Russian opinion: What I like about the character of Americans

The Russian media write a lot about the USA and the Americans and almost always negatively. You can understand the criticism of the American leadership and policy The United States, which in the vast majority of cases is absolutely fair. But negativity against American politicians involuntarily casts a shadow on the American people themselves. But Americans, like everyone else, simply have their own individual characteristics, strengths and weaknesses that distinguish them from others.

Russian opinion: What I like about the character of Americans

Among the character traits inherent in this people are many positive. It cannot be argued that every American possesses them, or that Americans have no negative qualities. It is also incorrect to assume that the described character traits are alien to representatives of other peoples. It's just that this set of positive qualities is inherent in the average US citizen.

1. Independence

In American society, upon reaching adulthood, it is customary to start living separately. For them, living with their parents at the age of 30 is wildness. Parents provide their children with an initial material base, after which the children leave parental care. The older generation does not interfere in their personal lives, but also does not help financially, does not educate grandchildren, etc.

2. Self respect

The American puts personal interests at the forefront. For him, the most important thing is personal comfort, self-realization, self-esteem. At first glance, it might seem that we are talking about banal egoism, but this is not so.

The fact is that they recognize the same respect for someone else's personality. For them, this apparent egoism is the foundation of respect for others. After all, a person who is not able to respect himself will not be able to respect others.

3. Diligence

Most Americans are big workaholics. In America, it is customary to subordinate everything to the interests of the cause. Americans believe that a working person will not be poor. Many are ready to work with full dedication, often overtime.

They have a socialist principle in effect: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work." Americans can be sure that all their efforts will be paid. So they have accepted.

4. Cleanliness

US citizens are simply obsessed with order. This, of course, is not about homeless or deserted people. I mean an ordinary American family. They maintain perfect cleanliness in their homes. Moreover, everyone cleans up after himself and in his room, without shifting the cleaning in the house to one of the family members. Americans get used to it from early childhood.

5. Friendliness and openness

The hallmark of the country has long been an American smile, wide and often used. Of course, one can doubt, and not without reason, in her sincerity. But, in my opinion, feigned friendliness is better than sincere aggressiveness.

But it’s hard to blame them for excessive diplomacy. They rarely beat around the bush, and chop the truth-uterus from the shoulder. They can, without hesitation, ask the interlocutor an inappropriate question or raise an uncomfortable topic in a conversation. Therefore, they seem a little boorish, despite the smile.

It seems to me that there are no good or bad nations in nature. Each nation has its own characteristics and differences, making the world brighter and more diverse.