Political scientist: Under the "navalnists" Crimea will go to the Turks, and St. Petersburg - to the Finns


In the event of a change of power in Russia, under pressure or by force, the country will inevitably suffer serious territorial losses. The famous Russian economist and political scientist Mikhail Delyagin said this on the air of radio "Aurora", answering questions from subscribers of the channel on YouTube.

According to Delyagin, riots on the streets of Russian cities can raise not Alexei Navalny to the top of power, but Alexei Kudrin, who now works as the head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Rather, Kudrin will become (head of state - ed.), He will live in this palace and will not hide anything

- considers Delyagin.

The political scientist also noted that the loss of a number of lands may become a kind of retribution for the next coup in Russia.

I hope that there will be no disintegration of Russia, but if it happens, then the greatest chances of getting the Stavropol Territory from Turkey or greater Chechnya

- said Delyagin.

Slavery will be, Haiti will be like Ukraine, only worse. Petersburg can be given to Swedes, Finns or Germans. Crimea will go to Turkey. Kuban to Turks too

- added the economist in the program "Delyagin's Word".

Note that recently some experts have been talking about a split in the Russian elite, arguing that not only the West, but also some forces in the Russian Federation are behind Navalny. Allegedly, there is a serious internal elite conflict in Russia and these forces want to make Navalny the president of the country instead of Vladimir Putin. At the same time, the "navalnists" are ready to exchange power on the territory.
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  1. -10
    27 January 2021 14: 40
    Political scientist: Under the "navalnists" Crimea will go to the Turks, and St. Petersburg - to the Finns

    God, what nonsense!
    Right from the mythical "navalnists" and ending with "nightmarish consequences".
    1. +4
      27 January 2021 15: 00
      If Kurginyan constantly declares this, who knows a lot, then this is not nonsense. In the spring of 1991, the collapse of the USSR, too, many could call nonsense. But the collapse happened and the all-powerful KGB did not help.
      A question for the current special services. They must answer - is this nonsense or not?
      1. -11
        27 January 2021 15: 10
        Quote: Bulanov
        declares Kurginyan, who knows a lot,

        Knows no more than you.
        And no more than the rest of the would-be analysts.
        Only, unlike you, he knows how to inflate better.
        That's right, like other would-be analysts.

        Quote: Bulanov
        In the spring of 1991, the collapse of the USSR, too, many could call nonsense

        And the mythical navalnyata, what can they have to do with the collapse of the Russian Federation?
        If the Russian Federation is destroyed, then the national leaders and the border barons.

        Quote: Bulanov
        A question for the current special services. They must answer - is this nonsense or not?

        They would have to protect themselves if something happened.
        And their families.
        And then in 1917 the then security officials were sometimes hung right on the lamp posts.
        And I won't even write what happened to families.
        1. +7
          27 January 2021 15: 30
          Judging by your post, "steppe", people with such statements as yours, a little later, in 1918, may also shine something not very pleasant, if, of course, you do not have time to settle in the Cheka. But there Comrade. Dzerzhinsky quickly led the "fellow travelers" out into the open. Do not think that the Russian revolt will hang some and leave others. It can go to everyone, and even to those who hung on lampposts, but a little later, in 1937.
          1. -9
            27 January 2021 16: 21
            You, Bulanov, if you wanted to say something, say so, don't hide.
            And then walk around the bush. Littering words that have no specific meaning.
            1. +5
              27 January 2021 16: 51
              Quote: stepet
              Littering words that have no specific meaning.

              Citizen stepset, you are just scared. smile
        2. +4
          27 January 2021 15: 34
          Quote: stepet
          And I won't even write what happened to families.

          stepsetare you threatening? A member of Navalny's circle? Confess, don't be ashamed. lol
      2. -1
        27 January 2021 15: 21
        But the collapse happened and the all-powerful KGB did not help.

        The GKChP was planned in the "Office". But something went wrong (most likely an internal betrayal) and the opposite happened. Americans outbid and outplayed.
      3. +2
        27 January 2021 17: 05
        ... and the almighty KGB did not help.

