Israeli Air Force bombed Damascus International Airport

On the night of June 26, the Syrian capital was subjected to an external attack. According to the Syrian state television channel, Israeli missiles from the territory of the occupied Golan attacked Damascus International Airport.

According to the Russian Spring website, which cites a source among the Syrian military, several missiles were shot down by missile defense systems, but two still exploded near the airport. The attacks hit warehouses and the area where cargo planes are located. The discontent of Tel Aviv caused the cargo brought by the Iranians.

Several "human rights" organizations (that is, representatives of the "Syrian opposition" abroad) confirmed the fact of the Israeli night attack, practically approving it. According to these “oppositionists,” the target of the attack was the warehouses of “foreign militants.” That is what they call the allies of the Syrian army, while in the "opposition" from the very beginning of the war there were many foreign mercenaries.

France-Presse also confirms information about Israeli attacks at the International Airport, reporting that the arms warehouse of the Lebanese Hezbollah party (which, it is worth noting, is located in Syria with the consent of its legitimate government) was destroyed.

Israel continues to be aggressive policies in relation to a neighboring state. Contrary to the UN Charter and international law, Tel Aviv repeatedly bombed Syrian territory. Often these bombings result in human casualties. At the same time, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that his country "retains freedom of action" in Syria. Impunity of the aggressor leads to the fact that this illegal “freedom” inflicts air strikes on a sovereign state only expanding, which significantly complicates the already difficult situation in Syria.

As for the Israeli military, according to the Russian agency Interfax, they refuse to confirm or deny the fact of another attack on the territory of the Syrian capital. The excuse is simple: they "do not comment on foreign posts."

Earlier, the Israel Defense Forces issued a harsh anti-Syrian statement accusing the SAR army of capturing the observation post of the UN International Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in Kuneitra province.

We are aware of what is happening, of work to strengthen our positions, and we regard this as a serious and brazen violation of ceasefire agreements

The IDF said in a statement.

The truth, however, is that this post was abandoned by the UN peacekeeping forces back in 2012, and there is no sense in occupying it - it is in the zone through which Israeli weapons are shooting through. In addition, the Israeli television station KAN-11 showed footage shot at an allegedly “captured” former UN post, which does not show a single Syrian soldier. These videos contrasted with offscreen text, which referred to “capture”.

The question arises: why did Israel need to blame the Syrian army for “seizing” something there in the area of ​​the separation line? Firstly, with the help of such accusations it is possible once again to denigrate Syria before the “world community”. Secondly, to justify their own acts of aggression (which, however, the Israeli military cowardly refuses to confirm). And thirdly, as the Major and General telegram suggests, perhaps Israel is preparing “some kind of cunning provocation” against Syria.
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  1. -4
    26 June 2018 19: 56
    This Elena Gromova is still that little thing - her hatred of Israel just rolls over. Especially touched by the mention of cowardice of the Israelites. bully Well, if anyone is subject to fear in the region, it’s Vovka Putin’s Arab sidekicks — they have to constantly receive from Israel painful and humiliating slap in the face. good
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. 0
    27 June 2018 21: 22
    Assad has been fighting for so many years, but he cannot create a normal army, there are no soldiers. And in Israel, even women liable for military service. When in Syria the people will be able to give their lives for their homeland, then no one will endure aggression. It seems that we are stuck in this Syria on a slice of Afghanistan.
  4. 0
    28 June 2018 10: 13
    Why - they forgot to bring pensions to them that they were so brutalized ?!
  5. +1
    29 June 2018 12: 58
    Israeli bandits have transformed into bandits, but do not think guys that your impunity will last forever. You live among the Arabs, you need to think how to survive there. And if you consider how you are pushing everyone with America, you won’t last long. Begin to think about where the new Moses will drive you for another forty years ...