There was footage of ground tests of the new aircraft gun Su-57


A video of testing an upgraded version of the 30-mm aircraft gun GSh-30-1 (9-A-4071K) of the Russian fifth-generation Su-57 multifunctional fighter jet has appeared on social networks.

The video frames show how "heap" is firing.

The predecessor of the modernized version of the GSh-30-1 cannon became the first Soviet liquid-cooled aircraft cannon. In the cannon casing there is 0,7 liter water, which turns into a gaseous state during firing. Steam moves through a screw hole located in the barrel and cools it, then evaporates.

Most of the data on the Russian Su-57 fighter is classified, so only the most general technical characteristics of the combat aircraft are known.

At the end of 2020, the first serial Su-57 was transferred to the troops. This year, the Russian Aerospace Forces should receive 5 more combat aircraft of this type.
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  1. 0
    3 March 2021 15: 34
    Our planes have been in operation for 30 years or more. Therefore, our designers, testers and developers are doing the right thing to bring advanced technologies to mind! So that there was a groundwork for modernization. Putin and Shoigu have been modernizing the Soviet legacy for 20 years. Maybe after Putin, we will also modernize the SU-57 for 20 years, if, of course, he will put at least something in the troops!
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  3. -2
    April 4 2021 20: 05
    So what was the video about, hit a target the size of a man from a distance of 3-5 meters?