        The KGB was also engaged in collapse. Read the same Kurginyan "Red Spring".
        He has a well-written description of which KGB departments were initially engaged in this, which department threw which one. Foreign intelligence focused on the elder Bush. But the fighters against "internal enemies" sold themselves to Clinton, that is, to global financiers. And foreign intelligence was wiped out from the case.
  2. +3
    27 January 2021 15: 14
    Sheer nonsense, sheer. Navalny will never be at the helm. Everyone has a role to play. The role of Navalny with the bulk is to be a "battering ram" to undermine the situation in which certain people will come to power (a kind of change of power) I admit that Navalny will slip into the State Duma, no more, no one will give him more.
    1. +1
      27 January 2021 23: 29
      Afinogen, and what is now taken to the Duma and with convictions?
      1. 0
        28 January 2021 00: 04
        Oh, I don’t know, I’ve never been in the thought (passed by) lol
        1. +1
          28 January 2021 00: 16
          Navalny, he is an incorrigible repeat offender. Yes
          1. 0
            28 January 2021 00: 23
            Without a doubt Yes
  3. -8
    27 January 2021 15: 14
    Is this Delyagin really feeding on political science, carrying such nonsense? And who will pay for it? Although on the first TV channel such a "political scientist" would be appropriate.
  4. -8
    27 January 2021 15: 28
    In the world, only one power is now seizing foreign lands is Russia. And you shouldn't blame your illness on others.
    1. +7
      27 January 2021 15: 40
      Russia is restoring its 1945 borders. And who has the most military bases in all countries of the world?
      1. +4
        27 January 2021 17: 42
        Russia will not be restored until the borders of 1945. It is not necessary to take the Balts into Russia, the Center and the West of Ukraine too. Now even Belarus is questionable. The Russian currency zone will include the territory of the CMEA countries, the former republics and many more.
        But they will not let everyone who wants to join the Russian Federation. Only because of urgent need and for special merits, like the LDNR.
        1. -1
          28 January 2021 11: 47
          Quote: boriz
          Russia will not be restored until the borders of 1945.

          Someone will let Russia do it))))
      2. 0
        27 January 2021 19: 25
        Quote: Bulanov
        Russia is restoring its 1945 borders.

        With your ability to manage, you need to return to the boundaries of the 12th century (((
    2. +3
      27 January 2021 17: 12
      Don't worry, no one will capture you for sure. Well, maybe when Biden sends the world economy into a deep dive (and it won't take long to wait) and you start to bend, Ida Virumaa will be added to Russia. And you will have no one to complain about, your own fault.
  5. +2
    27 January 2021 16: 30
    But the truth is always unpleasant. When Ebn was striving for power, they also said the truth - they did not believe. And that the Supreme Soviet would be shot from tanks was also incredible. But it happened. And then nothing depended on people. You cannot trust the politicians who do not announce their program of the country's development. Today in Norkin's program, the Yabloko representative openly said that Crimea should be discussed with the international community, despite the new Constitution. Therefore, Delyagin is right - with the coming to power of Navalny, Kudrin and the Yabloko party, Russia will lose its territory!
  6. 0
    27 January 2021 17: 01
    What to argue.
    The authors have already let it slip
    In the fall, elections for the EDR

    Therefore, drown, drown and drown.

    "Petersburg to the Finns, the Bridge to the Turks, Moscow to the Martians."
    1. 0
      27 January 2021 17: 40
      Valeria Ilyinichna Novodvorskaya was formulated more simply:

      Russia should become the 51st US state.

      The lady is colorful and sincere in every sense, I talked to her on the forums. It's a pity, diabetes, like I missed, you will still laugh, you were registered in the same clinic, lived at 22 obliquely ...
      1. 0
        27 January 2021 23: 06
        That was not only in the 90s.
        What happened is gone. The Novodvorskys just clowned, cooler than the Zhiriks, until their time passed.
        But black PR remained
  7. -2
    27 January 2021 19: 06
    Perturbations in the country are pulling all sorts of murky political scientists, experts, academics of military-political academies and other foam to the surface. )
  8. 123
    27 January 2021 21: 49
    Meanwhile, overseas ...
    Texas is discussing a referendum bill to secede from the United States.

    It looks like the boomerang of fate hits the back of the head of the exceptional. winked
    So let's drink to the exception ..... Texas off the state list drinks
    Freedom to Texas fellow
    1. 0
      28 January 2021 21: 35
      The total number of states will not change laughing another bill is being introduced there, they want to recognize one district as a state ... request it's a pity...
      An interesting feature of the Anglo-Saxons, even with those with whom they fought, they continue to be friends ... recourse
      1. 123
        29 January 2021 06: 42
        The total number of states will not change. another bill is being introduced there, they want to recognize one district as a state ..

        This is not to alter the flag? The main number of stars? An interesting approach, however, this is typical for America in recent years, the main thing is to seem and not to be.

        You won't be able to push your heads together either, which is a pity ..

        Who will fail? Whom to push?

        An interesting feature of the Anglo-Saxons, even with those with whom they fought, they continue to be friends ...

        Anglo-Saxons to be friends? belay Are you seriously? God save us from such friendship.
        1. 0
          29 January 2021 07: 53
          Learn to rule an Empire over which the sun does not set. Many former colonies still retain English as a state, and are part of the Commonwealth ...
          How do they do it ???

          In Russia they cannot "control" what is beyond the Moscow Ring Road. Have you ever wondered what is the secret of the art of management? Think at your leisure ... hi
          1. 123
            29 January 2021 09: 21
            Learn to rule an Empire over which the sun does not set. Many former colonies still retain English as a state, and are part of the Commonwealth ...
            How do they do it ???

