Navalny received a sentence: Europe and the United States demand immediate release


Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny received a real term in the Yves Rocher case. The court sentenced the blogger to 3,5 years in a general regime colony. In fact, in places not so distant, Navalny will spend 2 years and 8 months - the judge counted 10 months that the oppositionist was under house arrest in 2014.

Meanwhile, the first reaction from Western countries appeared. The United States, Great Britain and Germany demanded that Alexei Navalny be released immediately. The head of the US Department of State Anthony Blinken and his British counterpart Dominic Raab called for this requirement to be fulfilled "without any conditions."

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, in turn, said that "Navalny must be immediately released."

Immediately after the verdict was announced, the headquarters of the Russian oppositionist in Moscow issued an appeal to their supporters to gather at Manezhnaya Square, not far from the Kremlin. At the moment, participants in the uncoordinated action are already being detained there.
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  1. +5
    2 February 2021 22: 01
    Navalny received a sentence: Europe and the United States demand immediate release

    Of course they can demand, only times are not the same.

    Remove all sanctions, recognize the Russian Crimea.
    And then, we may think about whether to take into consideration your claims on Navalny.

    PS This is my "cheat sheet" for our Foreign Ministry. Yes
    1. +3
      2 February 2021 22: 28
      Quote: Ulysses
      recognize the Russian Crimea.

      Yes, I like the violet they recognize the Crimea or not. I'm interested in something else. Is that why Belarus did not recognize Crimea? She considers us a brotherly people, for a long time Russia subsidizes the economy of Belarus (without our help it would collapse) preferential prices for gas and oil. All their goods go to us without duty (including sanctions from Europe, to which we turn a blind eye)
      1. +3
        2 February 2021 22: 50
        Yes, I like the violet they recognize the Crimea or not. I'm interested in something else. Is that why Belarus did not recognize Crimea?

        Belarus or "multi-vector" Alexander Grygorych ?? feel

        I have a lot of questions for the "dad" too.
  2. +3
    2 February 2021 22: 06
    played like a note and "bad Lyosha" went like a distribution, but in fact merged to create the image of a martyr and a fighter, and to get media and so on. reasons to pull the Russian bear by the mustache.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      2 February 2021 22: 24
      I'll tell you a secret: a bear has no mustache. Absolutely.
      1. +3
        2 February 2021 22: 46
        I'll tell you a secret: a bear has no mustache. Absolutely.

        The bear has a mustache. Vibrissae. They are just very short. The bear relies more on scent.
        1. -2
          2 February 2021 23: 33
          Wedmedies, like the vast majority of mammals, have vibrissae (of which, for example, the "whiskers" of cats are composed). But, they are very short, tk. bears rely mainly on scent
          1. +2
            2 February 2021 23: 45
            you learn Russian more thoroughly, because Vedmed is on the outskirts of the Move, and in Russian - a bear. Okrainets, pierced on little things
            1. -2
              3 February 2021 06: 27
              What are you talking about? I bow my head to your overwhelming intellectual power :))
              My message from 23:33 is quoted, therefore is quoting hearsay.
              I found on the Internet someone else's comment, which the "sofa expert" repeated almost word for word, and showed it to him.
              According to the citation rules (have you heard of such, oh, the most perspicacious?), Changes in other people's quotes are not allowed, and explanations need a link to their authorship. I have provided an entirely someone else's comment, which was written by someone 14 years ago.
              Once again, I congratulate you on exposing the "agent-saboteur of the outskirts of the intelligence service" and recommend going to work as a teacher of the Russian language, where you can show your "talent" in its entirety :))
              1. +3
                3 February 2021 08: 54
                changing other people's quotes is not allowed

                Whatever we say, it has already happened sometime, or someone else said.

                Therefore, you better keep quiet altogether, otherwise suddenly blurt out something "patented" again)

                PS By the way, the phrase: "I'll tell you a secret," you definitely ripped off someone. Link please!)))
                1. 0
                  3 February 2021 11: 02
                  Therefore, you'd better keep quiet ...

                  Than here for five kopecks to scream about nothing, you better look under your table - there the owner has already thrown the pig ears you adore :))
      2. +1
        2 February 2021 22: 55
        and I'll tell you a secret: firstly, it was written allegorically, and, secondly, a cat bear has a mustache, for example. You can look at these mustaches in the Moscow Zoo.
        1. -4
          2 February 2021 23: 26
          By the way, Russia is a multinational state, and the bear is a "national animal" among the Russians, and not among all the peoples of Russia.
          Okay, let it be your way, allegorically:

          ... yes to get media and so on. a reason to pull the Russian cat bear by the whiskers.
          1. +2
            2 February 2021 23: 46
            and I'll tell you a secret: firstly, it was written allegorically, and, secondly, a cat bear has a mustache, for example. You can look at these mustaches in the Moscow Zoo.

