26 June 2018 03: 15
    Only avtozaki at the State Duma and a platoon of machine gunners on the edge of the ravine will help !!!