“Russian saboteur disclosed”: operation “Skripal” is nearing the end

The second poisoning in the small, in general, British town of Salisbury, the cause of which the Novichok nerve gas was officially declared, quite predictably made a noise. One of the first questions begs: What is it all about ?! The complete lack of creativity in the British intelligence in the matter of escalating anti-Russian hysteria? Tragic accident, coincidence? The last is believed extremely weakly ...

Let us leave to the psychiatry department all those who again try to blame the "pernicious Kremlin" for what is happening. And this is exactly what is already happening - and at a fairly high level: the head of the British Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sajid Javid, made a statement in which, in an ultimatum, practically, tone, he demanded that the Russians “explain what is happening,” moreover, “tell what they did” . And even started talking about new sanctions against Russia. All this, of course, is a complete clinic, and it is hardly treatable already.

But, then, what could be the solution to the sinister mystery of poisoning in Salisbury? The most interesting thing is that one of the versions practically lies on the surface - only the British police for some reason stubbornly do not want to consider it! Both incidents occurred in the same area (Amesbury, where the new victims live - Charlie Rowley and Don Sturgess, located about XNUMX kilometers from Salisbury) - we have a coincidence in the area. In both cases of the victims two - a man and a woman ... Gentlemen, the detectives had similar crimes - committed in one place, in one way and against similar persons, have a clear name - a series!

In order to confirm or disprove the conjecture, I asked a good friend, who is certainly an expert in this matter, not just a retired detective, but someone who personally was involved in the investigation of serial killings, including quite high-profile ones, during the criminal investigation service. . On condition of anonymity, he agreed to give advice. I will try to convey the meaning of the answer as concretely and concisely as possible.

Both poisonings, indeed, may well be the work of a serial criminal. Indeed, people were attacked both for the first and second time, the similarities between them are much greater than the differences. Both couples are approximately of the same age category (not children, not old people, not teenagers - average age), unequivocal Europeans, fair-haired.

The fact that in the first case the victims were a retired intelligence officer, and for the second time obvious marginalized drug users were poisoned, according to my interlocutor, it’s just second-rate serial killers, or in the vernacular terminology “maniacs”, are almost never guided by generally accepted logic . But, as a rule, they are invariably guided by some patient who understands the “system” - for example, they can attack only women in black tights, blondes, or people who have the misfortune to get caught at, say, a bus stop at night.

It is the complete absence of any real connection between the victims with a completely identical method of attack and similar purely external parameters that most often indicates that the maniac is involved in the case. As, incidentally, is the complete impossibility to establish coherent motives for the crime - like the usual greed, revenge, or at least hooliganism. A serial killer, as a rule, doesn’t kill for the sake of something specific or material, but for the sake of the murder itself.

Perhaps such an assumption is savagery? Well, Britain, gentlemen ... Well, yes - they are the most, starting from the world-famous Jack the Ripper, who had dissected London prostitutes in the 19th century, to the mass of extremely creepy characters who are, in fact, our contemporaries. Peter Manuel, who worked in southern Scotland in the 50s of the last century (either 9, or 18 victims, according to various estimates), Peter William Sutcliff - a British maniac, who became famous in the 80s as a “Yorkshire Ripper”, who killed 13 women and assassinated seven more, Dennis Nielsen - who killed 15 homosexuals in his own house in London - all British, all gentlemen, yeah ...

But there are also “especially outstanding personalities” - like the married couple Fred and Rose West, who raped, tortured and killed dozens of girls in their houses in the 60-80s of the last century. Another couple - Iain Brady and Myra Hindley, who did the same with five children, and, finally, the world famous English doctor Harold Shipman, who managed to send 250 (!) Own patients to the next world! He, the bastard, stabbed them with heroin, and then forged his wills. Only in 2004 he hanged himself in prison, recently quite .... Well, what are maniacs in Britain?

By the way, recalling the last of the above examples, I asked my interlocutor the question - are other cases known to criminologists when the tool of serial killings was not a knife or a noose, but a medical syringe? It turns out that they are still known! A little thoughtful, the detective recalled a fairly recent story, and what was happening, practically, "in the shadow of his native aspens." True, not in Russia, but in neighboring Ukraine.

It was there, in the "dashing 90s" that the real killer brigade operated, cracking down on its victims with the help of lethal injections. Villains from fairly harmless medicines managed to make a chemical analogue of the famous poison "curare". Yes, and such that for the doctors doing the autopsy, everything looked like death from natural causes - a sudden stop in breathing or heart failure. However, the villains, who went down in criminal history under the name of the “gang of doctors”, nevertheless captured everyone. But there is one interesting detail ...

During the investigation, as my interlocutor recalled, the leader of this gang suddenly expressed an ardent desire to "work for the state" - in his, so to speak, direct specialty, of course. The then cops, of course, were sent to hell with a similar "tempting offer", and he set off to serve the life sentence imposed by the court. Personally, I am tormented by the question - is this murderer "shaking" his term to this day, or ... Did his cherished dream come true? In post-Maidan Ukraine, you know, anything can happen.

Be that as it may, it would be nice for the staff of Scotland Yard to stop inheriting their literary predecessor - Inspector Lestrade, who was brought out by Conan Doyle as a model of narrow-minded stubbornness and complete unwillingness to consider any versions other than those that seemed to him the most obvious and “correct” . Instead of chasing the ghosts of "Russian saboteurs," it’s time to start seriously looking for a true criminal (or criminals), who, if the hunch about the seriality of poisoning is true, are unlikely to limit themselves to two attacks. And for this it is necessary not so much to “turn over every stone”, as Theresa May personally pathetically promised, how much to abandon the imposed ones politicians stupid fiction.
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  1. 0
    9 July 2018 19: 34
    But I thought it was Dzhigurda ....