            By the way, Russia is a multinational state, and the bear is a "national animal" among the Russians, and not among all the peoples of Russia.
            Okay, let it be your way, allegorically:
            ... yes to get media and so on. a reason to pull the Russian cat bear by the whiskers.

            Interesting discussion topic:

            Navalny received a sentence: Europe and the United States demand immediate release

            I imagined a Western journalist who wrote an article on a topic like: "Russians' comments on the punishment of Navalny")))
            1. 0
              3 February 2021 02: 03
              I do not need to be attributed to the Russians. I am from Ukraine and, sadly, but this is true, their subject
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. -1
                3 February 2021 06: 32
                I am from Ukraine ... their subject

                Sorry, I didn't even know that this Ukraine of yours became a monarchy. From the simplicity of his soul, he believed that it was after all a republic.
                1. 0
                  3 February 2021 12: 56
                  based on Ze's latest antics, it is a monarchy with a dictatorial bias
        2. +1
          3 February 2021 05: 31
          What is this "cat bear"? Do you at least understand what "pisnUl"? If there is a "cat bear", then there is a "horse cockroach" (in the sense - runs fast?) ...
          1. +1
            3 February 2021 08: 48
            What is this "cat bear"?

            Binturong is a "cat bear")))
  3. -1
    2 February 2021 22: 31
    Navalny is just in time for the 2024 elections to spearhead new unrest.
    1. +4
      2 February 2021 22: 38
      In America? Instead of Biden?
  4. +3
    2 February 2021 22: 38
    Julian Assange has been sitting for a long time))
  5. -8
    3 February 2021 03: 48
    But the Russian authorities are really afraid of Navalny, the farce with the trial and the verdict clearly demonstrated this.
    1. +3
      3 February 2021 04: 14
      But the pace bearers are really afraid of Iran!
      And from Hezbollah, they go by themselves.))
      1. -1
        3 February 2021 15: 04
        Yeah, the Persians silently take out the carcasses of their destroyed soldiers from Syria after each Israeli strike on Iranian targets and chew snot. lol
    2. +3
      3 February 2021 04: 30
      It was serviced by all the main NATO intelligence services, and at the output they received a cheap fake about a palace with computer graphics laughing
      It is not Putin who is afraid of Navalny, but the United States and its sixes are afraid of Putin, because otherwise they would not have tried to arrange a color revolution in Russia for the last 7-8 years at least. Do you know why the "Arab spring" in Russia is impossible? that there are no Arabs in Russia laughing
      1. -4
        3 February 2021 15: 05
        Quote: Stanislav Bykov
        Because there are no Arabs in Russia

        Clear business. Even Arabs would not tolerate such power ...
        1. +2
          3 February 2021 15: 53
          Well, what did you get to our government? Deal with the corrupt official Netanyahu for a start
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. +1
                  3 February 2021 20: 06
                  So your Jewish opinion about our government is not very interesting to us.
  6. +1
    3 February 2021 04: 16
    ... Europe and the United States demand ...

    bully here you are.
  7. +3
    3 February 2021 05: 27
    Finally! SchA in general mode his ears will be cleaned (and not only). And the shobla, who grunts and hums something for him, will forget him the day after tomorrow ...
  8. +3
    3 February 2021 07: 36
    Attempts to interfere are increasing. It is a pity that our Code does not allow summing up the terms for each violation, otherwise, you see, the creator of libel would be soldered, like in the USA, several decades of prison - others thought.
  9. +4
    3 February 2021 09: 44
    The term is symbolic and does not correspond to all his “merits”.
  10. 0
    4 February 2021 14: 23
    Now - no matter how you look, who is Navalny - the founder of FBK. Cool. So he was imprisoned because he tried to fight corruption?
    It must be directly indicated in the headings of the articles -
    "Bora Navalny was finally given the required three rubles."
    "The fighter against corruption turned out to be a thief and a spender"
    "Oppositionist Navalny, who spoke out against corruption, stole from his own fund."
    So that in every phrase, in every heading, the association of the words "Navalny - VOR" was in full swing ... Adjustable ...
    Is he convicted by the court? Is the guilt proven? Everything! All to rest. The thief - on the bunk, the rest of the valerian, haloperidol, and also to rest ... three years old ... and then we'll see ...
    One fighter with the idea, as soon as the gates of the zone were opened in front of him, jumped into a private helicopter and, faster than sound, found himself abroad, where he can now calmly write his memoirs, occasionally throwing a new generation of fighters "... my soul is with you"