Seven facts of Russian life that shock foreigners

As you know, they don’t go to a foreign monastery with their own way of life. But getting used to a different and seemingly so strange order of things is not so simple, even lived in a new place for several years. Many foreigners, having spent not so little time in Russia, are still shocked by the Russian way of life, traditions, habits and behavioral attitudes. What surprises guests most from other countries?

1. Openness and sociability

Russians are far more collectivists than Americans or Europeans. Although the peasant community has long been gone, our people’s craving for a collective lifestyle has not disappeared. The Russian will not be on duty smiling at the pointless question “How are you?”, But he will gladly tell about himself and his problems, listen to another. In Russia, a friend or even just an acquaintance is the best psychologist. Foreigners do not cease to be amazed by the Russian propensity for intimate conversation.

2. Holidays and feasts

All significant events and holidays in Russia are celebrated with a feast. It is not a pity even for the last money to adequately celebrate a birthday or New Year, and in their absence you can get into debt. The main thing is a generous treat for guests, songs and dances, conversations until late at night. Russian people are broad in nature, which is very striking in comparison with the fisted Europeans and Americans. And who of them will even survive a real Russian feast with an abundance of dishes and drinks?

3. Hospitality

In Russia, close and not even very friends can safely come to visit at any time and no one will blame them for invading someone else's life. The guest will always be welcomed, they will talk with him, they will find out what brought him, and if necessary they will help. Europeans or Americans are more likely to meet each other in cafes, bars, pubs, and in most Russians a cafe or pub completely replaces a kitchen or living room. Russian hospitality is in the blood and this is a very important quality that also surprises foreigners. However, all the advantages of Russian hospitality are already felt by foreigners at the 2018 World Cup.

4. Superstition

Of course, you won’t scare the African with Russian superstition, but Europeans or Americans are surprised at how much many Russians believe in signs: don’t whistle - there will be no money, spit over your shoulder if the black cat crossed the road, go around the “damn gate” - crossed poles. For foreigners, it looks wild, but for us it’s a familiar part of life.

5. old New Year

Perhaps one of the most incomprehensible events for foreigners is the old New Year. You can’t even explain the first time what it is and why almost every Russian family still notes it. If you count all the January holidays, then the Russians “walk” for almost a month.

6. Early marriage

Even now, at the beginning of the XNUMXst century, Russians are getting married and getting married much earlier than Europeans and Americans. Of course, the age of marriage is gradually shifting in Russia, but this is not so noticeable. Foreigners don’t understand why almost every Russian girl wants to get married and a happy marriage is still considered to be a value much more than a career or financial well-being.

7. Sentimentality

The Russian man, even if he is “terrible in the face”, is almost always kind inside. He may cry over the plot of a book or film, he is very kind to pets. And this is not a tribute to fashion, as in the West, but a natural quality, which is rooted in the Russian soul itself.