Nurse Poroshenko prepares a "mental hospital" for transfer to the new owner

Nevertheless, everyone has already forgotten the case of the murdered, but never killed Ukrainian Skripal - Babchenko, through the efforts of local morons, found its continuation. Moreover, it is very unexpected. And for the first time since the beginning of this masquerade, this sequel is very positive for us (I’m talking about Russia now).

The same inglorious bastards, who started this whole masquerade, have no way back. Now you want, you don’t want, but you have to pretend to be holy naivety and, wringing your hands, say: “Well, why, what do you not want to believe us? After all, this is all true! Here is the list of alleged future victims seized from the customer of the failed murder. " How did he not eat it - I don’t understand ?! And then a top secret list is allowed to leak. Who, who are these zhurnalyugi who leaked it? And where did the SBU look? And it was just there that it looked, so that this list got where it should be - to the press. And the press already knows what to do with it - to publicize. And from somewhere in your pocket, a list of 30 potential dead candidates is already being taken. Which as you move in the press, something increases from 30 to 47.

Naturally, everyone tried to put his own personal enemy there too - here is a list and a swell as you move to the heights of publicity. And after all, all the people who were well-deserved there turned out to be faithfully serving the regime, some even ran across from the opposite side to deal more effectively with Moscow tyranny, broadcasting the truth-womb from the Ukrainian gateway. And here we have reason to be glad, because the Ukrainian mass media-entertainers of this action, in order to prove their case, there is no better way how to soak one of them. Well, to prove the reality of the bloody intentions of the Kremlin villain.

Oh god tell me? Can not be! And what, actually? Maybe even how it can. Putin is like that. Bloodthirsty! How did he still stop at only 47? Why not at 147? Or 257? And here for Yevgeny Kiselyov and Matvey Ganapolsky, topping this list, the funniest days begin. Ganapolsky has already stated that he is seriously afraid for his life. And rightly so! SBU soak it, like two fingers on the asphalt. First time or what? Denis Voronenkov directly without leaving the box office failed. And nothing! You can, of course, pay off. But there is no complete certainty that the money will reach the destination. And when they fill up, then there will be no one to ask. Waste-free production. And the sheep are dead, and the wolves are full!

Who was our third on the list? Dmitry Gordon? Great candidate! I support! I think that the killers themselves will pay extra to overwhelm him. SBU can earn money from both sides and still bang. Nauseous character. I changed my shoes on air so many times that I’ve lost count already. Either he is for the whites, then for the reds. Now again for the whites. Recently, on air of the 112th, he gave a lost credit of 500 bucks to his neighbor in the cemetery (the future, of course - we’ll all be there, someone earlier, like Gordon, someone later, like his neighbor). He bet that the World Cup will be taken from the Russian Federation. I swore to my mother, I’ll be a reptile, I said, I won’t see a century of will - not see the championship in Russia, as my own ears. Argued. Then he told me for a long and tedious reason why this should have happened and why it did not. You will never guess why. It turns out Putin bought it all. Cheap and cheerful! More precisely expensive, very expensively bought all. The FSB was out of breath to distribute money in boxes from a Xerox and send it to recipients.

I have only one question - why put so little at stake? Only 500 bucks ?! If there were such triggers that they will take it away, and then they will catch it and take it away again. It was already necessary to put at least a mower. Three is better! And after all, he brought these triggers. And the Skripals case, and the newly emerged circumstances of the downed Boeing, and the doping scams, and the McLaren report, and the white flag Olympics, and the killed Syrian babies, and 105 rabid Tomahawks, and not a handshake Putin, and a new sanctions list, and a ban on SP-2, and NATO exercises at the northwestern borders of the Russian Federation - well, everything clearly said that the Russian Federation had been driven behind the flags and there wouldn’t be a championship. And here such a bummer. Well, isn't Putin the villain? I bought everything! I could not buy Rodchenkov alone - there was not enough money. And poor Gordon is now paying. And maybe even his life.

Looking through the zoo bars all this menagerie, you catch yourself once again thinking - oh, and flatters them all! You may even find it funny, but I live here. When they seized power here 4 years ago, I had the full feeling that this was not for long. Well, that can't last long. Because it’s a mess, it’s impossible - it’s not fair! But it lasts for almost 5 years and the end and the edge is not visible. It turns out that you can, honestly, if it is beneficial to someone? And this someone you yourself know who - his American ears keep peeking out because of the pots that these snows have not been removed for 4 years. But when the attention of the puppeteer weakens, then the pure circus begins, which we now observe. More precisely - the circus has already left, the clowns remained. Evil so stupid clowns. Or, if we go completely to the language of allegories - all this no longer looks like a circus, but a mental hospital, where patients seized power and door keys and now dictate a course of treatment to the head doctor.

If you thought that the head doctor was Poroshenko, then you are mistaken - he is a recovering nurse who bought a nurse’s diploma for a kilo of sweets, and with it the right to wear a white coat. But a white coat is not salvation, but only an irritant for violent ones. And it is not a fact that its owner will have time to carry away his legs when they start another seizure. Nobody has survived with an enema against sharpening and knives. Now the chief doctor is not up to them - he has things to do and more importantly, he is preparing the hospital for transfer to the new owner. But there is no wish for this asset yet and it more and more resembles a suitcase without a handle - and it’s a pity to abandon and carry it hard. But I'm afraid that by the time of the transfer there will be nothing left in the suitcase - no people, no clothes. People will rest, their clothes will be taken away for debts.
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  1. +1
    24 June 2018 22: 36
    Wicked but true article ... 5+