            And what is there to learn? The empire shrank to the islands and in my opinion this is not the limit. Were managed winked We have more time zones laughing After the departure of the state, the language remains not only English, somewhere French, somewhere Russian. Now, if English had not been the state language there, and after it had left, I would have been surprised.

            In Russia they cannot "control" what is beyond the Moscow Ring Road. Have you ever wondered what is the secret of the art of management? Think at your leisure ...

            You know better from afar? Are you sure of your conclusion? Do you think you are better? There were a lot of people willing. There is one snag, we traditionally have a special attitude towards "external managers". The conversation is short, "with a razor to the throat and down the well." Maybe this is the secret of black soil fertility? Think about it at your leisure hi
  9. 0
    28 January 2021 09: 55
    And that everything was so fine in Russia without Navalny, everything was fine in the USSR before the collapse, everything was cloudless in Tsarist Russia? When the authorities cease to work for the benefit of this state, and begins to use the opportunities they have only in their own interests, and cataclysms occur.
    1. 123
      29 January 2021 06: 45
      And that everything was so fine in Russia without Navalny, everything was fine in the USSR before the collapse, everything was cloudless in Tsarist Russia?

      The whole world was not cloudless. What does Navalny have to do with it and how does this justify him?

      When the government stops working for the benefit of this state, and begins to use the opportunities they have only in their own interests, and cataclysms occur.

      Suitable for the USA good
      1. -1
        29 January 2021 06: 55
        As well as to Russia, Navalny shows that this is not correct, that the one who spoke about caring for the country stopped fulfilling their official duties! What Russia does not have for normal life? If only the head!
  10. 0
    28 January 2021 21: 25
    I remember during the confrontation both in the US and in the UK they called for a fight - Let's Protect Our Way of Life!

    Roughly the same thing happened in the USSR.

    But now who? and which? lifestyle will protect? From the outside attack, inside the reel.
    Yes, the authorities have something to protect. They just don't want changes. What about the rest? I would like to be specific from the authorities, what way of life will you call to protect? On both sides of the "barricades" it seems they do not understand WHAT FOR? Well, the owner of the "factory" will not change for hard workers ...


    - I fight ... just because I fight!

    D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers
    1. 123
      29 January 2021 07: 02
      I remember during the confrontation both in the US and in the UK they called for a fight - Let's Protect Our Way of Life!

      Curious how it looks from you.
      How is your lifestyle different, that you are ready to fight for it.

      From the outside attack, inside the reel.

      You have no hesitation? And attacks only rally.

      On both sides of the "barricades" it seems they do not understand WHAT FOR? Well, the owner of the "factory" will not change for the hard workers ...

      It’s not a matter of lifestyle, but rather of survival. What this change of the "owner of the factory" looks like, we felt the hard way 20-30 years ago. Maybe we'll just change it? How do you like this proposal?
      In general, everything is simple, you will persist, you will finally get it and we will come to you and change the "lifestyle".
      1. 0
        29 January 2021 07: 43
        No 123, it's a matter of lifestyle! Does he suit you? I counted on other comments laughing Thought defenders of palaces would designate themselves sad But it seems that no one (except for the chops) wants to protect the gentlemen, well, good news ...

        About change with us tongue read below hi

        They only die for something worth living for.

        Antoine de Saint-Exupery
        1. 123
          29 January 2021 09: 03
          Thought defenders of palaces would designate themselves

          Let the property owners have a headache about this. Yes

          But it seems that no one (except for the chops) wants to protect the gentlemen, well, good news ...

          This is a somewhat simplistic approach. Protect from whom? From other gentlemen? Do we need them here? In my opinion, no. If it was only about the palaces, the nuance is that the palaces are with us, on our land. And you are not officially welcome here.

          To change with us, read below

          Read Yes So what are you willing to die for?
  11. 0
    29 January 2021 07: 46
    Quote: 123
    ... we will come to you and change the "lifestyle".

    Naive little man! Where are you going dear?
    1. 123
      29 January 2021 15: 22
      Naive little man! Where are you going dear?

      No more than you. Wherever it is necessary, we will come there. This is our planet. hi
      1. 0
        29 January 2021 23: 00
        Pan Ataman, the horses are drunk, lads harnessed!

        Wedding in Malinovka

        This is our planet - Here I agree with you 100% wink

        Why are you "sausage" for any reason? A mosquito on Mars sneezes, but is there a crisis in Russia? Send statements (excuses) of officials. Like circles on the water, after the statement of some deputy cleaner at Buckingham Palace.

        Disaster flags: (features of the system's behavior, by which one can judge about the approach of the critical point)
        1. 123
          30 January 2021 08: 55
          Something you get a set of words. Is this a Ternopil falkler?