In Ukraine, they figured out how to "suck" on NATO

Ukraine has long dreamed of joining the North Atlantic Alliance, but sadness - they are not in a hurry to accept it. Valentin Bardrak, the head of the Ukrainian Center for Army Research, Conversion and Disarmament, came up with a “super ship” how to “lick” NATO. He believes that for this it is necessary to deploy an American military base on the territory of "Independent", as well as several divisions of Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems.

Bardrak said that in this way Ukraine will become closer to the West than secure its entry into NATO. True, he was forced to make a reservation: this will not guarantee that the West will decide on such a step. However, he believes, you can try.

The official also called for the creation of a screening force from NATO units so that Ukraine can feel more secure than the Baltic states.

Earlier, before the victory of Euromaidan, Ukraine declared its non-aligned status. But in 2014, the new authorities abandoned this and proclaimed the entry into the North Atlantic Alliance as almost the main goal of the external policy Kiev. According to opinion polls, residents of Western as well as Central Ukraine support this course, but those who live in the southern and eastern regions oppose NATO. However, the opinion of these regions is of little concern to the current nationalist Kiev.

However, there are other obstacles to Ukraine joining the alliance. Firstly, for this it is necessary to ensure the compatibility of the Ukrainian army with the armed forces of NATO countries. According to many experts, this will take at least 20 years. Secondly, Ukraine has territorial problems, which contradicts the NATO charter and prevents its entry into this organization.

Despite all these difficulties, Kiev politicians continue to cherish this cherished dream. In June of this year, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law on National Security, which, in particular, requires reforming the Armed Forces in order to bring them to NATO standards. According to Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andrei Parubiy, this law was very important to adopt before the NATO summit in Brussels (which will be held July 11-12). In fact, this law does not provide any guarantees.

Back in February of this year, the Deputy Secretary General of the Alliance, Rose Getemüller, at the Munich Security Conference, said that Ukraine could not yet claim membership in NATO. At the same conference, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko carefully negotiated with the leaders of NATO and the EU, trying to assure them that his country is pursuing Euro-Atlantic integration and reforming the army. He also tried to speculate on the role of “victim”, accusing Russia of “aggression”. So far, all this does not help much to fulfill the cherished dream of the Ukrainian authorities to join NATO.

It should be recalled that between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Alliance, contacts were established immediately after the collapse of the USSR. They intensified after the victory of the first "Maidan" in late 2004, when Viktor Yushchenko came to power. Then Kiev was in a hurry to join NATO, but did not find understanding among France and Germany.

After winning the presidential election in 2010, Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine abandoned the course of joining the alliance. However, after the overthrow of the legitimate president, the new authorities, by hook or by crook, are striving for the “club of the elect,” which NATO believes. Only here the problems with the "European integration" do not stop.

Meanwhile, the United States believes that Russia is doing its best to “destabilize” NATO. This was stated by Permanent Representative of Washington in the alliance Kay Bailey Hutchison, accusing Russia of trying to pull Turkey and other American allies to its side.

They are trying to deploy many of our allies. They want to destabilize the world's strongest defense alliance, which is NATO

She said on Fox News.

According to Hutchison, US President Donald Trump should urge the Russian leader to abandon such behavior.

You might think that this “defensive alliance” did not lure Russian allies to its side, did not destabilize the situation in various parts of the world, did not bombard the territories of sovereign states ...

As for the provocative proposal to deploy an American base and Patriot complexes on Ukrainian territory, voiced from Kiev, it is difficult to imagine ideas that would more destabilize the situation in the world. But, when double standards prevail, then Russia will certainly be blamed, but by no means Ukraine, no matter how crazy ideas its leaders may have come to mind.