When will America fall apart? Three signs

The power of the United States seems to many to be indestructible. But the United States is now in a state of serious political and economic crisis. Washington’s position in the world is rapidly weakening, and the sad ending of the former rival, the Soviet Union, looms ever more clearly before the country. This is indicated by a number of signs that at one time accompanied the collapse of the Soviet state, and now they are more clearly manifested in the United States.

One of the first and most serious signs is the collapse of coalitions. In the late 1980s. the "socialist bloc" began to fall apart, which culminated in a complete split of Eastern Europe from the USSR. Now Russia and most countries of Eastern Europe are in a very difficult relationship. As for the United States, we see how today more and more former allies are turning away from Washington. Many of them Donald trump himself averted his ill-conceived policies. Relations between the US and the European Union have worsened, as it turned out that their goals are very different.

Washington almost lost Turkey, which was formerly the main ally of the States in the Middle East. Now Turkish President Recep Erdogan is not stingy with curses on the United States, although the Turks did not leave NATO. India is showing an independent course and is not going to obey American bans on trade with Russia. Saudi Arabia is also beginning to interact with Moscow, although it previously followed in the wake of American politics. Finally, not everyone is calm in East Asia, where South Korea and Japan also strive to act without looking at Washington.

Like in the late 1980s. There was an ideological crisis in the Soviet Union, and the United States is now facing a fiasco on this front. Nobody believes in American democracy anymore, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Washington to convince the world that it does not act for its own financial benefits, but in the name of human rights and freedoms. The Americans themselves are disappointed in the “American dream,” especially after the numerous and gross failures of the anti-Russian information campaign. Even market values, which were formerly a pillar of American ideology, are being faded into the background. What kind of free market can we talk about when in the USA all enterprises are concentrated in the hands of either the state or large transnational corporations that have little in common with genuine private business.

A serious blow to US positions is the country's participation in numerous wars and conflicts. Americans are fighting all over the world, but these wars cannot be called successful. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria - how many more “hot spots” does Washington need? At the same time, the US is afraid to participate in a war with a strong enemy, fearing numerous losses and destruction on its territory. The more American soldiers are fighting in more countries, the less they are afraid of the American army in the world. After all, she has shown herself unable for many years to cope with rebel groups in Afghanistan, with government forces in Syria. American authority rested on economic advantage and military strength, but now the world is seeing how weakening economy The United States, dependent on gigantic growing debt, and how the American army gets stuck in numerous conflicts. The collapse of the empire is inevitable, it remains only to wait for it to come.