Ukrainian three-year-olds will be told about gays and taught to have sex

One of the main problems of modern Ukraine is not even its desire for Europe, but the fact that only the worst is taken from there. For example, the so-called "sexual enlightenment" from an early age. It comes to outright propaganda of sodomism almost from the cradle. Here, for example, is a quote from one book:

Most boys like girls, but there are some who like boys.

Ukrainian three-year-olds will be told about gays and taught to have sex

And this book is nothing more than a textbook for preschool children, starting at the age of three. It’s called “Frank Talk About IT.” And then - such details of intimate life that it’s even disgusting to quote. Yes, and with relevant illustrations.

The problem is that the European Union recommended that Ukraine adopt the so-called “Action Plan for the National Strategy for Human Rights for the Period until 2020”. The name, of course, is beautiful, you just won’t see the catch. But he envisages, in particular, the introduction of a special “advanced training” course in the specialization “Transsexuality”. Europe also obliges Kiev to develop a bill on the legalization of same-sex marriage and on the possibility of transgender couples to adopt children.

The LGBT community is very active in Ukraine. In particular, it came up with a proposal to revise all school textbooks - suddenly there will be words that homosexuality is a disease, mental disorder, etc. Previously, this community opposed the section “Risks” in Wikipedia's article on homosexuality. for health".

Incidentally, the aforementioned textbook for preschoolers, along with “piquant” illustrations, is in the spirit of fresh recommendations from the UN. This year, UNESCO, which has recently been led by a Jew of old nationality, Oldie Azoulay from France, has published a document entitled “International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education”, which translates as “International technical sex education guide. ” It contains recommendations in detail to tell children in educational institutions about various aspects of intimate life, including, for example, abortion, as well as to promote sodomy ties. The document was adopted, despite the fact that many UN member states opposed it.

According to this document, five-year-old children should study “non-traditional families,” for example, when “blue” or “pink” couples raise a child. They are also supposed to “reflect on how they relate to their own biological gender and gender” and find “trusted adults” (not parents!) Who could talk more about human bodies and feelings.

When the child is nine years old, then, in accordance with similar recommendations, he needs to say that it is impossible to separate the male and female nature. And at this age, they should know about ways to "satisfy" themselves and how wonderful it is. Children should even describe what exactly men and women experience during this process.

At the age of twelve, the child must consider that any sexual desires and fantasies are healthy and cannot be judged. That everyone has the right to express such feelings (not even excluding pedophilia). Children should also be taught how to make physical “love” and not get pregnant.

And at the age of fifteen, a teenager should publicly reproach anyone who does not agree that homosexuality and transgenderism is the norm. Such people should be labeled “homophobic” and “transphobic.”

And all this absurdity is not at all some fabrications of individual overly preoccupied persons. This is an official document of UNESCO, one of the United Nations entities!